Five hundred and eighty billion!

A total of 50.8 billion.

Duke looked at the terrifying wealth value in the system panel, his excited eyes almost turned into the shape of money.

Of the more than 50 billion in wealth, more than 30 billion comes from the wealth of funeral homes.

However, the total wealth that all nations can mobilize is less than 20 billion.

The dignified Four Emperors are not as rich as a king of the dark world?

It’s a bit embarrassing to say it!

But when I think of the island protected by’s flag, the tribute he paid was dessert.

In the sea area directly controlled by his subordinates, the tax paid by residents is based on their life span. Thinking about it this way, it seems very reasonable...

"At least is richer than Whitebeard."

Duke comforted himself.

Whitebeard controls a large amount of sea area in New World, sheltering countless islands. Most of the islands are like The fish men island, with free flag sponsorship!

No wonder Whitebeard has the largest territory and the most famous reputation in the New World.

Who wouldn’t like a boss who works to prevent disasters for free?

"But, among the Four Emperors, is still the richest, right?"

Duke's face changed slightly when he thought of this.

Whitebeard couldn't explain anything, and the red-haired Shanks wandered around the sea all day long and held banquets. The territory was small, the crew was small, and he didn't look like he was rich!

Teacher Kaido, who is deeply involved in Wanokuni, can earn at least hundreds of billions from the seastone mines he mines every year!

But the problem is, Mr. Guy has been obsessed with building a zoo in the past few years.

Basically all the proceeds from selling seastones were exchanged for artificial Devil Fruit.

Even the poor ones, after Luffy came down from Sky Island, as soon as he heard that Sky Island really existed and determined the coordinates, he ran directly to Sky Island to rob the Golden Land!

The dignified Four Emperors are flying to Sky Island to rob themselves?

If it weren't for lack of money, would Teacher Guy be able to do this?

Think so?, who usually collects desserts and souls without spending much money, could actually be the richest?

"In this Four Emperors group, the effort and benefits are completely out of proportion!"

Duke sighed deeply and lost all interest in finding ways to aid Gangplank, kill the remaining Four Emperors, and control the entire New World.

Grand Line and New World only occupy a small part of the pirate world.

Eighty percent of the entire pirate world's wealth and population are concentrated in the four seas.

Although the poverty of the Four Emperors group made Duke slightly disappointed,

But when the wealth worth more than 50 billion was placed in front of Duke's eyes, Duke instantly became extremely excited.

I bathed and burned incense very carefully, washing my whole body, especially my hands, until they turned white.

By the way, I gave a stick of incense to who had turned into a baby weighing 800 pounds, and sacrificed a wave of Four Emperors’ luck.

Duke pressed the lottery button hard!

"System, give me an SS-level lottery first,"

"Come out, Star Casting Dragon King!"

Duke prayed!

Then, Duke looked at the prize drawn by the system and smiled broadly.

[Consuming 20 billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for winning the SS-level prize, the hero, Soraka, Son of the Stars!


Grade 1

Strength: b+

Physique: a-

Agility: a-

Spirit: a

Potential: ss-(ss+)

Equipment owned: None

Possess abilities: Meteor Fall, Star Infusion, Astral Barrier, Prayer, etc.

Overall rating: a-

As an immortal star spirit, Soraka is the daughter of the stars and the incarnation of the stars.

She was born immortal, but in order to save the suffering and pain of mortals, she was willing to give up her immortal godhead, put on the coat of flesh and blood, and came to the world as a mortal!

But, one day, when she fulfilled her long-cherished wish and regained her true power!

The stars will shine for her, and the true son of the stars will return again. 】

"Nanny, no, Soraka the Starchild?"

"Although she only has ss-potential now, it seems that as long as she fulfills her long-cherished wish, she can instantly increase her ss-potential to ss+ potential?"

"This wave, take off directly!"

"Hahaha, with two SS-potential heroes in hand, as long as we pick out one SS-level potential hero, and wait until they all reach full level, wouldn't it be possible to directly overthrow the World Government?"

"System, give me another SS-level lottery,"

"No need to come to the Dragon King, just give me another dark descendant ascended star spirit and it will be..."

Duke was extremely excited and pressed the lottery button again.

The strongest trump card of the World Government is that Im, who has lived for hundreds of years and has obviously surpassed the Four Emperors with ss-combat power,

And the specific combat power is unknown, but as the strongest Ancient Weapon, Uranus is likely to have SS-level destructive power.

In other words, as long as there is one SS-level, one SS- hero, we can at least divide the world equally with the World Government.

With the combat power of any more SS-, it would be enough to surpass the World Government, and they could directly surround and kill Im, or contain the power of Uranus, and finally completely control the entire world!

The opportunity to control the entire world is just around the corner. Duke's eyes are shining, and even his hands are trembling slightly!

Then, Duke looked at the lottery prizes displayed on the system panel, and the light in his eyes instantly dissipated, and his face fell...

[Consuming 20 billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for winning the S-level prize, the heroic German manager! 】

How should I put it, General Manager Debon, who has S-level potential, is not weak among heroes.

And now the Valoran Manor really needs a good guard.

That guy Capone. Bege can deal with some weak chickens now, but if he really faces some strong enemies, he will only lose his life.

Duke was very comfortable using this large self-propelled humanoid locker and prison, but he didn't want him to die inexplicably at someone else's hands that day.

But the problem is,

"I spent 20 billion beli, and you drew me an S-level hero?"

Duke had a curse word in his mind that he didn't know whether to say or not.

Of course, as a good young man, it is impossible to say dirty words!

If you say it and the system can't hear it, why bother?

So, Duke silently and cordially greeted’s mother,

Everything is the fault of, the weakling Four Emperors!

Duke came back to his senses, looked at the last 10.8 billion wealth value lying on the system panel, and washed his hands again.

After washing his hands until they were white and rosy, he pressed the lottery button again.

"System, give me ten S-level draws directly,"

"This time, I'm going to fight ten!"

One draw might make me look bad, but if I draw ten times, I can’t look bad every time, right?

Of course, the main reason why Duke directly came to the S-level lottery ten times is that, in addition to the SS-level combat power that can truly establish the ultimate hegemony in this world,

Duke needs more heroes to make him more money.

The world of pirates is so big that just a few heroes can't be busy at all.

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