Seeing the bubbles in the sky of the Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy wanted to get off the boat to play, but was stopped by Smoker.

"Our destination is the Navy Headquarters.

Smoker grabbed Luffy who was excited.

"Hello.....Just go down and have some fun! It won't waste much time!"

Luffy said with a pout.

At this moment, Conan, who already had a good understanding of Luffy's character, came to him and said,"The Navy Headquarters is not far from here. Luffy, don't you want to rush into the cafeteria of the Navy Headquarters and eat a lot?"

Hearing about eating a lot, Luffy's stomach began to growl. Just when Luffy had just settled down, a navy soldier came to Smoker and saluted,"Report to Colonel Smoker, two pirate ships have been spotted in the sea ahead!"

"Oh? There are pirates again!"

Just as the navy soldier finished speaking, Ike came out of the cabin.

He was steaming all over, as if he had just been in a sauna.

The reason for this was that he took two physical pills at once, and the drug effect leaked out.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

Zoron was also surprised when he saw Ike smoking.

"It's okay!"

After waving his hand, Ike looked in the direction of the two pirate ships.

At this time, the two pirate ships were shooting at each other. It must be said that the cannons in the pirate world were not very accurate. The two sides fired dozens of shells at each other, but not a single shell hit the hull.

"Leave them to me!"

As he spoke, Ike shook his arms, and Wanli Feixiang appeared. Then Ike flew towards the two pirate ships.

This time Ike's flying speed was much faster than before, and only some afterimages could be seen.

The reason for this was that Ike was holding the rabbit talisman in his hand!.......

Along the way, Ike encountered many pirate ships. After encountering the pirate ships, the navy did not take action. It was basically Ike, Zoro, and Luffy who dealt with them. Sometimes Smoker would choose to join the battle.

As a strong woman, Major General Tina naturally wanted to join the battle, but Ike rejected her.

The reason for the refusal was that someone needed to see through it.

In fact,....Tina's name is not on the Civilian Navy's appointment book, and the pirates she defeated cannot increase Ike's justice value......

When Ike flew between the two pirate ships, the pirates who were still shooting at each other stopped because....They also noticed the arrival of the navy.

But before they could aim their guns at the navy ships, Ike had already destroyed all the cannons of the two pirate ships with a super-speed version of Tianlong's wing attack.

Seeing this, Tina, who was holding a telescope, took out Den Den Mushi again and started calling the headquarters to send someone to take over the pirates who had just been captured.........

After dealing with the two pirate groups, the navy ship continued to sail and soon saw the panoramic view of Marinford.

"Is this Marinford? It is indeed magnificent!"

Conan couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing Marinford.

""What? Conan, do you want to stay here?"

Ike put his hand on Conan's head and laughed.

Conan slapped Ike's hand away and said speechlessly,"Are you going to send me to that Marijoa again and let murders happen there every day? It would be best if a few more Celestial Dragons died!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...."


"I said, it is the case that is calling me, not because of my existence that the case exists!"

After yelling, Conan no longer paid attention to Ike and turned and ran away.......

At the same time, in the high-level meeting room of Marinford, all the high-ranking navy officials were seated here, including Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, Chief of Staff Tsuru, the three most powerful admirals of the navy, and several vice admirals of the headquarters.

Sengoku slammed the private navy plan on the table and asked all the high-ranking navy officials to make suggestions.

As an admiral who likes to slack off whenever possible, Kizaru was the first to raise his hand to show his agreement.

Another admiral, Aokiji, did not refuse, because the main proposer of this plan was Garp.

It was not until Akainu Sakaski that things got a bit stuck.

"This plan....What is the difference with the Shichibukai Project?"

"Is our navy so weak? Do we need help from outside forces?"

Akainu's words immediately made many hawkish vice admirals nod in agreement.

"Sakaski, the private navy is naturally different from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are thieves, while the private navy is civilians!"

After explaining, Sengoku found that Akainu was still folding his arms and not saying a word. He took out another document and handed it over.

""Look at these!"

Akainu took the document and started reading it.

The main content of the document was the number of pirates eliminated by the private navy trio headed by Luffy from Alabasta to the Navy Headquarters, as well as the process of eliminating them.

The most heinous pirates were sunk into the sea, and the others were captured and sent to the Judicial Island for trial.

After reading this, Akainu was also stunned.

He didn't expect that the so-called private navy would actually.......They are so capable, even more capable than his vice admirals!

After putting the documents down, Akainu frowned and asked,"In that case, why not let them officially join the navy to enforce justice!"

"well..."Zhan Guo sighed and said,"I also want these promising young people to join the navy, but....They all have their own reasons for not being able to join the navy."

"Some were disappointed with the navy, some were disappointed with freedom, and some...."

In conclusion....Sengoku directly found a lot of reasons for Ike and Luffy.

At this time, He gently said,"Recently, several navy officers want to quit the navy!"

This sentence immediately made the meeting room silent.

Then everyone looked at Sengoku. He's words were a wake-up call. The so-called private navy was basically created for the navy itself. It was to hope that those navy officers with a sense of justice would not choose to become pirates because of disappointment with the navy's top brass and go against their own sense of justice.

"I....Agree to this plan!"

Akainu finally agreed to the private navy plan.....

Seeing this, Sengoku also smiled.

In fact, even if Akainu, or the other two admirals Aokiji and Kizaru disagree with this plan, the plan can still go on.....In order for the private navy to develop smoothly during the Warring States Period, it was necessary to have the support of all senior officials.

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