High above the Valoran Manor, Duke looked at the Burning Mountain. Vice Admiral left the Valoran Manor in great tangle, with a mysterious smile flashing across his face.

Before he arrived at West Blue, Galen had already conveyed the character and intelligence of Vice Admiral in Huoshaoshan in detail.

Find a way to do this among the Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan and the large number of moderate Marines in Naval Headquarters.

Planting some seeds that the Valoran family will make the whole world a better place is a key step for Duke to find a way to incorporate the entire Naval Headquarters in the future.

Of course, the best key to integrating the entire Naval Headquarters is actually the former Admiral of Headquarters Zephyr. After all, more than half of the current Naval Headquarters generals are Zephyr's disciples.

But who asked Huo Shaoshan to come to West Blue?

It seems good to think of a way to start with the Vice Admiral of Fire Mountain as the starting point, and then use Vice Admirals such as Galen Fire Mountain to gradually affect the entire Naval Headquarters.

Duke was in no hurry.

After all, Duke really wants to change the fucked-up pirate world today, and he really wants to make most ordinary people in the pirate world live a happy 996 life.

Not to mention, for ordinary people in the pirate world who live with slaves and are precarious and may die of hunger or cold at any time, 996 is really a blessing!

I have no choice but to rely on my peers to support me.

As for the Vice Admiral of Burning Mountain reporting directly to the World Government, the huge ambition of the Valoran family, and then attracting the hostility of the World Government?

Who cares?

In the world of pirates, there are many people with huge ambitions.

It doesn't matter whether you are ambitious or not.

What matters is having the power to achieve that ambition.

The rapidly growing terrifying power of the Valoran family, regardless of whether the Vice Admiral of Fire Mountain reports it to the World Government or not.

The world government will regard the Valoran family as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

It's just because the World Government is currently restrained by the Revolutionary Army, the Four Emperors and the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and it has no way to deal with the Valoran family for the time being.

Duke knew this deep down.

However, he didn't care.

Even if Lord Im controls Uranus and takes action himself, why can't he kill Duke instantly?

If you have the Central Asian Resurrection Armor Fanatics and other equipment in hand, you can run away and fight guerrillas with the World Government.

When the heroes under his command are at a high level, they can then spread Lord Im's ashes.

Duke is now fearless.

Besides, before Lord Im controls Uranus to take action against the Valoran family.

They may have to face an even bigger trouble.

The Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan is thinking about what true justice is in West Blue, but in South Blue, Akainu, who pursues the concept of absolute justice, has already fought with the leader of the revolutionary army, Long and others!

The wind is howling and the lava is burning.

Amidst the wind and fire, countless elite Naval Headquarters and a large number of soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were also engaged in a desperate fight.

Belobetti, the commander of the Eastern Army, Lindbergh, the commander of the Southern Army, Maury, the commander of the Western Army, Crow, the commander of the Northern Army,

Most of the senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army, except for Grand Line Commander Ivankov, who was still in Impel Down at this time, all gathered in South Blue at this time.

After Soraka and others liberated the Kingdom of Saint Dorea and continued to pass on mature revolutionary ideas to the outside world,

Although Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, feels that the revolutionary army may not be fully prepared now,

However, with the addition of Soraka, and the revolutionary army that has become much stronger due to Soraka's thoughts and abilities, it is not qualified to truly challenge the World Government.

Now that the flames of war have been ignited, it might as well let the fire of revolution completely burn throughout the world.

The leaders of the revolutionary army, Long and Akainu, couldn't tell the difference for a while.

The Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admirals such as Ghost Spider and Dauberman, as well as a large number of Vice Admirals, also fought together with the commanders of the Fourth Army of the Revolutionary Army.

The battle situation became more and more anxious and tragic.

Each of the four major commanders of the Revolutionary Army has at least the combat power of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

Between them and a large number of elite Vice Admirals and Vice Admirals from Naval Headquarters, it was difficult to determine the outcome in a short period of time.

However, a large number of Marine elites from the headquarters were dispatched, and they had an absolute advantage over the middle and high-level combat power.

Excellent military bases all over the world, coupled with a mature strength training system,

Among Naval Headquarters, the top experts may have to rely on talents far beyond ordinary people, and it is difficult to cultivate them in batches.

But in terms of the number of first-level combat forces of general headquarters and generals, Naval Headquarters definitely surpasses all other forces on the sea.

The revolutionary army, which had been hiding in the shadows before and could only carry out troubles secretly, was short of territory and money. In terms of mid-level combat power, it was far inferior to the elite Naval Headquarters who launched a full-scale military attack.

The high morale of the Revolutionary Army may allow them to ignore the slight gap in equipment and combat power and defeat ordinary Naval Headquarters non-commissioned officers or lieutenants!

But facing the Naval Headquarters masters who are either Grandmaster Sixth Form or have directly mastered Haki.

Pure morale is not enough for them to overcome such a huge gap in strength.

Soraka's mass-produced elite warriors cannot improve their strength to such an extent in a short period of time.

They can only choose to use their own flesh and blood and their own lives to

To block every powerful Marine general, even if he dies, he must bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh before he dies.

The Revolutionary Army suffered heavy casualties for a while, and the elite members of the Naval Headquarters also suffered heavy casualties in the crazy battles of countless revolutionary soldiers who were not afraid of death.

Flesh and blood splattered, mountains of bones formed, and the endless blood dyed the sea area around Xinduolai Island blood red.

Whether it is the revolutionary army or the Marine elite, they are all furious and vow to completely tear the enemy in front of them into pieces!

But at this moment, Soraka, who had been silently treating the wounded soldiers at the rear of the Revolutionary Army, looked at the scene in front of him with a compassionate face and let out a deep sigh,

Then, when smoke covered the sky, lava boiled from time to time, strong winds roared, guns roared, and wails and cries of pain continued on Xendolai Island, it was dawn!

Starlight was like rain, and the extremely bright starlight fell from the sky when Soraka sighed, turning into countless light pillars and illuminating the entire battlefield.

Rain-like starlight poured on every wounded person regardless of friend or foe, and then,

The severed limbs of those Marine elites and Revolutionary Army soldiers began to regenerate rapidly.

The bloody holes on his body that were pierced by bullets and the chest that was cut open by a sharp blade were also recovering rapidly.

Except for those unlucky ones whose heads were directly blown to pieces or whose bones were shattered into pieces, for a while,

Even many soldiers who had just lost their breath and heartbeat opened their eyes in confusion.

"What the hell happened?"

"Is she really a god?"

Countless Marine soldiers stared blankly at Soraka, who was so holy and emitting a shimmering light as she gradually entered the battlefield. Their eyes widened and even the weapons in their hands fell sadly.

The Revolutionary Army soldiers, who were already familiar with Soraka's miraculous healing power, let out thunderous cheers after being stunned for a moment.

The originally brutal battlefield came to an abrupt end in front of Soraka's miracle.

"Go back, this shouldn't be the battlefield where you died heroically!"

Soraka leaned on the scepter in her hand and looked at the countless Marine warriors in front of her with compassion on her face.

The Celestial Dragons, or those at the top of the World Government, probably deserve death.

But adhering to the concept of justice, countless Marine elites who fought bravely because they obeyed orders should never die in vain on the battlefield with the revolutionary army.

After Soraka finished speaking, countless Marine soldiers lowered their heads and put down their weapons.

But at this moment, a huge ball of lava fell directly from the sky, intending to burn Soraka and many Marine soldiers around Soraka to charcoal!

"In the name of absolute justice,"

"Destroy all enemies of justice!"

"Justice cannot be shaken!"

The livid Akainu resisted the dragon's attack, leaving a long wound on his body before punching Soraka.

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