Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 78 The Limit Is Exchanged For One

"Then, I understand, before I have the power to defeat you!"

"You shall be king of all nations, nay, Bilgewater!"

Katakuri glanced expressionlessly at the confused big mom in front of him, as well as the Charlotte family members who were gradually gathering around him in a state of embarrassment.

He lowered his head to Planck and said firmly,

"But one day, I will pull you off the throne and take back everything the Charlotte family has!"

"And until then, let me be your right arm, my captain!"

Katakuri has no better choice!

The rest of the Charlotte family also had no better choice after Perospero was grabbed by the neck as easily as a chicken by Gangplank and tossed aside.

This is an extremely cruel world. Without big.mom, just the members of the Charlotte family, even if they are lucky enough to escape from Gangplank,

It is impossible for them to have enough power to still hold big.mom's territory at this time.

In the New World, there are too many pirates who covet the throne and territory of the Four Emperors.

Katakuri bowed his head, and the other members of the Charlotte family silently chose to become members of Gangplank.

Well, at least no matter what, the Big.Mom Pirates and the Gangplank Pirates have successfully merged this time!

The merged Big.Mom Pirates and Gangplank Pirates will surely shock the whole world.

Although, big.mom, who led this behemoth from the beginning, became Planck.

But didn't Plank leave a chance for Katakuri?

Give Katakuri time, he will definitely be able to defeat Gangplank and regain everything the Charlotte family has lost!

He is the best.

A large number of Charlotte family children comforted themselves.

They have strong faith in Katakuri.

Even though they knew very well in their hearts, Katakuri was still far, far away from the real Four Emperors.

But, it’s hard not to tear it down.

As a human being, you still have to have dreams.

It's impossible to really challenge Gangplank. Would you rather die than surrender?

Who is willing to die if he can live?

"Big news, big news,"

"Hahaha, this is really big news!"

"Is a new overlord of the sea about to be born?"

"What kind of future will Bilgewater bring to the world, which combines the Big Mom Pirates and the Gangplank Pirates?"

"Planck, are you really going to start a new era?"

Morgans looked at Katakuri and others who chose to surrender, and kept taking photos with great excitement.

The dilapidated cake castle, the dejected Charlotte family, the guests who were unconscious like corpses all over the floor, and the big mom who collapsed on the ground like an 800-pound baby,

All in all, Gangplank successfully defeated one of the Four Emperors today and crowned himself king!

The New World, the era of Bilgewater and Gangplank, has officially arrived.

At the port of Cake Island, the pirates who were still being beaten up by Cracker and Owen Dafu said, hehe...

Of course, their beating was definitely not in vain. Everything that happened in the Cake Castle was quickly conveyed to the port.

Cracker, Owen Daifuku and others quickly stopped beating the pirates newly recruited by Gangplank.

Then he was very brave and refused to admit defeat and chose to challenge Gangplank!

They did not witness Planck's power.

Then, they were also beaten up by Gangplank!

In this wave, the limits are exchanged for one, and the minions are exchanged for general stars. It is a real profit.

After big.mom turned into an 800-pound baby, Katakuri chose to surrender, and Gangplank defeated all the remaining cadres of the big.mom pirate group.

The unrest on Cake Island, no, was renamed Bilgewater, quickly subsided.

Even in the dilapidated ruins, Planck was very friendly and invited the guests who woke up from the coma to participate in the next banquet hosted by Planck.

Of course, all supplies are generously sponsored by the Charlotte family.

The gifts have been accepted, but the food still needs to be eaten.

After the battle was over, it was natural to continue playing music and then dancing!

As for those guests who were accidentally affected by the battle and died while in a coma?

who cares?

A weakling who can't even endure Conqueror's Haki will die if he dies.

The weak never have a say in the world of pirates.

The next day, Gangplank defeated Four Emperorsbig.mom and incorporated the big.mom pirate group.

The big news of renaming all nations to Bilgewater and proclaiming himself King of Bilgewater immediately shocked the world.

"Ku la la la,"

"Did Linlin fail too?"

"What an amazing brat,"

"Will he become the Pirate King and start a new era?"

Whitebeard looked at the photo of Big.Mom collapsed on the ground and Plank unscathed on the newsprint in his hand, and was amazed.

"No, this era is called Whitebeard,"

"Dad, you are the strongest!"

"Whether it's Big Mom or some ocean disaster, in front of Dad, it's nothing!"

"The only one who can become the Pirate King is you, dad!"

The other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates said firmly.

It's not that they don't know that big.mom and Gangplank are powerful enough to defeat big.mom, but they always firmly believe that Whitebeard is the strongest.

Looking at the squad leaders who had full confidence in him, Whitebeard smiled happily, but there was a hint of worry hidden in his generous smile.

big.mom has fallen. Who will be the next Four Emperors to fall?

Whitebeard knows very well that he is really old.

"Maybe it's time to consider training a new captain!"

"At least, take my silly sons and arrive safely in the new era!"

Whitebeard thought to himself, and then looked at Marco who was careless and still drinking and playing with the captains, and suddenly became very angry.

Other novice pirates have defeated big.mom to reach the top of Four Emperors, but my stupid son only knows how to drink and brag about treating himself. Why do I feel that I have lost this wave?

"Linlin, Linlin!"

"How could you be defeated so easily?"

"I still owe you a favor that I haven't repaid yet!"

In Onigashima, Kaido, who had just learned that big.mom had been defeated, was filled with grief and anger, and burst into tears.

"This is really, really sad!"

When Kaido said this, the tears in his eyes stopped instantly, and his expression of grief and anger suddenly turned into coldness, and he said solemnly,

"But that's okay,"

"I will avenge you!"

"Of course, the price is, let me take over your kingdoms and pirate group!"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

On the Ghost Island, a huge green dragon instantly flew away in the clouds and mist.

The Beasts Pirates, who have been working hard on Wanokuni, are the pirate group with the least high-level combat power among all the Four Emperors groups.

Except for the three big names, Fei Liubao and Zhenda, who have not yet been assembled, are basically not on the stage.

In Wanokuni, Ashura Doji, Denjiro and other Red Scabbard Nine Heroes are still waiting for the so-called twenty-year prophecy as they watch the declining Wanokuni.

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