Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 125 The World Of Pirates Is Full Of Wars

"Why are there always some ignorant insects looking for death?"

“Wouldn’t it be great if I can cultivate the land safely and bring a bright future to West Blue?”

Duke, who had just returned to West Blue, had a cold face, and then said solemnly,

"Forget it, since those guys don't want peace,"

"Then, give them war!"

"Maybe it's time for those guys to understand, West Blue, whose West Blue it is!"

Of course, it is impossible for the kings of West Blue to completely conceal the great actions of those kings who rule the underground world of West Blue.

Duke also founded the Valoran Chamber of Commerce Alliance and extended his influence to every corner of the West Blue.

The Valoran Chamber of Commerce has water and electricity factories all over the world, but Duke spent a lot of money to build the infrastructure industry.

Just when profits started, those kings actually wanted to pick peaches?

If you want to kill me, Duke, you can, but if you want to pick my peaches and take my money, Duke can't bear it at all.

Isn’t it just a dozen of West Blue’s World Government franchisees?

World government, Duke City, well, I'm still a little timid when the heroes haven't reached full level yet.

But the dozen or so countries that have joined the World Government in West Blue have never represented World Government.

"Presumably, those five old guys from World Government won't mind the dozen or so World Government member countries from West Blue, let's change them to another king!"

Duke thought to himself.

South Blue, the revolutionary army whose strength was greatly enhanced by the addition of Soraka, also began its journey to liberate more kingdoms because of Soraka's suggestions.

The recovery ability that is almost enough to bring back the dead, coupled with Soraka's own terrifying strength, makes the morale of the South Blue Revolutionary Army extremely high.

"Your Majesty, King Troia and those guys seem to have begun preparing to attack the Valoran Chamber of Commerce."

"This is a huge piece of fat, shouldn't we start moving as well?"

In the palace of the Kingdom of Flowers, the pillar of the Four Treasure Navy who was most loyal to the King of the Kingdom of Flowers asked in a deep voice.

The joint actions of more than a dozen kingdoms in West Blue cannot be hidden not only from the Valoran family, but also from the Kingdom of Flowers, the overlord kingdom of West Blue.

The king of the Kingdom of Flowers, with a stooped body, snow-white hair, and wrinkles on his face, but his eyes still revealed depth and wisdom, was silent for a moment, and then shook his head firmly,

"House Valoran is not an easy bone to chew,"

"It is impossible for the world government to just watch us eat this biggest piece of fat!"

"This is not our feast!"

Ever since many years ago, the World government sent a large number of Marine elites, including Garp, to severely damage the eight naval armies of the Flower Country, and at the same time, it has been overtly and covertly weakening the national power of the Flower Country!

Today's Flower Country still maintains a strong power.

But it is difficult to show his authority in West Blue again.

Several kingdoms secretly supported by the World Government and have been at war with the Kingdom of Flowers have restrained a large amount of the Kingdom of Flowers' combat power.

The pillar of the Four Treasures Navy of the Kingdom of Flowers, after the King of the Kingdom of Flowers finished speaking, he gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred for the World Government.

On the other side, the king of the Kingdom of Rathgap once again firmly rejected the last invitation of the Trojan kings.

Looking at the tall water and electricity factories in my country, as well as the towns that have obviously become much more prosperous because of those water and electricity factories, I sigh secretly,

"Even if we don't swallow up the Valoran Chamber of Commerce, those factories can still bring us a lot of wealth!"

After the infrastructure is built and the people are rich, the kings will naturally receive more taxes and get more money.

It's just that human greed and desires are often not satisfied with everything they get.

They want more, more!

"I declare that you dare to build factories and houses on the king's land and violate the king's law,"

"This land and everything on it will belong to the king!"

The king's envoys from the major kingdoms of West Blue proudly preached the king's orders to the heads of the Valoran Chamber of Commerce's water and electricity factories in various places in West Blue!

In the kingdom, everything can be regarded as the king's wealth.

They could obviously rob directly, but they still gave a high-sounding reason.

Although, this reason is similar to robbery.

"Take it to the king?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"This is the property of the Valoran family,"

"What on earth do you want to do!"

The heads of factories of the Valoran Chamber of Commerce in various parts of West Blue used the name of the Valoran family to the king's envoys!

"Family Valoran?"

"Hehehe, here is West Blue, the West Blue of the great kings!"

"Either get back to your sewers, or die here!"

The king's envoys laughed wildly. Behind him, a large number of kings' troops and hired bounty hunters revealed their cold blades.

One or two West Blue kingdoms may still be wary of the power of the Valoran family, but after more than a dozen West Blue world government countries come together,

Those kings swelled tremendously in an instant!

They don't think that a mere Valoran family dares to go against more than a dozen kingdoms.

Then, the king's envoys were instantly pierced through the chests by a large number of sharp blades coming from behind.

Nearly half of the king's troops and bounty hunters mobilized by the king's envoy instantly rebelled.

Cooperating with the heads of major factories and the disciples and workers of the Valoran family who had already prepared, they defeated the king's army one by one.

Having integrated most of the chambers of commerce in West Blue, the rich and powerful Valoran family has already penetrated all aspects of the kingdoms.

As long as he controls the livelihood of everyone in West Blue, Duke actually doesn't care who is the king of the major kingdoms in West Blue.

Anyway, as long as he wants, he can let anyone sit on the nominally noble throne at any time.

It is never that you can directly gain incomparable power by ascending to the throne, but only by possessing incomparable power can you ascend the throne.

The entire West Blue was in flames of war.

The factory directors of the Valoran family, countless disciples of the Valoran family, and countless others found jobs because of the Valoran water and electricity factory.

Workers whose lives began to look promising never thought that they would obediently give up their property.

They were part of House Valoran, not subordinate to the West Blue kings who almost only exploited them but never gave them hope.

The Valoran family has never been, really just a simple chamber of commerce.

After the Valoran family ruled the underworld of West Blue, Duke never slackened in training his family's disciples.

Coupled with the equipment upgrades of the Valoran family disciples brought by Jace, the strength of the Valoran family is enough to shock the entire world.

Germa 66 relied on blood factors and technological weapons to dominate the North Blue.

The Valoran family relies on Graves, Seti and others, as well as Hex equipment, and it is not difficult at all to unify West Blue.

Blood dyed the ocean red, flames illuminated the sky, endless smoke filled the earth, and all the king's envoys had their heads cut off.

The kings of West Blue also hurriedly gathered their finally trustworthy armies, huddled in their palaces, trembling, powerless and furious!

"How dare they, how dare they!"

"Damn, what do those bastards want?"

"What they are doing is simply treason and rebellion, and they are making enemies of the world!"

"Contact the World Government immediately and request the Marine Admiral to be dispatched to suppress those damn rebellions for us!"

Even though the disciples of the Valoran family killed those king's envoys,

And after defeating the army behind the king's envoy, they have not yet directly invaded the palaces of those kings.

But the kings were still frightened by the Valoran family's resistance and the terrifying power they displayed.

They originally thought that the Valoran family was just a piece of fat that they could manipulate.

Unexpectedly, this piece of fat actually had extremely sharp teeth, and it instantly transformed into a ferocious lion.

In the Holy Land of Mariejois, the Five Elders frowned as they looked at the message for help sent jointly by more than a dozen kings of West Blue!

In front of them, in addition to the distress messages sent by the kings of West Blue, a large number of distress messages sent by the kings of South Blue were also placed in front of them.

"Why does this wonderful world suddenly seem to be at war?"

The Five Elders are about to cry.

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