Seeing Conan's wise eyes and confident smile, Zhan Guo was also stunned, and then he thought of his lost youth.

"This little Conan looks a lot like me when I was little!"

In fact, Zhan Gu also found some clues about Jeff's death.

From the vomit, it can be seen that Jeff did not die of poisoning, but.....Eat too much.

There are crab and pineapple residues in the vomit.

Crab and pineapple together will indeed cause poisoning. As a wise general, Zhan Guo naturally knows this. Not only Zhan Guo, but also the chefs in the navy understand this truth. After all,...This is the sea, and no one knows better than the chef what crabs cannot be eaten with.

Crabs and pineapples can indeed cause poisoning, but they will not kill people.

In addition, the physical fitness of people in the pirate world is generally better, unless they eat a lot of these two foods, either....

There will be no poisoning.....Jeff's poisoning was definitely not caused by food!

At this moment, the medical soldier arrived.

The medical soldier pulled Conan away and began to examine the body. After a while, the medical soldier gave a conclusion.

"I probably had food poisoning from eating a lot of crabs and pineapples....."

The medical soldier who said this was somewhat lacking in confidence, but....They really didn't find out the real cause of Jeff's death.

Most importantly, Jeff's death did look like food poisoning.

After hearing what the medical soldier said, many navy officers on the scene exclaimed:

"Huh? Can't crab be eaten with pineapple? I had pineapple pie and boiled crab this morning....."

"yes....I haven’t heard that crabs can’t be eaten with pineapples!".....

As everyone was discussing, Garp came over.

In one hand, Garp was holding a pineapple the size of a watermelon, and in the other hand, he was holding a crab leg that was as thick as a human leg.

Garp asked as he ate for a hundred years,"Huh? Can't crabs be eaten with pineapples?"

Conan listened to everyone's discussion, and his eyes sparkled.

"Is this the murderer's real purpose?"

After muttering, Conan looked at the navy man who had been holding Jeff in his arms."The murderer is you....."

After figuring out everything, Conan shouted loudly,"This is a murder, not food poisoning!"

After hearing Conan's words, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Zhan Guo smiled at Conan and said,"Kid, tell me what you think!"

Conan nodded and began to analyze.

"Crab and pineapple can indeed cause food poisoning, but....As long as you don't consume it in large quantities, it won't be fatal!"

"What's more, he is a navy man who exercises all the year round."

At this point, Conan looked at Garp.

"Grandpa, do you feel any discomfort after eating crab and pineapple?"

After hearing this, Cap took a bite of the crab meat and said,"Oh! Not really, I just have diarrhea sometimes...."

At this point, Garp threw away the crab pineapple in his hand, then covered his stomach and said to Sengoku,"Sengoku...I...I have diarrhea, please take a leave this afternoon...."

Warring States Period:.....

At this time, Sengoku finally understood why Garp ate crab and pineapple. It was just to ask for sick leave.

"I'll settle the score with you later!"

After glaring at Garp, Sengoku continued to focus on Conan.

"Everyone has seen....This old navy man ate so many crabs and pineapples but he just had diarrhea!"

"That....How did Jeff die? Didn't the medic just say that he died of food poisoning?....."

The person who spoke was none other than the navy officer who had been supporting Jeff. His name was Jianxi, and he was very popular in the navy.

After hearing Jianxi's words, Conan pushed his glasses and said,"You also said that he died of food poisoning! But it wasn't!"

After speaking, Conan pointed to the position of Jeff's neck.

"The real reason for his death is actually here!"

The people standing in the front row looked in the direction Conan pointed and saw a small dot on Jeff's neck. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"I think someone must have stabbed his neck with a poison needle, which led to his death from poisoning!"

"As for who can do it?"

At this point, Conan stared at Jian Xi and said,"Then it can only be you, the one who was holding the deceased at the beginning!"

"Little ghost, don't spit blood on me! You said I killed someone, do you have evidence?"

Jian Xi was a little panicked, and everyone around him could see it.

But just as he said, if there was no evidence, there was really no way to convict and arrest him.

"hehe....I think....You haven't dealt with the poison needle yet!"

After hearing Conan's words, Smoker stepped forward and began to search him. Jian Xi wanted to resist, but....How could he resist with the admiral, marshal and hero of the navy here?

In less than five minutes, Smoker found several poison needles on him.

After finding the murder weapon, Conan thought Jian Xi would kneel down and confess like other criminals.....

But what no one expected was that Jian Xi suddenly broke free from the restraints of several navy officers and laughed wildly,"Hahahaha!"....I didn't expect that my plan would fail!"

In fact, if it weren't for Zhan Guo or Conan, this plan would have been successful, and everyone would blame Jeff's death on the crab and pineapple.

Seeing that Jian Xi could still laugh, Zhan Guo frowned, and he suddenly thought of something.

"you....Are you a CP member?"

Jian Xi looked at Zhan Guo in surprise, then smiled and said,"As expected of a wise general Zhan Guo, you are right. I am officially C....."

Before Jianxi could finish his words, the hot-tempered Akainu punched him in the face.

"CP? How dare you run wild in the Marine Headquarters!"

"Killing our soldiers, I now have a reason to kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, black smoke began to appear on Akainu's body, and then drops of magma dripped from him.

Jian Xi saw that Akainu was serious and quickly stood up to explain,"I....I killed Jeff because.....It's because of him...he...."

"What happened to him?"

Akainu asked in a deep voice

"Because he is a spy! I have seen him hide a letter with intelligence on the cliff beside the headquarters more than once!"

Just as Jian Xi finished speaking, a navy soldier came out with tears in his eyes and took out several letters.

"asshole....You are talking about these, right?"

Aokiji stepped forward and picked up one of the letters. After reading it, he shook his head and said,"It's not naval intelligence....."

After Aokiji finished speaking, Akainu did not give Jianxi a chance to explain. His arm turned into magma and wrapped Jianxi up.

Akainu hated people like CP who were sneaky and did little things! He even got the intelligence to the Navy Headquarters!

After killing him, Akainu looked at Conan deeply, then turned around and left.

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