In the Castle Tower of the Flower City, Kurozumi, who was drinking and having fun while watching the oiran dance as he looked at the door that had been kicked open, turned pale. But after seeing the person clearly, his pale face immediately squeezed out a smile, and said calmly. The voice said,

"Guhehehe, isn't this our protector of the country, Lord Shyvana, the deputy captain of the beasts?"

"I wonder if there is anything you need my help with when you come to the Flower Capital this time?"

"Let me tell you first, if you want me to reduce the offerings of those untouchables again, that won't work!"

"I have been very kind to them, hahahaha!"

Kurozumi said this and drank the bowl of sake in his hand.

After Shyvana became the vice-captain of Kaido of the Beasts, and because of her amazing strength in many battles with Kaido, she was named the Protector of the Country by Kurozumi.

And because Shyvana has repeatedly prevented the members of the Beasts Pirates team and the Kurozumi Orochi team from committing atrocities on Wanokuni civilians, Shyvana's reputation as the Protector of the Country is far more respected by the Wanokuni people than Kaido's Protector of the Country.


"Yes, I was too kind to you,"

Looking at the brazen Kurozumi, Shyvana smiled sarcastically, then looked coldly at the Kurozumi in front of her, and said quietly,

"Why do I need your help to do anything in this country?"

After Shyvana finished speaking, Kurozumi was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly and said,

"Of course because I am the general and the ruler of the entire Wanokuni!"

"All the people of Wanokuni must obey my will. This is the debt they owe me, and they must repay it!"

Kurozumi didn't even think about managing Wanokuni properly. All he wanted was to take revenge on Wanokuni and then completely drag Wanokuni into hell.

Kurozumi finished laughing, then showed a very weird smile to Shyvana, and said in a deep voice,

"Why, does Kaido want to break his agreement with me and plan to seize the entire Wanokuni?"

"Hey, hey, Wanokuni is not a place where just a pirate can do whatever he wants."

After Kurozumi finished speaking, many Wanokuni elites such as Fu Lu Shou and Kuang Shi Lang clenched their weapons and glared at Shyvana.

Although Kaido of the Beasts is the guardian king of Wanokuni, it is Kurozumi Orochi, the nominal general, who is actually in charge of Wanokuni.

A large number of elite samurai are the biggest trump card for Kurozumi to act recklessly.

Even if Kozuki Oden is dead and the Nine Red Scabbards no longer exist, the overall power of Wanokuni today will still not be weaker than an ordinary Shichibukai power.

"But if it's you, it doesn't matter even if you take complete control of the entire Wanokuni with me!"

When Kurozumi said this, the eyes on his ugly head immediately stared at Shyvana with a squinting smile, and then opened his arms to Shyvana,

"Come, become my palace, and then you will have the same power as me, enough to dominate the entire Wanokuni!"

Although he introduced Kaido of the Beasts to usurp Wanokuni's position as general, and allowed the Beasts Pirates to act recklessly in Wanokuni, Kurozumi Orochi was by no means a pure fool.

Over the years, the Beasts Pirates, which have grown stronger with the support of seastone mined and sold by Wanokuni and a large amount of Wanokuni resources, have also become a serious problem for Kurozumi Orochi.

Even if an outsider is powerful enough to kill Kozuki Oden and is even comparable to a god, even if he kills countless people, it will be difficult for him to completely control the entire Wanokuni.

Power seems to come from the top down, but in fact, it is always from the bottom up. If he is not loyal enough to his subordinates, even if he ascends to the so-called supreme throne, he is just a puppet emperor whose subordinates work in secret.

And this is the fundamental reason why Kaido allowed Kurozumi to cruelly control Wanokuni for twenty years!

He needs enough time to cultivate his Beasts Pirates, and he also needs enough time to let Kurozumi, the ruler of Wanokuni, gradually become angry and resentful in Wanokuni, losing all the hearts and support of the people.

When the time comes, directly kill the Kurozumi snake, calm the anger of Wanokuni civilians, control the selection of generals, and then completely control Wanokuni.

This is how Kaido of the Beasts builds a nation.

Kurozumi, too, was filled with fear after working with Kaido of the Beasts for twenty years.

At this time, Shyvana, the vice-captain of Kaido of the Beasts, whose strength is almost as strong as Kaido's other dragon, has naturally become Kurozumi Orochi's new cooperation target.

And, this time, he wanted to create an unbreakable alliance with Shyvana.

As long as he can marry Shyvana and give birth to a child, whether it is for Wanokuni's power or for his own offspring, Wanokuni will always be enslaved and controlled by the Kurozumi family under Shyvana's terrifying power.

Kaido is almost old, but Shyvana is still young enough!

These Beasts Pirates belong to Kaido, but they will eventually belong to the dragon Shyvana.

This is the consensus that countless members of Beasts Pirates have in their hearts after witnessing several battles between Shyvana and Kaido. Each time Shyvana was stronger than the last time she challenged Kaido.

The Pirates don't pay attention to the idea of ​​​​father to son, lack of education since childhood, and the stupid Yamato was brainwashed by a diary of Kozuki Oden. Not many people in the Beasts Pirates regard him as the successor of the Beasts Pirates.

Even though, he is the biological daughter of Kaido of the Beasts.

Kurozumi wanted to use Wanokuni as a betrothal gift to marry Shyvana, but as soon as Kurozumi finished speaking, Denjiro, who transformed into a madman, suddenly felt a huge wave of emotions in his heart.

Kurozumi Orochi is already very difficult to deal with with Kaido's support. If he is allowed to successfully marry the natural disaster dragon Shyvana, Denjiro really doesn't know how confident he still is that he can win from Kaido, Shyvana and others. Wanokuni belonging to the Kozuki family has been recaptured again.

Denjiro, who knew some of Shyvana's strength, was a little desperate.

If it weren't for the 20-year prophecy left by Kozuki before his death that inspired and supported Denjiro, and that Kozuki Hiyori still needed his care, Denjiro would really be unable to hold on.

Twenty years, twenty years later, how many people, how many people in Wanokuni really still remember the glory of the Kozuki family?

Denjiro was extremely worried, but the next second, an extremely sharp claw strike with dripping blood directly broke all the worries in Denjiro's heart, and at the same time brought a greater haze to his heart!


"An ant is also worthy of Xiao Xiangtianlong!"

Shyvana's figure moved instantly, and under the unbelievable eyes of Fukuro Shou, Denjiro and others, she directly tore off the head of the Kurozumi snake.

Then, when the fallen body of Kurozumi Orochi began to squirm again and the rest of its head grew out, the vertical pupils in its eyes flashed, and scorching dragon flames were directly sprayed out, completely burning the body of Kurozumi Orochi to charcoal!

"Now, I am Wanokuni's new general!"

"After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes!"

In the flames, Shyvana stepped on the broken body of the Kurozumi snake and carried the head of the Kurozumi snake in her hand. She transformed into a half-dragon and half-human form, with vertical pupils in her eyes, scanning all directions!

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