"A dream world?"

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral murmured.

He doesn’t know what the dream world should be like!

But I have thought that if there were no more pirates in this world, the whole world would be a lot better.

The biggest ideal in the hearts of most Marine generals is just to end the era of great pirates. It is best to make the entire pirate world free of pirates.

As for why there are so many pirates in this world?

How can we make this world free of pirates?

Sorry, the average person in the pirate world is illiterate. The individual strength of those Marine generals may be extremely strong, but they are ideological and cultural.

Killing those vicious pirates and protecting the civilians from the pirates is the greatest justice in their hearts.

The pirate world's extremely weird geographical environment, and due to the intentional blockade and control of the world government, the technology and spiritual culture of the entire pirate world are at an extremely low level.

After all, untouchables don't need to study at all, nor do they need to have too high technology. They just need to be at peace with themselves for the rest of their lives, and that's enough.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral has a hard time conceiving of an ideal world that has never existed.

Duke began to slowly state his dream, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

“In my ideal world, everyone should be able to fill their bellies and wear thick cotton clothes in winter.

Perhaps what ordinary people eat may not be so delicious, nor may their clothes be so luxurious.

However, no one will starve to death due to lack of food, or be frozen into a corpse in the cold winter due to lack of clothing! "

“In my ideal world, all people are born equal in personality and dignity, and detailed and cautious laws protect and restrict everyone on this sea.

There may still be some inequality, but there will be no more slaves in this world.

Neither the king nor anyone else can arbitrarily take away the life of any ordinary person! "

“In my ideal world, everyone would receive compulsory education from the state when they are young, so that they can read, be literate, and understand some of the simplest principles in the world.

And as they grow up, they can choose a job that suits them based on their abilities, whether they are teachers, doctors, lawyers, or workers and farmers.

Everyone can support themselves, instead of being forced to live in poverty or under layers of heavy taxes, hunger and cold, and simply cannot survive.

Choose to go to sea and become a pirate, and then let more ordinary people on this sea repeat the same miserable life as him! "

"In this sea, countless ordinary people should have more choices and futures!"

"In a world without a future, there will never be enough pirates to kill!"

"Now, do you know what the Valorans want to do?"

"My Vice Admiral!"

Duke hates slavery from the bottom of his heart, and also hates those Celestial Dragons who do everything except human affairs, and those corrupt kings and nobles.

Everyone has a living life. Before they fully realize the blessings of 996,

Before he could contribute to Duke's money-making plan, he died in vain at the hands of the Celestial Dragons and the king's nobles.

This is simply the greatest waste and crime.

Human life is priceless.

Everyone has their own value.

Well, it is our duty to transform the decadent and backward pirate world, Duke said.

Wouldn't it be nice to be a pirate? Just be a mercenary worker for Duke?

After Duke finished speaking, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral was trembling all over, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He stared at Duke with an unbelievable look and said tremblingly,

"You want to change the whole world,"

"No, this is simply an enemy of the entire world."

"The world will be in chaos because of this."

What Duke said is indeed beautiful.

But if you want to realize everything Duke said, the first ones to bear the brunt are the Celestial Dragons, the kings and nobles who enjoy countless privileges.

"An enemy of the world?"

"No, no, no, Huo Shaoshan Vice Admiral, you think too much,"

"This is just a small ideal of mine!"

"Who knows when the ideal will become a reality?"

Duke looked at the horrified Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, shook his head slightly, and then said quietly,

"It's just, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral,"

"I really want to know whether it is justice to maintain a corrupt and corrupt order.

Or is it justice to create a bright and new future? "

"Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan, please take a good look at West Blue today!"

"Then help me think about it carefully, what is true justice?"

After Duke finished speaking, he left the dull Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral behind and strode out of the meeting room between himself and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral.

It is important to distinguish who are the real enemies and who are the friends you can win over.

And Naval Headquarters is obviously someone Duke can win over.

As for what is true justice?

Of course, the winner is justice!

Because only the winner can rewrite everything and define everything.

There is never true justice in this world.

Fortunately, compared to the rulers of the pirate world who are aloof and do not regard ordinary people as human beings,

Duke's justice is undoubtedly more friendly to ordinary people in the pirate world.

Although, this is never the justice of ordinary people in the pirate world, it is just a trace of goodwill in Duke's heart.

Duke's will is absolute justice.

The Vice Admiral of the Burning Mountain quietly left Valoran Manor. Because of the World Government's order, he originally planned to knock Duke's Vice Admiral of the Burning Mountain.

Instead, he was completely confused by Duke's words. The gentle smile of the past was no longer on his face, but instead was filled with entanglement and confusion.

On the one hand, the Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan thought that perhaps he should report the terrifying ambitions of the Valoran family to the World Government, so that this force that might cause world chaos would disappear as soon as possible!

On the other hand, facing the ideal world described by the Valoran family, Vice Admiral of Burning Mountain is also full of hope.

Most of the soldiers who join Naval Headquarters have their own obsessions.

Akainu's family was mercilessly slaughtered by pirates when he was a child, and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, although he always had a soft smile on his face,

But his family also died early on this sea because of pirates.

Most Marine soldiers, themselves and their families, have experienced hardships caused by pirates.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral once thought that everything was the fault of those pirates.

But now, in Duke's words, those heavenly gold and heavy taxes have become the real reason for the endless emergence of pirates.

He has also become the real culprit behind the hardships and hardships of countless ordinary people in the pirate world.

"So, what is true justice?"

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral muttered to himself, his concept of justice was greatly impacted.

There is a lot of gold in the sky and taxes from various countries, but it is filled into Marine, the gold-eating beast.

In the world of pirates, the more rampant pirates are, the more Marine's troops need to be expanded. And the more Marine's troops are expanded, the more money is needed and the more taxes are collected.

This has formed an endless cycle.

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