The body of the Kurozumi snake was directly burned to charcoal by Shyvana's dragon flames, and the remaining seven lives were naturally destroyed by Shyvana.

As a phantom beast species with the Yamata no Orochi fruit ability, Kurozumi Orochi's strength cannot be said to be almost none, or it can be said to be close to zero.

The Devil Fruit of this phantom beast was completely blinded.

The Kurozumi snake was instantly killed by Shyvana, and Fukuro Shou, Denjiro and others in the castle tower who had no time to rescue were also dumbfounded at this time.

"New general?"

"Hohoho, do you think you can become a new general just by killing the general?"

"If you think so, you are underestimating my Wanokuni samurai!"

Kurozumi Orochi died, and Denjiro, who transformed into Kurozumi Orochi, lowered his head and said nothing. Fukuro Ju, the ninja leader of the Imperial Division who was directly under Kurozumi Orochi, glared at Shyvana and said coldly.

"Wanokuni's samurai?"

"Are you samurai?"

"Aren't all the samurai in this country already imprisoned in the mines of Rabbit Bowl?"

Shyvana looked at Fu Lu Shou and many other ninjas from the imperial division who were ready for battle, and said with a smile,

"Or are you so-called ninjas planning to sacrifice your lives for a dead general?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the samurai and desperate warriors in this country have long been unable to tolerate the rule of Kurozumi Orochi!"

"And it's just that they can't resist at all!"

"And I gave them the power to resist, and I will also give them a new future!"

"Now, do you want to resist me?"

To be able to mobilize a large number of Wanokuni's fighting force in the future crusade against Kaido is not at all because the legend of Kozuki Oden and the rule of the Kozuki family are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but simply because the rule of Kurozumi Orochi is really bad!

No, Kurozumi does not rule at all, but just relies on the strongest violence to unscrupulously squeeze everyone in Wanokuni.

Except for the capital of Wanokuni, the Flower Capital, which is still barely able to maintain normalcy, the civilians in the rest of Wanokuni are almost being suppressed to the limit.

And Shyvana killing the Kurozumi snake and becoming Wanokuni's new general will only make countless people in Wanokuni cheer for it.


"of course not,"

"Who can resist the Protector of the Country and the Protector of the Country?"

"Lady Shyvana, please accept our power,"

"We will be loyal to you!"

Fu Lu Shou was silent for a moment, and then his face returned to calm. He led the ninjas of the Royal Court Division to kneel on one knee in front of Shyvana and directly offered their loyalty.

The ninjas of the Royal Court Division will always be loyal to the general. Whoever is the general, they will be loyal to.

The Imperial Guards knelt down to show their allegiance, and Denjiro, who transformed into a Kuangshiro, also bowed slightly to Shyvana after a moment of silence and lowered his head.

The day of the prophecy left by Kozuki has not yet come, and Kozuki Hiyori still needs his care. Denjiro does not want to expose his identity, and it is impossible for him to fight to the death for Kurozumi Orochi.

What's more, compared to the previous Kurozumi Orochi, Shyvana, the new Wanokuni general, will be more powerful and terrifying than the Kurozumi Orochi.

In order to regain Wanokuni when the prophesied day comes, Denjiro must also find a way to be in a high position beside Shyvana.

Shyvana looked at Denjiro who was bending down and lowered his head. The corners of her mouth slightly raised. She didn't care about the calculations in the minds of Fu Lushou, Denjiro and others, but casually threw the head of the Kurozumi snake to Denjiro, and then He said to Fukuro Shou and Denjiro,

"Now, take this guy's head and announce to everyone in Wanokuni that a new era of Wanokuni has arrived!"

A moment later, at the high platform of the castle tower, all the residents of the Flower City looked at the head of the Kurozumi snake, and fell into deep silence.

The entire Flower City fell into a moment of silence because of this shocking news, and then there was deafening cheers and noises.

For ordinary civilians in Wanokuni, they never care whether they are ruled by the Kurozumi family, the Kozuki family or even the Beasts Pirates. All they care about is that they just want to have enough food and clothing.

Even though Shyvana, the new general, was a pirate before and was the vice-captain of Beasts Pirates, no matter how bad she is, she is still much better than Kurozumi, right?

This is already the greatest expectation that countless Wanokuni civilians have for Shyvana, the new general.

In fact, Shyvana is much friendlier than they thought.

It makes no sense to Shyvana to oppress and exploit the lowest civilians.

What she wants is to truly integrate everyone in Wanokuni and capture all the power of Wanokuni and even the Beasts Pirates.

For example, the wastewater from the man-made Devil Fruit factory caused land devastation and people's diseases. This kind of thing should not be easily solved.

After all, Beasts Pirates is also a group of Four Emperors. Wanokuni and Onigashima are just the base camp of Beasts Pirates. Isn't it very simple for Beasts Pirates to find an uninhabited desert island in the New World to concentrate on studying artificial Devil Fruit?

If it really doesn't work, you can move it to a small island from other places. Why do you have to do it in Wanokuni itself?

Gold and silver are not as good as clear waters and green mountains. Do you understand what sustainable development of resources is?

Most of the forces in the One Piece world ultimately suffered from lack of culture!

There is no way, under the deliberate suppression of the World Government, in the pirate world where per capita is illiterate, there is no so-called future in their hearts, and few people think about the future.

It would be too extravagant to think about the future with a pirate who licks blood from the tip of a knife and may die today.

People like Kurozumi and Kaido of the Beasts are all about fishing from the lake, with at least a little bit of sustainability, but Shyvana is different.

Everything will belong to Duke, and everyone in the pirate world will become Duke's subordinates in the future, and they will work hard to contribute everything they have to Duke.

Of course you need to be kinder to your own people.

Exploitation also requires methods.

Wanokuni's unique environment and resources are similar to those of the tycoon countries in the Middle East. They can get rich through mining and make their own lives miserable. Many people starve to death every year.

This kind of domination and exploitation is simply embarrassing.

Miners also need human rights. Every time a good miner dies, it is very troublesome to add more.

Shyvana became Wanokuni's general, and began to implement her will in Wanokuni, improving the situation of Wanokuni civilians to a certain extent, and at the same time began to recruit Wanokuni's combat power.

In Wanokuni territory, countless civilians began to cheer for Shyvana's rise to power and Wanokuni's changes, but when Shyvana became Wanokuni's general and began to recruit Wanokuni's combat power.

Dark clouds filled the entire Flower City, and the huge green dragon stretched out its head in the dark clouds.

"Shyvana, I am the Governor of the Beasts Pirates,"

"You have crossed the line!"

Kaido plans to leave the throne of General Wanokuni to his daughter Yamato in a few years.

But now, the throne of General Wanokuni was directly taken by Shyvana without Kaido's knowledge.

Kaido doesn't really care who Wanokuni's general is, he cares about Yamato, but the person who can bear to actually tie a bomb to his daughter's wrist cares a little, but not much.

What he really cares about is that Shyvana took Wanokuni's power without his permission.

There can only be one king who is above all beasts!

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