The scabbard and handle of Asauchi's sword are pure black, which is the opposite color of the Wado Ichimonji in Zoro's hand.

Zoro felt the difference of Asauchi and immediately said to Luffy:

"Luffy, let me see the sword!"

Luffy is not very interested in swords, he still likes super cool things like shields or armor, so he threw the sword directly to Zoro.

Zoro took the Asado and immediately felt a sense of connection. What

Zoro didn't notice was that when he took the Asado, the Wado Ichimonji beside him lit up, and then a ray of light penetrated into the Asado.

"It's really a good sword! I think it is also one of the twenty-one great swords!" Zoro said with admiration after pulling out the Asauchi.

Hearing Zoro's words, Ike smiled and said,"Zoro, you'd better put it down! Be careful not to be able to pull it out if you see it!"

Zoro is not a person who takes away what others love. He put the sword back into the scabbard and then placed it in front of Ike.

Ike didn't say anything. He must keep this first Asauchi for himself. Asauchi needs to be nurtured and communicated, so that the Asauchi can be evolved into a Zanpakutō.

I don't know when I can draw another Asauchi, so I'd better keep this one for myself! By the way, I can also practice swordsmanship.

As soon as Ike's hand touched the Asauchi, his brows suddenly frowned, thinking that he actually felt resistance from the Asauchi.

"Huh? You actually resisted me? Could it be that this Asauchi already has its own thoughts?"

Thinking of this, Ike looked at Zoro in disbelief.

Before, Zoro and Luffy had touched this Asauchi, but when Luffy handed the knife to Zoro, the knife should be fine.

In other words ,....This knife recognized its master so quickly!!!


Oh my god? What's going on?....It is already a Zanpakutō without a name.

Thinking of this, Ike looked at Zoro helplessly and thought to himself,"This freight is really good."

Thinking of this, Ike said to Zoro,"Zoro, this sword belongs to you. It chose you!"

Zoro was still a little confused when he heard Ike's words

"Hmm? What do you mean it chose me? Could it be a demon sword?"

Zoro also knew something about demon swords. Demon swords would choose their own masters. If they were not used by the person it chose, they would gradually become crazy and bloodthirsty.

"hehe...."Ike smiled and said,"Just think of it as a magic sword!"

Zoro smiled when he heard that, and thought to himself,"A magic sword? I'd like to give it a try!"

Then, Zoro picked up the Asada without hesitation.

Picking up the Asada again, Zoro felt a sense of connection in his heart, as if this sword was meant to belong to him.......

Ignoring Zoro who was playing with shallow punches, Ike focused all his attention on the training manual of Stream Rock Crushing Fist.

Stream Rock Crushing Fist is a boxing technique that combines both offense and defense.

As the name suggests, after performing it, this move is like flowing water, pouring down on the opponent's body, making the opponent fall down in front of it without any resistance.

The defense is so good that water cannot get in.

Moreover, there is no so-called upper limit to Stream Rock Crushing Fist. The stronger the physique of the user, the more powerful the Stream Rock Crushing Fist will be.

While Ike was immersed in Stream Rock Crushing Fist, he did not notice that Luffy had taken the manual of training telekinesis from him and started to read it himself......

After an unknown amount of time, Ike finally finished reading the entire book of Flowing Rock Fist.

He also combined Flowing Rock Fist with his own Dragon Slayer Magic in his mind, which would definitely double the power.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the sea surface of the boat where the three people were riding.

Ike looked up and saw that Luffy, who had his eyes closed, was constantly releasing white steam from his body surface.

"What the hell? Luffy has developed the second gear now?"

Just when Ike was surprised, he saw the manual for the training of the ability of mind placed next to Luffy.

"Could it be that Luffy is practicing Nen? Then isn't this white mist life energy?"

Ike, who has watched Hunter x Hunter, knows that if a large amount of life energy is lost, it can shorten one's lifespan or even kill one.

Just as Ike was about to warn Luffy, he saw that the life energy on the surface of Luffy's body began to gradually gather, forming a layer of energy film invisible to the naked eye on his body surface.

At the same time, Luffy also opened his eyes.

"Wuhu...I succeeded! My body suddenly feels so good!"Luffy said while jumping and laughing.


Ike himself had read the manual for cultivating the ability of mind.

In Ike's opinion, if you don't meditate for days and nights, let alone cultivate the ability of mind, it would be good enough to master the sense of qi and feel the existence of qi in your body.

But what about Luffy? He just looked at the manual for cultivation and awakened the ability of mind by himself.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to give Luffy the title of genius!

Is this the so-called great wisdom and foolishness?.....

Zoro noticed Luffy's abnormality and focused his attention on him.

At this time, Zoro could feel a sense of danger from Luffy, which he had not felt before.

However, when his hand took the shallow hit, this sense of danger faded.......

"very hungry...."

Because of the loss of a small amount of life energy, Luffy began to eat like crazy, and soon all the food on the ship was eaten up.

But even so, Luffy was still crying out for hunger.

Just then, Luffy found a big bird in the sky.

Seeing the meat, he stretched out his arms without hesitation and wanted to catch the bird, but who would have thought that the bird was very big. Not only did Luffy fail to catch it, but he was lifted up in the air, and his head was held tightly in the bird's beak.



"This idiot...."Zoro cursed loudly and began paddling frantically.

He knew that Luffy was a Devil Fruit user and that if he fell into the sea alone, he would definitely die........

Zoro and Ike paddled frantically, but the boat could not gain much speed no matter how hard they paddled, and could not catch up with the giant bird flying in the sky.

Seeing this, Ike asked Zoro to hold on to the boat, and he came to the stern and took a deep breath.

"Roar of the Sky Dragon...."

With a breath of dragon, the whole ship flew up as if it had eaten a magic cookie.

As the ship rushed out, Ike's system panel prompted him that he had three more points of justice.

This made Ike a little confused, not knowing what happened.

Little did he know that as the ship flew out, it just happened to hit a small boat with the logo of the Buggy Pirates, which was shattered to pieces, and the three pirates on the boat also sank into the sea......

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