Crocodile was very upset when he heard Ike's off-tune singing.

In the end, it was the kind-hearted Tashigi who told Crocodile the truth.

"You are different. The Straw Hat Pirates are a private navy! And they have not disrupted order, and they are still upholding justice!"

Crocodile was stunned for a moment and said,"Are you kidding me? Why did you issue a 30 million bounty for someone from your navy?"


"that...I'm so sorry! It's because....The Navy Headquarters made a mistake!"

Just as Tashigi finished speaking, Tina came over and said,"No need to explain so much to the pirates!"

Then, Tina took people to imprison Crocodile and Mr. 1 in the temporary prison of the warship........

At the same time, in the Navy Headquarters,

Sengoku found his old boss, the former Navy Admiral and current World Government Commander-in-Chief.

"What did you say? You had Crocodile captured?"

"That's right! Commander Sora, Crocodile is a Shichibukai, but he actually attempted to steal the country. This is beyond the rights granted to him by the Shichibukai!"

Sengoku explained.

"He stole the country? Is there any evidence?....Which country did you steal from?"

Kong asked solemnly.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are appointed by the World Government....Removing or arresting the Seven Warlords of the Sea without any reason would be like slapping the World Government in the face again, which Sora definitely doesn't want to see.

Originally Sora only needed to manage the navy, but now...He is already the commander-in-chief of the World Government. He is not only looking at the face of the Navy, but also the World Government.

"Crocodile's target of the theft is Alabasta. As for the evidence....Smoker has collected them all! Crocodile will definitely be convicted!"

When Sora learned that Crocodile's target of stealing the country was Alabasta, he frowned.

Alabasta is different from other countries. The royal family of Alabasta was once one of the world's nobles.

"Since everyone has been arrested, let's do this!"

Kong waved his hand, indicating that Sengoku could leave. He planned to go to the Five Elders to discuss the matter and discuss the appointment of the next Shichibukai.

Seeing Kong was about to leave, Sengoku hurriedly stopped him and handed him a plan.

Kong took the plan and saw that it said [Private Navy Plan】

"Private navy? What is that?"

Sora asked curiously.

"The private navy is a just armed force spontaneously organized by the civilian population. In the previous Alabasta theft incident, a private navy team played a very important role. Not only did they protect Alabasta's Princess Vivi and send her back to Alabasta, they also successfully rescued King Cobra from Crocodile!"

"Not only that, before that, they also cleared out some of the East China Sea's scum navy and solved several vicious pirate groups."......

After listening to Sengoku 's story about the Straw Hat Pirates, Sora also read the plan.

"Do you want to expand the so-called private navy?"

"Yes! The private navy plays a significant role in maintaining peace and justice on the sea, but before expanding the scale, the Straw Hat Pirates can continue to test it."

"The most important thing is that Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is Garp’s grandson, so there is absolutely no problem in letting him take the test!"

"Oh! Karp? That's fine! I agree with this plan.....If the Straw Hat Pirates can really promote peace in the sea as you said, I will also agree to the formal plan!"

After saying that, Sora returned the plan to Sengoku.

As for the private navy, Sora didn't really care. In his opinion, it was just like adding another department to the navy.

Sora would naturally not refuse to add another department to the navy, and it was a department that didn't need more budget.

And if something really happened in the middle, just eliminate it.......

Seeing that Sora agreed, Sengoku was relieved.

With Sora here, Luffy's identity problem in the Straw Hat Pirates is perfectly solved.......

On the other side.

After sailing for several days, the two navy warships finally arrived at the waters of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Seeing the bubbles all over the sky above the island, Ike knew that they were about to arrive at the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

Ike was not idle during the days on the ship. In addition to training and exercising his Nen ability, he also performed a wave of golden ten consecutive draws.

This adventure in Alabasta allowed Ike to perform three golden ten consecutive draws at a time. After all, this time they saved a country with a population of more than 10 million, not an island with only a few hundred or a thousand people.......

The second time I drew the gold ten times, I was quite satisfied with it.

【Obtain: Devil Fruit Upgrade Scroll x1] Gold-level item: From the parallel world of the Pirate World, after using it, the Devil Fruit can be upgraded once (Note: Don't think too much, the upgraded Devil Fruit ability user is still afraid of water)

【Obtain: Face-pinching Artifact] Silver-level item, from a certain game world, can be used to change your own face (Note: can only be used once, remember, when pinching your face, you must be focused, otherwise it is easy to pinch your head into a refrigerator or washing machine mainframe or something like that...)

【Obtain: System Upgrade Scroll] Gold-level item, the system upgrade scroll can upgrade the gold-level system to diamond-level (Note: You need to collect seven to summon the dragon)

【Obtain: Constitution Pill X1] Silver-level item, from a certain immortal dimension, can enhance physical fitness after use

【Obtained: Resurrection Talisman] Gold-level item, from a certain fantasy plane, it can revive the dead after use, and can repair all injuries (Note: After taking out the Resurrection Talisman, you can see the soul body within a radius of 20 meters that has not dissipated. Just stick the talisman on the soul to revive it)

【Obtained: Rabbit Talisman] Gold-level item, from Jackie Chan Adventures plane, after using it, you will have extreme speed (Note: When the speed reaches a certain level, you can travel through time)

【Obtain: Gourmet Cells] Silver-level item, from the captive of gourmet food. After using it, you will have Gourmet Cells. You can become stronger and stronger just by eating. (Note: The food must be delicious. Eating shit will not make you stronger.))

【Obtained: Storage Ring] Silver-level item, from the Immortal Cultivation Plane. As the name suggests, it is a space ring that can store objects (Note: The space size is only 10㎡)

【Obtain: Senzu Bean X1] Silver-level item, from the Dragon Ball plane, can be used to recover all injuries (Note: cannot cure diseases)

【Obtain: Constitution Pill X1] Silver-level item, from a certain immortal dimension, can enhance physical fitness after use.........

The items drawn in this lottery are basically useful, and there are even props like the Resurrection Charm.

And through this wave of lotteries, Ike also knows how to make Nico Robin disappear from this world!

It is certain that Robin will join the Straw Hat Pirates. In order to avoid future troubles, Ike has long been prepared to make Nico Robin disappear from the world.

Anyway, the pirate world is not a high-tech network world. If you change your appearance and name, no one will be able to recognize who is who. As for the unchangeable Devil Fruit ability, this wave also drew the Devil Fruit Upgrade Scroll.

As long as Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit is upgraded, it is estimated that no one will be able to tell the difference. I just don't know what the Flower-Flower Fruit will look like after the upgrade......

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