"Of course, until I defeat you, you will always be the Governor of the Beasts Pirates!"

Shyvana also rose into the sky and turned into a bloody dragon. Her huge dragon wings spread out, casting a huge shadow over half of the Flower City. The bloody color also appeared as Shyvana transformed into a bloody dragon. Dusk gradually swallowed up half of the sky.

Suddenly, over the Capital of Flowers, dark clouds as black as ink and scarlet-like dusk as blood, with clear distinctions, enveloped the entire sky together!

Shyvana may not be Kaido's opponent yet, but there is no doubt that Shyvana now has strength comparable to Kaido of the Beasts to a certain extent.

Compared with today's Shyvana, even Ben Beckman, the second-in-command of the Red Hair Pirates, who possesses Admiral combat power and is known as the only real lieutenant above the sea, will be eclipsed.

Facing Shyvana's straightforward answer and the terrifying power she displayed that was almost no weaker than her own, Kaido of the Beasts's crimson eyes flashed slightly, and a sinister smile appeared on his face, and then he asked in a deep voice. road,

"So, tell me, what are you doing now?"

"Kurozumi is my ally who has been working with me for decades. The entire Wanokuni is also my pasture!"

Kaido was never worried that Shyvana would rebel or reveal her ambition to one day replace him. Instead, he became more and more excited because of Shyvana's revealed strength.

A pirate without ambition is still called a pirate?

Kaido of the Beasts has full confidence in his own power.

Even if he really lost to Shyvana, whose strength was growing rapidly that day, as a pirate, wouldn't it be natural to lose everything after failure?

On this sea, the strong should own everything. This is the only unchanging iron rule in this cruel sea!

Before Shyvana's strength surpassed hers, Shyvana's terrifying power was enough to make the reputation of Beasts Pirates resound throughout the ocean.

"Perhaps it's time to conquer this ocean,"

"In the New World, four emperors are too many!"

"One true overlord is enough!"

After gaining the power of Shyvana, Kaido once again had the idea of ​​​​conquering other forces and dominating the sea.

But before finding a way to conquer the other Four Emperors and become the real Pirate King, Kaido felt that he had to give Shyvana a good beating.

Wanokuni Kaido can be given to Shyvana, but if Kaido is not given, Shyvana cannot take it herself!

At least, before seizing Wanokuni, you should give yourself a break and give yourself a suitable reason, right?

The Orochi killed Kurozumi without saying a word and took Wanokuni, which was very disrespectful to Kaido.

Kaido hoped that Shyvana would at least give a reasonable explanation.

Kaido has always been very tolerant and understanding towards his powerful subordinates.

The big names in Beasts Pirates all have their own direct subordinates. As the vice-captain of Beasts Pirates, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being the general of Wanokuni and directly commanding all the forces of Wanokuni?

Well, except Wanokuni's overall power is just a few billion points stronger, almost comparable to the entire Beasts Pirates without him in charge.

But anyway, the meat rotted in the pot, so it wasn't a big problem.

Even after Kurozumi Orochi's crazy exploitation, Wanokuni still maintained a 5,000-strong ninja army of the Imperial Guards and a 5,000-strong Kaikai samurai force. , all possessing combat power not inferior to that of the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

These ten thousand elites can be considered a powerful force even if we look at the entire pirate world.

Such a powerful force will soon be completely controlled by Shyvana, and she can even make it stronger.

Kurozumi can maintain an army of 10,000 people despite its crazy exploitation. As long as Shyvana can bring a bright future to Wanokuni, the forces in other areas of Wanokuni can also become Shyvana's force.

Kaido hoped that Shyvana would give a reasonable explanation. The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and his figure transformed from the huge blue dragon hovering in the sky into a human form, and landed directly in the castle tower of the Flower Capital.

"What I want to do is simple. It's a waste. It's such a waste!"

"With you grazing, it's hard for Wanokuni's power to truly become your power,"

Shyvana also returned to her human form, and then said seriously to Kaido,

"But under my rule, give me a year, and I can at least double the strength and wealth of the Beasts Pirates!"

"Kaido, you may be a qualified captain, but you are definitely not a qualified king!"

"Kaido, is your ambition just to become the so-called Pirate King?"

"True rule, in addition to necessary violence, must also retain a certain amount of kindness. Only then can the entire sea be truly turned into a pasture for beasts!"

There is no way to achieve sustainable development by relying on violence and blind fishing.

Stable order and a stable environment are necessary conditions for any force to develop rapidly.

Chaos may bring huge profits for a moment, but only peaceful order can bring a steady stream of real wealth.

Unfortunately, in the pirate world where everyone is illiterate, most pirate captains and noble kings have no concept of rule in their minds.

Even the so-called Four Emperors, who have become independent in the New World, can no longer be measured by ordinary pirates.

Among the Four Emperors, the only ones who can truly be regarded as dominating rather than occupying are big.mom, who was defeated before, and the current master of Bilgewater, Ocean Calamity Gangplank.

Shyvana finished speaking in a deep voice. She originally planned to have a fight with Shyvana as long as Shyvana gave a suitable reason, and then make this big deal trivial. Kaido's eyes suddenly widened.

Kaido has always wanted to become the Pirate King, but as Kaido who once followed Rocks to challenge the Celestial Dragons and World Government, his ambition is not just to become the Pirate King.

If possible, he would also like to launch the most magnificent war in the world, challenging the hegemony of the world government just like Rocks, the overlord of the sea back then.

And now, Shyvana's so-called rule has directly hit Kaido's biggest ambition?

One Piece?

No, he wanted to be the king of the world if he could!

"Real domination?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"

"Shvana, it seems you gave me a reason I can't refuse,"

Kaido smiled wantonly, then stared into Shyvana's eyes and said deeply,

"Then, Wanokuni is yours,"

"My first officer, don't let me down!"

"But now, let's fight with Laozi,"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Then, on a desert island in the waters near Wanokuni, Shyvana had a great time with Kaido of the Beasts!

Five days later, the desert island disappeared. Shyvana had several scars on her body, and there were also several claw marks on Kaido's chest.

Then, within the Beasts Pirates and within the entire Wanokuni, no one dared to resist Shyvana's authority.

Wanokuni, and even the Beasts Pirates, are following Shyvana's wishes, gradually becoming the shape Shyvana wants.

For example, Shyvana suggested that the first step for Kaido to establish a true rule is that, except for Wanokuni, all the islands and forces flying the Beasts Pirates flag will no longer simply turn in part of the treasure every year to obtain the beasts. shelter.

Instead, they began to bring all islands and forces under direct jurisdiction, and then began to think of ways to count the population and collect taxes.

Taxation is the key for any power to truly establish its rule.

They are all called Four Emperors, but if they don’t truly become emperors, how can they do it?

How much money can you make just by robbing, collecting protection fees and selling seastone mines?

Tax collection is the real huge profit!

Of course, during the tax collection process, Shyvana accidentally lost part of it, which is very reasonable.

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