Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 124 The Wonderful Journey Of Nami And Yasuo

"If I were you, I would never set my sights on any samurai's sword!"

Yasuo grabbed Nami's arm that was about to steal his sword, sighed and said,

"It's my only companion."

After being caught, Nami rolled his eyes and looked at Yasuo, who seemed to have a good temper. Tears suddenly appeared in his eyes. He quietly pulled the clothes on his chest with his other hand.

Revealing his sizable figure, he said pitifully with eyes twinkling like stars,

"I'm sorry, I'm so hungry..."

"I haven't eaten in three days!"

As a little thieving cat, Nami's failure to steal is natural!

However, even after missing the target, he was still able to earn his reputation as a little thief cat in the waters near Cocosia Village. This was due to Nami's cleverness.

In order to escape the capture of the owners, Nami used a lot of tricks such as pretending to be pitiful and honey traps.

Most of the pirates who have been sailing on the sea for a long time and cannot reach land for ten days and a half are just LSPs who are motivated by lust!

"You haven't eaten in three days?"

The corner of Yasuo's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the proud Nami in front of him. She didn't look like she was lacking in nutrition.

Yasuo shook his head and let go of Nami's arm.

He had no interest in holding a thief accountable.

Killing is a bad habit. If possible, Yasuo is not willing to let the long knife in his hand be easily stained with blood again.

Just being a thief isn't worth asking Yasuo to draw his sword.

Yasuo planned to let Nami go just like this. He was about to take advantage of Yasuo to be confused by his beauty, and then directly perform a fatal attack. Nami then snatched Yasuo's long sword away, but Nami was stunned on the spot!

What's going on, these days, all the LSPs on the sea have been modified?

Is Yasuo, a guy who looks like he's alone and full of troubles, really a rare good person?

Nami shook her head, instantly throwing away the impression that Yasuo was a good person!

In this sea, there is no essential difference between bounty hunters and pirates who go out to explore.

The narrow range of activities of ships, the long-term unchanged sea scenery, dangerous sea storms, coupled with scarce supplies,

It's enough to turn most pirates and bounty hunters who still have kindness and bottom line in their hearts into complete monsters.

Nami rolled his eyes slightly, looking at Yasuo who let go of him and was about to leave like this, he had an idea.

Staring at his big black eyes, he said passionately to Yasuo,

"Hey, stranger, are you a samurai or a bounty hunter?"

"It's dangerous to sail this sea alone,"

"I am an extremely good navigator and know most of the information about this sea area,"

"Do you need my help?"

If you can't steal directly, you should first mix into those small pirate groups or bounty hunter groups.

Obtaining initial trust and then stealing is also a common trick used by Nami.

Yasuo's steps that were already moving quietly stopped after he heard Nami say that he was a Grandmaster in navigation skills and knew most of the information about this sea area.

Yasuo is not a road warrior, but in the pirate world with extremely weird weather and scattered islands, Yasuo is in urgent need of an excellent navigator.

Yasuo asked in a deep voice,

"Can you take me to the most famous kendo gym in this sea area?"

"I can give you corresponding reward!"

After Yasuo finished speaking, he took out his bulging wallet. In the wallet, the brilliance of a large amount of Bailey and gold suddenly blinded Nami's eyes.

Although Duke is short of money, the basic starting funds for his heroes are still sufficient.


Hearing this, Nami looked at Yasuo's wallet, his eyes suddenly turned into the shape of money, and said excitedly,

"The largest kendo gym in the nearby sea is the Iai kendo gym!"

"It is said that the owner of the kendo gym is a very powerful kendo master. He has taught many powerful disciples. He also once killed a big pirate with a bounty of nearly ten million,"

"Are you going to become a disciple?"

"No, I just want to go and defeat that kendo gym and the owners of all the famous kendo gyms in East Blue!"

Yasuo said calmly,

"Then, build the most powerful and largest kendo gym in this sea area."

How can Yufeng Kendo Gym become the strongest and most famous kendo gym in East Blue?

The answer is, of course, to get ahead by following all the well-known kendo gyms in East Blue.

If possible, Yasuo also wants to take over all the kendo gyms in East Blue.

Creating a well-known kendo gym from scratch is very troublesome.

After Yasuo finished speaking, Nami's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Yasuo like a fool. Then, a warm smile filled her face again!

Only a fool is good!

Only if she is a fool can she make a fortune.

Nami was worried about Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. She had no intention of sending Yasuo to the Iai Kendo Hall obediently. She would only receive a small reward.

"The knife and his wallet will be mine!"

During the voyage, Nami was really good at making money and running away.

Half of her excellent navigation skills were developed in the frenzied pursuit of her owners.

Then, the next day, with his head drooped and big dark circles under his eyes, Nami obediently sent Yasuo to the door of the Iai Kendo Gym.

She never expected that Yasuo would be so alert?

Even when sleeping, as long as she quietly approaches Yasuo within five meters,

Yasuo could stare directly at her with a pair of extremely cold eyes, staring at her every move.

How to do this?

With a reward of 100,000 beli, Nami was about to leave the Iai Kendo Hall and choose the next easy target.

Then, just as Nami turned around, there was a creak, the door of the kendo gym opened, and Yasuo walked out.

Behind Yasuo, the man who was said to have taught many powerful disciples, and who had personally killed an Iaido master who had a bounty of nearly ten million for a big pirate,

He was slumped to the ground, staring stupidly at Yasuo's back.

One knife, just one knife!

Before the leader of the Iai Hall could use his extremely proud extremely fast Iai Slash, Yasuo's long sword,

He had already chopped off a strand of his hair, and then slowly put it into the sheath.

Yasuo is not good at Iai Slash, but compared to the kendo gym leaders in East Blue, which is known as the weakest sea!

Yasuo's strength has far exceeded their imagination.

"Are you interested in taking me to the next famous kendo gym?"

"Same reward!"

Yasuo stopped Nami.

Although Nami always wanted to steal his knife and wallet, her navigation skills were really strong.

She couldn't steal it anyway, so she hired Nami to save Yasuo some time sailing on the sea.

For Yasuo, it’s a steal.

Nami also widened his eyes, and then, after hearing the same reward, he nodded immediately like a chicken pecking at rice!

With Nami's navigation skills, it would only take a day at most to lead Yasuo to the next kendo gym.

Earning 100,000 beli in one day is more than 30 million in a year.

Most of the pirate groups in East Blue are poor people. Nami took great risks and spent several years, but now he has only saved tens of millions of beli.

Now, just by driving the ship for Yasuo and leading the way, it is possible to earn a lot of Pele.

Isn’t this more than what she earned by working hard and taking great risks to steal everywhere?

The little thieving cat Nami took Yasuo and started a journey to challenge kendo gyms in East Blue.

Among the West Blue, the kings who were preparing to swallow up the entire Valoran Chamber of Commerce in one fell swoop also began to make moves.

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