Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 81 Technology And Hard Work, Complete

[Consuming one billion wealth values, congratulations to the Host for winning the S-level prize, the heroic Gale Swordsman! 】

[Consuming one billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for winning the A-level prize and equipping the Giant Belt! 】

[Consumption of one billion wealth values, congratulations to the Host for winning the s+ prize, the Heroic and Unparalleled Swordswoman! 】

[Consuming one billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for winning the A-level prize and equipping Caulfield’s war hammer,]

[Consuming one billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for winning S-level prizes and ability transfer! 】

[Consuming one billion wealth values, congratulations to Host for getting...]

A series of system prompts appeared in front of Duke's eyes.

"Three heroes, three small pieces of equipment, three pieces of complete equipment, plus one ability?"

"Can teleportation be drawn?"

Duke's eyes are a little bright, and he can teleport, so it is naturally possible to flash. Is it possible that the summoner's ability before the revision can be reborn?

Rebirth is a life!

Duke was slightly looking forward to it.

Then, the Giant's Belt was directly combined with Gangplank's Thorns Vest to upgrade it to anti-armor!

Then he directly equipped Gangplank with the S-level prize inspiring armor he won.

The Madman's anti-armor plus inspiration, plus two pieces of armor-piercing armor, Gangplank's attack is simply both meaty and output.

Even if his level is not yet eighteen, Duke no longer has to worry about being defeated by the other Four Emperors.

Any new Four Emperors who wants to completely occupy a foothold in the New World must

It's basically impossible without getting rid of a large number of big pirates who are ready to move and having a few fights with the other Four Emperors.

Gangplank was basically armed to the teeth, and Duke himself used Caulfield's war hammer and the Hex Demon-Drinking Knife that he had previously equipped, and successfully synthesized the Bite of Mamotius!

A fanatic, a banshee, and the Bite of Mamotius. Duke didn't believe that anyone else could kill him instantly under the protection of a large number of heroes.

He still has the ability to teleport.

As for the other two pieces of ready-made equipment drawn, there is also a small piece of equipment called Tiamat.

One of the ready-made equipment, the Water Staff, was ready to be installed directly on Soraka after Duke thought about it for a moment!

Auxiliary equipment for support, no problem!

Demigod, that is also an auxiliary.

And the other piece of clothing, Guinsoo's Furious Blade,

After hesitating, Duke made up his mind and prepared to give it and Tiamat to the peerless swordswoman Fiona!

Duke originally wanted to equip himself with this powerful piece of equipment.

But when I think about it, I don't seem to need to fight at all. Equipping a combat outfit is of little use...

It is better to give it to heroes so that they can grow faster on this sea.

The equipment was quickly distributed by Duke, and then came the real highlight!

There are five heroes, the demigod Soraka, the German steward Xin Zhao, the swift swordsman Yasuo, the peerless swordswoman Fiona, and the alchemist Singed who Duke pays great attention to!

Jace and Singed, now, technology and hard work come together!

[Alchemist Singed:

Grade 1

Strength: b-

Physique: b

Agility: b


Potential: s

Equipment owned: None

Possess abilities: poisonous traces, strong glue, crazy potions, etc.!

Overall rating: b

As a well-known madman in Zaun, the alchemist Singed devoted everything he had to crazy biochemical research!

Poison and glue are just his small means, but what is really enough to shock the whole world is the glimmer of light that is enough to bring drastic changes to the whole world!

Glimmer potion can restore injuries, strengthen physical fitness, stimulate potential, and enhance combat power according to the dosage.

But taking it in large quantities will cause the user's flesh and blood to become distorted and even lose their mind, leading them to fall into complete madness! 】

"Technology is the power that can change the world!"

"The side effects of incomplete body shimmer may cause flesh and blood distortion, and if the shimmer medicine is thoroughly studied,"

"So is it possible that Shimmer will become the perfect human genetic enhancement agent?"

Duke was thinking about it, and then summoned the five heroes one by one.

The perfect human genetic enhancement potion is still far away, but in the pirate world, creating another Zaun seems to be pretty good!

In addition, Duke also wants to know, is Singed's shimmering potion alchemy more terrifying, or is Germa 66's blood factor cloning technology more terrifying?

North Blue has been quiet for too long, and Duke feels that North Blue needs to inject a new powerful force.

Of course, the main reason is that these days, the arms business is also very profitable.

The light flickered, and five figures slowly emerged in front of Duke.

Soraka, who had upright little horns and lilac-colored skin, exuded an inexplicable depth and compassion. Holding the Star and Moon Scepter, she bowed gently to Duke and said softly,

"As long as I'm alive, no one will suffer!"

Soraka came to earth to save the world from suffering.

"The pain in this world needs you to save it!"

Duke nodded seriously to Soraka.

Duke had great respect for any devotee of a high faith.

Not all gods are willing to give up their immortal godhood and fall into the mortal world to save those fragile and dirty humans in the eyes of the gods!

"Only the innocent can sleep peacefully!"

"Can I sleep peacefully in this world?"

The swift swordsman Yasuo bowed his head to Duke, and then leaned against a pillar quietly, his face full of melancholy.

Yasuo was already tired of everything he had experienced.

"In this new world, you will have a completely different life!"

"Want to give it a try?"

Duke smiled Kaidō.

Although all heroes are engraved with eternal loyalty to Duke when they are summoned.

But this does not mean that they do not have their own personalities and hobbies.

When they are summoned, they are no longer dull and cold game characters, but flesh and blood, living people.

"No one can break through my gun range!"

Xin Zhao, the German general manager, knelt down on one knee and offered his loyalty to Duke!

"Then, my safety is up to you!"

Duke said Kaidō in a deep voice, and then General Manager Zhao Xin silently stood behind Duke, like a statue, solid and tough.

"I never back down!"

"Laurent's name will surely be in my hands and will glorify the world!"

Fiona, the Peerless Swordswoman, said proudly, her eyes extremely sharp!

Fiona is the best swordsman in the world. No matter what kind of opponent she faces,

She would never back down from betting on the honor of the Laurent family, and she would never lose.

"Of course, I believe that your name, Laurent, will shine brightly in this world."

"This may not be perfect enough,"

"But, it's definitely the best!"

Singed shook the tube of reagent in his hand at Duke enthusiastically. He was full of hope for his invention!

In this world, Hex Technology is not the only one who can change the future!

His biochemical research can also change everything.

Duke strongly agreed with this.

Technology is the primary productive force.

But before technology can be fully transformed into productivity, Duke discovered that,

It seems like he has no money again...

But fortunately, another huge fortune is just around the corner!

In the first half of the Grand Line, Scarlet Baron Vladimir, who has killed many pirates, looted several Marine Bases, and gained the title of Blood Demon, has begun to land in the Thriller barque.

In Gekko Moria's hand, there is an armband that points directly to Captain John's treasure.

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