With a thud, big.mom's tall body fell heavily to the ground, stirring up dust!

At this time, Cake Castle has become devastated, with corpses everywhere!

The gorgeous dining table became dilapidated, and the delicious food was stained with countless dust and Bloodline.

Morgans, who narrowly escaped death, touched his head, then his eyes lit up and he started taking photos again.

Everything that happened today is undoubtedly enough to shock the world, and it is also the big news that Morgans is most looking forward to!

In the photo, the cake castle is in a dilapidated state, Four Emperorsbig.mom is lying on the ground covered in blood, and the two figures are in an extreme confrontation.

After big.mom fell, the biggest enemy of Katakuri and others instantly became the target they were still trying to cooperate with just now, the ocean disaster Gangplank!

And when the outcome between Planck and big.mom has been decided.

Shipping King Umit, Warehouse King Kibberson, and even the loan shark King Lu. Field and Stussy, who just arrived and were lucky enough to escape,

They all stood faintly behind Gangplank!

They are always on the side of the winner.

After big.mom fell, Katakuri and others could not be Gangplank's opponents.

The two sides are at war with each other, and a fierce battle may break out again at any time.

But at this moment, Plank put away the pistol and scimitar in his hands, laughed at Katakuri and others, and said,


"Why so serious?"

"I said, I came to merge with all nations!"

"Everything here is in my hands now,"

"I declare that all nations will be renamed Bilgewater,"

"And I am the King of Bilgewater!"

"How about it, do you want to join me?"

After Gangplank finished speaking, Katakuri and others' faces were livid, and Perospero was immediately angry Kaidō,

"You killed your mother, and you still want to seize all the kingdoms and make us your subordinates?"

"What do you think we are?"

"After my mother dies, I will be the new king of all nations, and we will defeat you!"

"Revitalize the Charlotte Family Pirates!"

Perospero has always had the ambition to take over all nations after big.mom's death.

"Knock me down?"

"Are you kidding me?"

After Perospero finished speaking, Gangplank's smile that was laughing stopped instantly, and the terrifying Conqueror's Haki violently erupted,

Then, his figure moved instantly and pinched out Perospero's neck!

At this time, Katakuri's careful warning had just ended.

Seeing the future never means being able to change the future.

Perospero was strangled by the neck, and struggled with both hands, but could not break free.

Just when Katakuri was about to step forward to rescue him, Gangplank threw Perospero aside and said coldly,

"What do you think you are?"

"Are you just some losers?"

"Surrender or die?"

"Is this choice difficult?"

After Gangplank finished speaking, the faces of Katakuri and others became more and more ugly. Sea Transport King Umit and even Stussy and others,

At this moment, a meaningful smile appeared on his face towards Perospero and the others.

They don't mind helping Plank completely clean out the Charlotte family at this time.

big.mom has fallen, and it is also very important for them to have a good relationship with the new Four Emperors.

The Four Emperors also have basic unspoken rules. Under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to attack the subordinates or partners of other Four Emperors.

They are willing to have a good relationship with big.mom in order to avoid being attacked by the other Four Emperors!

There is undoubtedly a huge gap between these kings of the dark world and the real Four Emperors.

Gangplank's newly exploded strength can easily kill Perospero, as well as anyone present except Katakuri!

"Also, big.mom is not dead yet,"

"Katakuri, you don't want your mother and your brothers and sisters to all die in front of your eyes, right?"

Gangplank stared into Katakuri's eyes and said seriously,

"Come, join me and be my right arm,"

"You will carry my flag and lead the Charlotte family to gallop freely on this sea!"

"And I will also promise you that you will have the power to challenge me at any time,"

"If you can defeat me that day,"

"All of Bilgewater, and everything I own, will be your treasure!"

"Come, choose, be my right arm,"

"Or die right here, together with everyone in the Charlotte family!"

Among all the children of the Charlotte family, only Katakuri deserves the most attention.

At the same time, once Katakuri is conquered, it means that most of the children of the entire Charlotte family will also surrender to Gangplank.

Big.mom needs to be defeated, and Gangplank also wants the power of the Charlotte family.

At the port of Cake Island, the 5,000 pirates were defeated steadily by Cracker and Owen Dafu led by a large number of Homitz soldiers. They wanted to cry without tears...

From the beginning, they were just used as bait to contain the large number of Big.Mom Pirates.

The ruthless and scheming Gangplank never cared about the casualties suffered by ordinary pirates.

And those pirates that he really trusted and followed him from West Blue to New World,

He had already quietly arranged behind the large number of pirate minions he recruited from New World.

Anyway, until all the pirates recruited from the New World die, those pirates valued by Gangplank will not suffer too many casualties.

Of course, Plank never told anyone except Gragas and Pike about Plank's plan to actively attack big.mom!

If any secret is known to more than two people, there is a 50% chance of it being leaked.

And if all the minions under Gangplank know about it, then there is no doubt that the entire pirate world will know about it.

Among the minions under Plank, there must be spies from the big forces hidden.

After Gangplank finished speaking, Katakuri looked solemn, while Shipping King Umit and Warehouse King Kibotson had cold eyes.

Perospero and the others hurriedly gathered around Big Mom, whose chest was still rising slightly.

If big.mom is not dead yet, there is still hope for the Charlotte family.

No matter how cruel big.mom is, once big.mom can regain consciousness,

Then big.mom can still become the pillar of the Charlotte family!

The cruelty of big.mom is too insignificant compared to the cruelty of the pirate world.


"Why did you let mom go?"

Katakuri looked into Gangplank's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

It was puzzling to him that no one would leave himself a powerful enemy.

What's more, as long as big.mom is still alive, it is impossible for all nations and the Charlotte family to truly surrender to Gangplank.

"Of course it's because I've never looked down on big mom!"

"The current big.mom will never be my opponent!"

Planck laughed and said,

"What's more, if I kill big.mom, will you still be willing to be my right arm?"


After Plank finished speaking, big.mom, whose chest was rising slightly, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of innocence and confusion!

big.mom is dead, but he is still alive now,

Just a child named Charlotte. Linlin, whose mind will always only be a few years old.

Although Gangplank's ghost machete that penetrated big.mom's head did not directly kill big.mom, it also erased a large number of big.mom's souls.

Letting big.mom live like this is the best choice for Planck or Duke.

Duke needs the power of big.mom's soul fruit.

After big.mom dies, the ghost knows when the soul fruit will be reborn in that corner.

It's such a waste to just use Soul Soul Fruit for fighting, or to make a large amount of food into Homitz.

Duke felt that Homitz, who never needed a break and had a mind of his own that could work on his own, was simply the best worker in the world.

Hey, if you are interested in this factory, you can do the work yourself, okay?

Really, a fully automatic factory!

Capitalists no longer have to worry about their profits.

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