"Don't think you can defeat me like this!"

Greene Hansen, who had been shot several times, had blood gushing out from his body, but his face became more ferocious, and his eyes were full of blood!

As the muscles move,

The lead bullets on his body began to be squeezed out of his body, and he fell to the ground with a crisp sound!

The blood-stained wound stopped bleeding and began to slowly recover.

The strong vitality and recovery power brought by Zoan Devil Fruit,

It would be difficult for ordinary firearms to cause fatal damage to Greene Hansen!

Green Hansen alone at this time,

The entire Green family can be wiped out together.

Green Hansen's greatest strength is his own strength.

On this sea, the strong can dominate everything.

But unfortunately, Green Hansen is far from being truly strong.

Before Green Hansen fully recovered,

The next second, more powerful bullets instantly overwhelmed it.

"That shot was just a warning,"

Graves stepped forward step by step, and the double-barreled shotgun in his hand continued to spray out anger.

"Now is the hunting time!"

Gunfire roared, blood splattered,

In the smoke, Green Hansen feebly waved his claws to try to block Graves' bullet.

But it can only be followed by gunshots one after another,

Those who were bombarded kept trembling and retreating step by step!

Finally, with the loud bang of the ultimate bomb!

Green Hansen quietly turned into a puddle of rotten flesh.

It was stuck on the wall that was already riddled with holes!

It is difficult for ordinary firearms to cause fatal damage to Hansen.

But the gun in the hands of male gunman Graves is no ordinary weapon!

It's called, Destiny!

Outlaw Graves:

Level: 1 (The level can be improved through training, killing enemies, etc. The higher the level, the stronger the strength)

Strength: b

Physique: b-

Agility: b

Spirit: b-

Potential: s-

Equipment owned: None

Possess abilities: quick draw, smoke bombs, ultimate explosive bombs, etc.

Overall rating: b-, comparable to Colonel Naval Headquarters and a pirate with a bounty of nearly 50 million!

As a well-known mercenary and fanatic in Bilgewater, the so-called law is meaningless in his eyes!

The only thing that can restrain him is the morality in his own heart.

He was born to be a member of the underworld.

Duke looked at Graves who had killed Green Hansen head-on.

A smile appeared on his face, and he thought to himself,

"Is this the power of a hero?"

"It's really, really strong!"

"It's not in vain that I offended Brother Ming and robbed his merchant ship!"

Duke is a time traveler. After waking up seven days ago,

Inexplicably, he became a cadre of the Green family of the Mafia.

As a time traveler, naturally there will be Cheat!

And his cheat is very simple!

Alliance lottery system!

It can allow Duke to extract items including but not limited to heroes, skins, and equipment by consuming money.

Even everything in League of Legends like Dragon and even Baron!

Well, it’s very penguin and very salaried.

But the premise is that one billion worth of wealth must be consumed to activate it.

One point of wealth is worth approximately one beri.

One billion wealth is worth one billion Baileys.

For a leader of an unknown West Blue gangster family,

There is no doubt that it is an astronomical sum.

Of course, if Duke were to slowly save money, it would not be difficult to save one billion Baileys!

After all, as a time traveler, there are so many ways to make money.

But, he ran out of time.

He is indeed the father of Nico Robin, the son of the devil!

He has also been secretly searching for the whereabouts of Nicole Robin.

However, his search for the whereabouts of Nicole Robin was discovered by Greene Hansen.

Gradually, I began to doubt the original identity!

Nico Robin is the only person in the pirate world today who understands the true story of history.

The world government has been pursuing Nicole Robin crazily!

And anyone who can help the World government capture Nicole Robin,

There is no doubt that they will be praised by the world government.

Green Hansen, who has been colluding with Marine officials, will never let go of this opportunity.

The original identity will be the best bait to catch Nicole Robin!

The original person's growing reputation among the Green family gradually began to threaten Green Hansen's status.

Green Hansen is already planning to betray or kill Duke.

Duke had no choice.

Or, find a way to escape before Green Hansen betrays him,

Then after the identity is exposed,

Under the pursuit of the World Government, slowly find a way to save one billion Baileys!

This is undoubtedly a nightmare difficulty.

Or, before Green Hansen reveals his identity, try to get one billion, activate the system, and kill Green Hansen!

Obviously, Duke chose the latter.

In seven days,

He tried his best to collect 200 million beli, and then,

He attacked one of the Donquixote Family's merchant ships in nearby waters!

Two hundred million beli is not enough to activate the system.

He got the news that the merchant ship might be a treasure ship bound for Dressrosa.

That Donquixote Family merchant ship,

There are no Donquixote Family officials.

The power of the Donquixote Family spreads all over the world,

But obviously not a large number of elite combat forces will be arranged on every ship!

Almost no one in the world dares to rob the Donquixote Family's merchant ships.

Well, Duke dares.

Compared with the hellish difficulty of earning a billion Baileys while being hunted by the World Government!

Duke said, isn't it just to offend the Donquixote Family?

Just grab it, don't worry!

Anyway, when he led his men to rob the Dover merchant ship, he was using the banner of the Green family.

Well, at least when it came to robbing the Dover merchant ship,

He is also a loyal and good cadre of the Green family!

(Seeing that many readers are worried about combat power, let’s talk about the combat power setting of the next book, s➕Four Emperors, s Admiral Hawkeye, s-Emperor’s Awakening Mingge Alternate Admiral, a➕ordinary Shichibukai Jinbei old man Marine Great Staff Officer He, a Elite Vice Admiral, seriously injured Lao Sha and Gekko Moria in 1517, a - ordinary Vice Admiral, then reduce b to b and add headquarters colonel to rear admiral. The initial combat power of the heroes varies according to their potential. Differently, the combat power increases by one level for every three levels. The initial combat power of a level 1 s➕potential hero is b➕, which is equivalent to a level 6 s-hero, a level 3 s-class hero, and a level 18 ultimate potential strength)

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