After Akainu left, Zhan Guo also took the letters and read them.

After reading them, Zhan Guo's face became a little strange.

This is a tragedy caused by forbidden love.

Jeff fell in love with another navy, naturally....They're both men....However, the two of them were not in the same unit, and in order to ease their lovesickness and prevent others from knowing their secrets, they communicated through letters.

The letters between the two were not only frequent, but also very secretive, which made Jian Xi think that Jeff was a spy who infiltrated the navy.

For the credit, the CP did not make any reports and assassinated him directly.

The reason for this is actually because the intelligence department like CP is not in harmony with the navy, and Jian Xi also wanted to disgust the navy through this incident.

After all....After killing the man, he pointed at the navy and said,"I helped you get rid of a navy defector." This is also a very satisfying thing.....This is just a misunderstanding......This idiot CP ended up with no remains left.....

Just after Zhan Guo put down the letter, he looked at Conan, and saw that Conan was still checking the letters scattered on the ground one by one.

After reading the letter, Conan frowned.

The letter was naturally not a big problem, but the content of the letter made Conan confused.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo came to Conan and put one hand on his head."Boy, what did you find?"

Conan touched his chin and thought,"I just feel that the content of the letter is a bit strange. These letters are only from Jeff to another person, but not from another person to Jeff, and.....The letter contains some information about Jeff's unit...."

"Although there is not much information,...These letters are definitely not all...."

Conan's voice was very low, and only Sengoku who was standing beside him could hear it clearly. After listening to Conan's analysis, Sengoku also imitated Conan and began to read the letters one by one.

Soon, his face became solemn, and finally his eyes were on the navy who brought the letter.

Finally, he smiled and said,"Leave this matter to me! Thank you, kid!"

"Your name is Conan, right? How about it, are you interested in staying in the navy and becoming my grandson?"

""Huh?" Conan was confused. Why did he start to have a grandson?

In fact, Zhan Guo really liked Conan. Compared with people with strong strength, Zhan Guo actually liked people with wisdom.

As for strength, as long as you work hard to train, or find a devil fruit that suits you, you will slowly have it! Naturally....This is also based on talent. Those with strong talents will become stronger faster, while those with weak talents will become stronger more slowly and will have to work harder.

So far, Sengoku has only one son, Corazon. Unfortunately,....Corazon died young, and Sengoku was heartbroken for a long time. Now seeing the interaction between his old friend Garp and his grandson (Tekken of Love), Sengoku is somewhat yearning.....His best candidate for grandson is definitely Law, and he also regards Law as his own grandson, but who says that you can only have one grandson!

So he set his sights on the second grandson candidate, Conan.........

Conan didn't expect that Marshal Sengoku would say that he wanted to take him as his grandson.

Just as Conan was hesitating, Ike suddenly came behind him and said,"Marshal Sengoku wants to take you as his grandson, but you don't agree? This is a good thing!"

Conan turned around and looked at Ike, and then he heard Ike continue to say,"Don't you want to become stronger? Marshal Sengoku is also a world-class strong man. With his guidance, he will definitely make you stronger!"

"so....Are you going to leave me at the Navy Headquarters?"


Ike did think so. The main reason was that Conan was not very useful to the Straw Hat Pirates now, and it was also very dangerous.

Conan was from another world, and his physique was not as abnormal as that of the people in this world.

In the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp was considered an ordinary person and was relatively weak, but...He has the same physical fitness as an immortal cockroach. Does Conan have it?

Not to mention that his skull was smashed by a hammer, even a bullet could kill Conan.

Conan also knew his situation. After figuring everything out, he looked back at Zhan Guo and bowed deeply,"Grandpa Zhan Guo, please give me more guidance in the future!"

"hehe...."Zhan Guo smiled amiably and said,"Just call me grandpa!"

At this moment, Aokiji Smoker and Kizaru came over.

"Congratulations to Marshal Zhan Guo for having a new grandson!"

Aokiji sincerely said


Kizaru smiled sarcastically and said,"On such a happy day, can we leave work early today?".....

"Borsalino, everyone can go off work, you stay and work overtime!"


"Marshal Sengoku, you can take Conan to the Holy Land of Marijoa to see the world if you want!"

Ike's sudden words made Sengoku narrow his eyes.

Sengoku was very familiar with the Holy Land of Marijoa. It was known as the most beautiful capital, but Sengoku knew that the corruption and darkness there were the most intense in the world. What was

Ike's intention to let Conan, a little kid, see the darkness there?.........

Although Sengoku didn't know what Ike was up to, Conan already knew it, so he looked at Ike with gritted teeth and whispered,"It's the case that's calling me, not me calling the case! You bastard!"...."

Ike just smiled at Conan's words.

At this moment, Zoro's battle over there also ended.

After fighting with T. Penn, Zoro fought several more battles with several navy swordsmen. Not only that, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel also personally came on the field to point out some of Zoro's shortcomings, especially explaining some of the���It was a domineering thing.

This trip to the Navy Headquarters, Zoro could be said to have gained a lot. Just those few battles and the flying squirrel's advice were enough for him to digest for a few days!......

"alright....Since the purpose of your coming to the headquarters has come to an end, leave now!"

Zhan Guo said to Ike with a smile

"I feel that we can stay for a few more days!"" Ike said that I hadn't stayed enough. I finally came to the navy headquarters. I must see the well -known navy in the original book.

When I hear I said, I would have to stay for a few days. Luffy ran over.....

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