Kaido is not like Whitebeard, who can just hang the flag without paying tribute.

Neptune also heard about the tragic situation of countless people in Wanokuni controlled by Kaido.

Most importantly, after Nami, Fitz and others successfully blocked the fish men island route,

Neptune really saw the bright future of The Fish Men Island in Nami, Fitz and others.

The fish men island route, controlled by the fish men, will earn the fish men a steady stream of huge wealth.

At the same time, it greatly improves the status and dignity of the fishmen in the entire pirate world!

But what about The fish men island route controlled by Four Emperors Kaido?

Putting aside the fact that countless fish men have become Kaido’s thugs and slaves, Kaido really needs to take control of the fish men island route.

Next, what The Fish Men Island will face is most likely the challenge from the other Four Emperors, as well as the crusade from the World Government and the Naval Headquarters.

The World Government and the other Four Emperors may be able to sit back and watch The fish men island control the entire The fish men island route.

But they absolutely cannot sit back and watch. The fish men island route, a treasure that can affect the balance of the sea, falls into the hands of any Four Emperors group.

It can be said that any pirate group that controls the route to The Fish Men Island can expand its power to the extreme in a short period of time.

The fish men island route, there are countless pirate groups entering the New World from here every day.

Among these pirate groups who have just entered the New World, there are many guys with great potential.

"His Majesty..."

"That's Four Emperors Kaido..."

The left minister looked at Neptune, who had walked out of the mansion with the right minister, Shark Star and other princes, and was still trying to give his final advice.

The reputation of Four Emperors Kaido made Nipton's footsteps hesitate slightly. Then, Nipton laughed and said,

"Hahaha, so what about Kaido, I am the Great Knight of the Sea,"

"I'm not old yet!"

Without looking back, Neptune led his last loyalists and planned to fight Kaido as well.

Just as I kept moving forward, I left the last words behind,

"If we can't come back, then please take care of Shirahoshi!"

"She will be The fish men island, the hope of the future!"

Behind Neptune and others, the eyes of the people who watched Neptune and others go away were filled with tears.

During this period, Shirahoshi, who had finally moved out of the Hard Shell Tower due to the death of Hody Jones, did not feel sad about losing her identity as a princess.

On the contrary, I became much happier because I gained precious freedom.

But now, the long-lost sorrow came to Shirahoshi's heart again.

She was less than twelve years old at this time and had been locked up in a hard-shell tower most of the time.

He is really just a pitiful, weak and helpless baby!

Although her current height is over eight meters...

Shirahoshi began to cry continuously, and looking at Shirahoshi who was crying, and Neptune and others who were already drifting away,

Minister Zuo, who was leaning on crutches and whose long beard was trembling due to inner depression,

He said in a deep voice to the last few servants who stayed to look after the house,

"Take care of your Highness the Princess!"

Then, he waved the crutch in his hand vigorously and chased towards Neptune and others.

"Your Majesty, wait for me..."

"Don't forget, I am yours, Minister Zuo!"

The left minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom may not be very smart, but his loyalty to Neptune has never changed.

He really believed that Neptune was the true king of all the people of The Fish Men Island.

Shirahoshi watched Minister Zuo leave her and then gradually stopped the tears in his eyes.

He hugged his pet next to him, the giant shark Mekaro, who was over ten meters long, and said firmly,

"Why, why do bad people always come to bully us?"

"I want to help everyone too!"

After Shirahoshi finished speaking, a strange and incomparable wave instantly spread from The fish men island to all directions!

In the deep sea, several huge Sea Kings also appeared at this time.

Hearing the call of the real Poseidon, we started heading towards The fish men island,

"Is the king finally starting to wake up?"

"Please order us!"

Those huge Sea Kings already possess preliminary intelligence.

Outside The Fish Men Island, The Fish Men Island Pirate Group Jinbei and others, countless Poseidon troops,

As well as Neptune, his three sons and his last loyal subordinates,

Coupled with a large number of ordinary Sea Kings summoned by Fizz, they began to prepare for the attack.

Although Fitz can also communicate and summon Sea Kings, he is not really Poseidon Poseidon.

While his own strength is still insufficient, he cannot, like Shirahoshi, directly summon and command those deep-sea overlords whose size exceeds several thousand meters.

For ordinary pirates, Sea Kings, which are tens of hundreds of meters in size,

It seems to be no different from the super-large Sea Kings that are several thousand meters in size!

Anyway, if you encounter them in the sea, you will die.

The Sea Kings, which are tens of hundreds of meters in size, can indeed block the route of The Fish Men Island.

It is an extremely terrifying force in the deep sea.

But for Kaido, the Sea Kings, which are only tens of hundreds of meters tall, may not be as big as his own dragon form.

Four Emperors Kaido cannot be easily intercepted by these Sea Kings, which are tens of hundreds of meters in size.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"

"Are you ready to welcome the new owner of The Fish Men Island?"

In the dark deep sea, Kaido waved his dragon claw and tore a huge Sea Kings hundreds of meters in length into two halves.

Then, with his extremely ferocious dragon head, he stared greedily at the extremely beautiful The fish men island in front of him.

As long as he can successfully control the route of The Fish Men Island, even if it only allows him to control it for a year,

The large amount of wealth collected from it and the countless pirate groups he conquered will allow his power to grow rapidly.

And if you can keep the fish men island route firmly in your hands and defeat the other Four Emperors group,

It is only a matter of time to rule the New World and then become the Pirate King.

Whoever masters the route to The Fish Men Island will be able to master countless new blood pirates pouring into the New World from all over the world, and even the first half of the Grand Line.

The Four Emperors group wants to maintain its strong combat power and deterrence, but it needs a steady stream of fresh blood.

Even the smallest group of Red Hair Pirates is never an exception.

Kaido's extremely terrifying Conqueror's Haki followed his extremely terrifying gaze, pressing down on countless The fish men island warriors!

More than one hundred thousand Poseidon army soldiers, under Kaido's Conqueror's Haki, instantly rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground,

Even the left minister under Neptune, who was good at handling clerical work and was already old and frail,

After feebly waving the crutch in his hand a few times,

He also lost all consciousness.

The minions of the Poseidon Army and the Murloc Pirates fell to the ground, and even a large number of smaller Sea Kings controlled by Fitz's summons,

He also rolled his eyes and sank to the bottom of the sea 1

Even though Nami has been vigorously promoting the practice of fish-men karate in The fish men island,

And let go of Marine Six Styles and two-color Haki's training materials!

However, in a short period of time, it is difficult for the combat effectiveness of The Fish Men Island soldiers to change qualitatively.

In front of the top powerhouses of the sea like Four Emperors Kaido, quantity has never meant anything.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"

"You can't stop me!"

"Even in the deep sea, I am still an irresistible and irresistible natural disaster,"

"Come, surrender under my command!"

Kaido looked at the fish men island soldiers lying on the ground and laughed wildly.

Then, several huge groups of shadows instantly blocked all the light on The Fish Men Island!

Three super-giant Sea Kings with a size exceeding 5,000 meters finally arrived at The Fish Men Island because they heard Shirahoshi's call.

Kaido, who is hundreds of meters in size and in dragon form, is like a small insect in front of those super giant Sea Kings.

Kaido's wild laughter stopped abruptly because of the appearance of the super giant Sea Kings.

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