Orange Town.

Nami, with her short orange hair, was running wildly on the streets of Orange Town, with several pirates chasing her behind her.

Nami was being chased because she stole the Grand Line nautical chart that Buggy stole from Monka......

"Thief, where can you run?"

Although Nami was not slow, she was still blocked by several pirates.

Just when she didn't know how to get out, Luffy came down from the sky with a cloud of dust.

Seeing such a good opportunity to blame someone, Nami was also happy.

Just when he was about to fool a few pirates and say that this suddenly appeared man was his boss, another burst of wind came, this time...It wasn't a person, but a ship carrying two people flying towards this location. And the direction it landed was exactly where several pirates were gathered....."The sound of"The Ship That Ike and Zoro Were On" exploded, and the pirates who were affected fell to the ground.

Another Justice Point was credited........

"Ike....You are really messing around!"

Zoro stood up with his sore legs and said

"You are alright, aren't you? If you fail in such a small matter, how can you be the best in the world!"At this moment, Luffy came over and shouted excitedly,"Ike, Zoro, what are you playing? It feels so exciting! You must take me to play next time!""

"OK OK...."Ike waved his hand and then turned his attention to Nami.

After seeing Nami, Ike's eyes rolled and he pointed at her and shouted,"Who are you, thief!"

"you....You should return the 20 million Baileys you stole from me!"


Nami really wanted to ask who are you?

Nami did steal a lot of people's money, but she had never seen this young handsome man in front of her....She never stole 20 million at once.

"Hello...Don't spit blood on me! When have I ever stolen so much money?"

Nami said indignantly

"Humph! I'm not talking about 20 million in cash, but gems worth 20 million!"

At this point, Ike took out his ID, which was the commission of the private navy, and said,"Thief Nami, you have been arrested by me!"

Nami looked at the commission of the private navy carefully. She was shocked when she saw it.

A private navy marshal and two private navy admirals....Seeing these three positions, Nami was numb.

As for who is the other admiral of the private navy besides Ike? Of course it is Zoro.

Before letting Zoro board the ship, Ike asked him to sign the commission of the private navy.

Now Zoro has become a worker for Ike to become stronger.

As long as the pirates defeated by Zoro do justice, they will bring justice value to Ike.......

Nami was stunned for a moment and then smiled awkwardly and said,"You got the wrong person, I'm not a thief!"

Then Nami turned and ran away.

Nami's adoptive mother Bell-mère was once a navy soldier. Although she was a female soldier,....She knows a lot about the internal affairs of the navy.

The admiral and the admiral are extremely powerful.

And Nami has no good feelings towards the navy.

If the first thing she hates is the pirates, then the second one is definitely the navy.

If it weren't for the collusion between the evil dragon and the navy, the evil dragon would not have been an accomplice to the evil in Cocoa Village, Nami's hometown, for so many years.......

Seeing Nami was about to leave, Ike smiled and said to Luffy,"This little girl is a very powerful navigator!"

Hearing about the powerful navigator, Luffy's eyes lit up and he immediately chased after Nami.

But before he took two steps, Luffy fell to the ground.

"good...I'm so hungry! Ike, do you have any food?"

Seeing Luffy slumped on the ground, Ike was speechless, and then he took out some food from the cozy hut and handed it to Luffy.

After Luffy had eaten and drunk his fill, he was full of energy again.

Luffy, who had just stood up, looked around and laughed,"Where is it? Where is it? Where is my navigator?"

"She ran away a long time ago!"

Luffy was not discouraged when he heard Ike say that the navigator ran away.

"Hehehehe....I have a feeling we'll meet again."......

On the other side.

After leaving the streets of Orange Town, Nami took out the nautical chart to the Grand Line.

Looking at this nautical chart that was of no use to her, Nami gritted her teeth with some entanglement. In the end, she decided to give up the nautical chart and find a way to make a fortune in the Buggy Pirates.

The most important thing now is to earn enough 100 million to redeem the Cocosia Village from the hands of the He Long Pirates.

After thinking everything through, Nami came to the Buggy Pirates alone and handed over the nautical chart to express her surrender.

The reason was that she had a falling out with her original three partners.

The three partners she referred to naturally refer to Luffy, Zoro and Ike.

Nami's plan was to let the Buggy Pirates conflict with the three guys who claimed to be the navy, and she would quietly find the treasure house of the Buggy Pirates and steal all the treasures.

The plan was perfect, and just as she thought, Buggy did believe her words and sent his capable subordinate Mochi to capture Luffy and the other two.......

"Navigator, where are you?...."

Luffy would shout from time to time as he walked down the street.

Seeing Luffy's strange train of thought, Zoro looked at Ike speechlessly and asked,"Does he do this often?"

Ike shrugged and said,"You'll get used to it!"

Just then, a huge lion appeared, and on the lion's head sat a man wearing a ridiculous headgear.

That was Mochi, and his lion companion, Riki.

"Shout to that Straw Hat Boy, are you Nami's former partner?"

Mochi looked at Luffy and asked coldly

"Nami? Oh...yes....She is our navigator. I'm still looking for her. Do you know where she is?"

Seeing that the other party admitted it, Mochi didn't want to continue communicating with the other party, and directly ordered his pet Niki to attack Luffy.

The huge claws slapped towards Luffy.

Luffy dodged it nimbly, and then shot Mochi off the lion's head with a rubber pistol.

Mochi just fell in front of Ike and Zoro.

While Luffy was playing with the lion, Ike came to Mochi and squatted down, putting one hand on his head and trying to take off his hood.

"it hurts....What are you doing you bastard?"

"Eh? Isn't this a hood?"

"asshole...This is my hair, except that my hair grows thicker!"


"Oh! Got it!"

After he no longer had any doubts about the mask, Ike knocked Mochi unconscious with a straight punch.

On the other side,

Luffy, who was tired of playing, also threw a spinning windmill to knock Lion Riki unconscious, and he lost his ability to fight.

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