The harbor of the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, is like a crescent moon, with many naval ships anchored in various ports.

There are also some ships that look like naval ships, but they do fly the skull and crossbones flag.

Seeing these ships, Smoker was surprised.

"Eh? Is there any big move at the headquarters recently? Why are there so many skeleton ships?"

After hearing what Smoker said, Tina, who had been in the Navy Headquarters, was speechless for a moment, and then explained,"That's because the Navy hero Garp hung up the skull flag, so many Navy admirals who admired him also learned to hang up the skull flag."


Although Tina did not explain the specific situation,....Smoker also guessed something. It was probably because of the skull flag that the Straw Hat Pirates flew. Garp also flew the skull flag to find an excuse for the Straw Hat Pirates.

But no one has ever said that ships flying skull flags are definitely pirates, and ships flying seagull flags are definitely navy.

At this time, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, who was responsible for escorting Crocodile and Mr. 1, came over. Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was wearing a suit, a general's cloak with the word"justice" written on it, and a famous sword on his waist.

"hehe....I don't think there's anything wrong with Vice Admiral Garp hanging the skull flag!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Smoker turned around and saw Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel walking towards them.

"Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel!"

The two of them saluted Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel smiled and continued to explain,"Ever since the appearance of warships with skull flags in the navy, the efficiency of catching pirates has increased a lot!"

"To be precise, many pirates would actively approach a warship flying a skull flag."

At this point, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel's eyes showed admiration.

"Vice Admiral Garp is truly a hero in the Navy. He can actually think of such a way to improve the efficiency of our Navy in catching pirates!"

Smoker knew that the flying squirrel in front of him was a fan of Vice Admiral Garp. Even if Garp farted, he would probably say it smelled good.

In fact, it's not just Vice Admiral Garp. Many generals in the Navy are like this. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many Navy warships flying the skull flag.

The main reason is that Garp is so famous that he is considered a flag of the Navy. Many Navy officers chose to join the Navy because of Garp........

"Oh, right....Crocodile also asked you to take over the private navy?"

Seeing that the flying squirrel finally brought the topic to the mission, Tina pointed to Ike and Luffy who were admiring the entire Marinford in the back and said,"They are the captain and vice captain of the private navy!"

"As for Crocodile, he was brought out immediately!"

The flying squirrel looked in the direction Tina pointed, and he saw Ike's back at first sight.

It was not that Ike's back was so majestic and tall, but the words written behind him:"In the Name of the People!"

Seeing these words, the flying squirrel thought of his lost youth.

"Why did I join the navy in the first place? Was it to fight evil? Or to become famous on the sea?"

"neither....I am for....Ordinary people who can't fight against evil!"

The flying squirrel thought about his original intention of becoming a navy, and then thought about his real self now, he could only sigh deeply in his heart.

It's not people who change the environment, but the environment that changes people.

Since becoming a vice admiral, the flying squirrel has changed his mind and fought for the weak? Haha....Are those who are enslaved by the world's nobles weak? Are those ordinary people who are wantonly auctioned off weak?......

"really....Marshal Sengoku made the right decision to establish an unfettered private navy."

Muttering with emotion, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel came to Ike and Luffy.

"Hello! I am Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel who is here to pick you up!"

After hearing Flying Squirrel's self-introduction, Ike, Luffy, Zoro and Conan also introduced themselves.

"I am Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates!.....The man of the military king!"

Luffy is not stupid. He stopped when he was about to say the three words"Pirate King".

If he really said it, the whole navy headquarters would know it.....He Luffy wants to become the"man" of the Pirate King"

"I'm Ike, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Roronoa Zoro, the Swordsman!"

"I'm Conan Edogawa, a detective!".....

The one who cared the most about the flying squirrel was none other than Zoro, because he saw the long sword on the flying squirrel's waist and....The flying squirrel was constantly releasing the sharp sword intent of a swordsman.

Even Kuina on his waist was trembling a little.

"What? Swordsman, do you want to fight me?"

Wu Qianxiao looked at Zoro and asked

"Hmm! Please give me some advice!"

The flying squirrel could see that Sauron's strength was not strong enough for him, but....The flying squirrel still agreed to Zoro's so-called advice.

The reason is simple. Zoro is a private navy, and the power of justice is naturally the stronger the better! The flying squirrel really wants to give Zoro some advice........

While everyone was greeting each other, Crocodile and Mr. 1 were finally escorted to the Crescent Square of Marinford!

After seeing Crocodile, the flying squirrel subconsciously grasped the hilt of the knife.

Like most of the navy, the flying squirrel has no good feelings towards the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Seeing the flying squirrel's actions, Crocodile laughed and said,"What? Is the Vice Admiral going to chop me off here?"

Hearing Crocodile's ridicule, the flying squirrel relaxed and said,"Crocodile, you won't be the first Seven Warlords of the Sea to fall!"

After speaking, the flying squirrel took the lead and walked towards Marinford, followed by Smoker, Tina and the Straw Hat Pirates, while Crocodile was taken to the back........

After entering the Navy Headquarters, Flying Squirrel asked his men to escort Crocodile to the Navy Headquarters Prison, and he directly brought the Straw Hat Pirates to the Navy Headquarters office area.

Flying Squirrel naturally brought the Straw Hat Pirates to find Sengoku.

As soon as they arrived at the door of Sengoku's office, they heard the conversation between two people.

"Marshal, I feel that we can let the teacher join the private navy. It just so happens that the guerrillas he formed can be incorporated into the private navy."

"Are you talking about Zefa? I have indeed considered it, but I think even if there is a policy of private navy, he will choose to go it alone! Set up a private navy guerrilla team alone!"

Just as Zhan Guo's voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhan Guo signaled Aokiji who was sitting opposite to him to talk about this matter later, and then shouted to the door,"Come in!" After speaking, Zhan Guo handed a confidential document to his lamb and asked it to eat the documents.

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