But unfortunately, Green Hansen is dead now!

"However, if I give Green Hansen's body to Doflamingo,

Can it be exchanged for our reconciliation? "

"After all, until we have a few heroes with more power than Dover,"

"I really don't want to go to war with Doflamingo!"

Duke looked at the pile of rotten meat stuck on the wall, tilted his head and thought,

"Why don't you try to cut it off?"

Even though it's only 1517, there are still three years until the Summit War!

But now Doflamingo, even if String-String Fruit has not yet awakened,

It is also very likely that he has A+ combat power. If the fruit has been awakened, it will be comparable to the emperor's deputy!

Graves, who is only at level one now, cannot stand it at all.

In the end, Duke still did not choose to send Greene Hansen, who had turned into a pile of rotten meat, to Dover!

After all, the dead are the most important!

In addition, it is really difficult to remove if it is stuck on the wall.

Besides, just giving away the body but not the treasure as compensation, is this the attitude of the peace talks?

This is simply a provocation!

And send the body and then send a large amount of treasure compensation!


The money in Duke's hands still has to be given away?

Then it would be better to challenge Doflamingo again!

Isn't it just Brother Ming?

System, recharge me, give me a lottery,

When I draw the Star Casting Dragon King, I will hit ten!

Duke looked at the large amount of treasure hidden in Green Hansen's secret room and looked extremely calm.

[Recharge one billion seventy-two million in wealth value, Host currently has a wealth value of one billion one hundred and thirty-five million,

Up to one billion wealth values ​​can be consumed for an S-level lottery. Do you want to draw the lottery immediately?

S-level lottery guarantees you will win an A-level prize, and you have a chance of winning an SS-level prize! 】

After robbing Dover's merchant ship and consuming one billion wealth points to activate the system,

There are still tens of millions of wealth left!

"Wealth of one billion, seventy-two million,

Mr. Green Hansen actually left me so much legacy,"

"What a good man!"

Duke looked at the empty secret room and was filled with emotion, and then he was not busy with the lottery!

Instead, he washed his hands properly and then offered three sticks of incense to Mr. Green Hansen.

After sacrificing a wave of his luck!

Only then did he press the lottery button.

"Give me an S-level lottery,"

"The decision is yours, come out, Star Casting Dragon King!"

If you can conduct an S-level lottery, of course you must first conduct an S-level lottery!

In the world of pirates, an Admiral with S-level combat power,

It's enough to easily defeat ten A-level elite Vice Admirals!

[Consumption of one billion wealth value, Host remaining wealth value is 135 million,]

[Congratulations to Host for winning the S-level prize, Galen, the Power of Hero Demacia. Do you want to withdraw it immediately?

Galen, Power of Demacia:

Grade 1

Strength; b+

Physique: b+

Spirit: b-

Agility: b

Potential: s

Equipment owned: None

Possess abilities: Tenacity, Courage, Fatal Strike, Judgment, etc.

Overall rating: b Comparable to Naval Headquarters Commodore and The Great Pirate with a bounty of around 80 million.

Justice, heroism, mercy and sacrifice,

Galen possesses almost all the virtues of a knight,

He is a fearless warrior who leads the charge, and a rock-solid guardian knight.

He is an almost perfect soldier, capable of commanding an army! 】

"Haha, Galen?"

"Sure enough, that damn ghost of Greene and Hansen was so lucky to sacrifice a wave of sacrifices!"

Duke looked at Galen being pulled out, and his heart instantly became happy!

This is Galen, with S-level potential.

As long as you reach the full level, you will have Galen with Admiral combat power.

Reality is not like a game.

Heroes in the game must pay attention to balance!

But in reality, some heroes are inherently stronger than others.

Of course, the more powerful the hero, the lower the probability of being drawn.

"System, don't extract it yet,"

"Next, strike while the iron is hot and try again!"

Before the luck of sacrificing Greene Hansen passed, Duke pressed the lottery button again.

"System, give me an A-level lottery!"

A-level lottery, consuming 100 million wealth values, guaranteed to win B-level prizes, with a chance of winning S-level prizes!

Then, Duke looked at the prize and could no longer hide the smile on his face.

[Consumption of 100 million wealth value, Host’s remaining wealth value is 35 million]

[Congratulations to Host for winning the s-prize, the hero ocean disaster Gangplank

Ocean Catastrophe Planck

Strength: b

Physique: b

Agility: b-

Spirit: b-

Potential: s-

Equipment owned: None

Possess abilities: interrogation by fire, negotiation by gunfire, scurvy treatment, cannon barrage, etc.!

Overall rating: b-

Pistols and machetes, bullets and sharp blades, plus fierce gunfire that can be called upon at any time!

The scheming and ruthless Gangplank is recognized as the King of Pirates!

The sea is his hunting ground. 】

"Two draws, two heroes!"

"Wuhu, take off directly,"

"Then, let's try another B-level lottery?"

Duke looked at the two heroes he had drawn and felt a little itchy, so he pressed the draw button again!

[Consume 10 million wealth points and obtain b-level prize red crystal.

Red crystal, slightly increases physical fitness after equipping it! 】

"I spent ten million worth of wealth, that's it?"

"I don't believe it, system, give me another B-level lottery!"

[Consume 10 million wealth points and obtain the B-level prize Doran Shield.

Dolan Shield, after equipped, slightly increases the physical fitness and the recovery speed of life and stamina! 】

"Haha, I'm tired, let's destroy it!"

"Sure enough, a low-level lottery won't yield anything good at all. This is definitely not my fault!"

Duke looked at the only fifteen million wealth values ​​left on the system panel and silently stopped the lottery!

Duke originally wanted to test what kind of prizes could be drawn in the B-level lottery!

As a result, Duke said,

In the future, if I don’t save the minimum wealth value of 100 million, I would rather not smoke!

What do I need this red crystal and the Doran Shield for?

Duke groaned secretly.

Then, he decisively equipped Dolan Shield and Red Crystal on himself.

As the host of the alliance lottery system, Duke, like the heroes, can equip up to six divine outfits.

Feeling his slightly increased strength after equipping the equipment, Duke came back to his senses,

Then, Galen and Gangplank were directly summoned!

"I will fight for you,"

"Til death do us part!"

Demacia knelt down on one knee, held the sword in both hands, and offered eternal loyalty to Duke!

On the other side, Planck bent down and said in a deep voice to Duke,

"Death tells my story!"

"And I will offer you the entire ocean!"

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