In the end, Ike left Conan at the Navy Headquarters, and he took Luffy and Zoro back to Alabasta on

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel's warship. Originally, Smoker wanted to send the three back, but when he thought about the senior agents of Baroque Works on his warship that needed to be dealt with, he gave up......

On the way back to Alabasta, Ike and Zoro once again began to clean up the pirates they saw along the way.

Flying Squirrel saw everything and couldn't help but sigh,"Marshal War Drum's eyes are really sharp! The private navy is more active in fighting pirates than us, the official navy...."......

Just as Ike and the others were on their way back to Alabasta, the news of the arrest of Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, spread to all parts of the sea. Both the navy and the pirates were delighted by the arrest of Crocodile.

The pirates had no good feelings towards the Seven Warlords of the Sea, because the Seven Warlords of the Sea were equivalent to running dogs summoned by the World Government.

The navy had even less good feelings towards the Seven Warlords of the Sea, because pirates were pirates.

The most shocked by the arrest of the Seven Warlords of the Sea were the current Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The status of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is still very popular, especially for Jinbe, Doflamingo, Boa Hancock, and others.....The Seven Warlords of the Sea have a country behind them.......

In the castle of Drosarossa, this is the base camp of the Donquixote family.

Doflamingo, the king of Drosarossa, the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and a broker in the underground world, frowned when he learned that Crocodile was captured, and then used Den Den Mushi to contact the people of the World Government.

Doflamingo is not only a pirate, he is also a former Celestial Dragon. Although the current world nobles no longer recognize his identity,....After years of operation and hard work, he also gained some of the power he once had.

Doflamingo wanted to know if the World Government wanted to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Doflamingo is a person who never fights an unprepared battle. When he got the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea, it was because he knew in advance that the World Government was going to create such a popular position as Seven Warlords of the Sea. That's why he used Tenjo Gold to threaten the World Government and got a position as a Seven Warlord of the Sea.

If...If the World Government really wants to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea....He should be prepared in advance.

The best preparation is...Find one of the Four Emperors to collaborate with!

He has already chosen the partner, that is the Four Emperor Kaido.......

But after the call ended, Doflamingo started laughing.

"Fufufufufufu.....Crocodile! You want to be a king too?....You're still not cruel enough!"

"The best way to deal with a king like Cobra is to hold his lifeblood, that is, his people!"

Doflamingo recalled the scene when he returned to Drosrosa.....

But after knowing everything, Doflamingo was relieved. He had a hunch that the Seven Warlords of the Sea would be abolished sooner or later. He wanted to continue to improve his status in the underground world before being completely abolished......In this way, even if he lost his position as a Seven Warlord, he would still be the king below.......

Navy Headquarters.

Just after Ike and the others left, Sengoku called several of his friends to his home to celebrate the birth of his grandson, Conan.

Conan was still a little uncomfortable at first, after all, anyone would not be able to adapt to having a grandfather out of nowhere.

Although he was uncomfortable, Conan still did very well in dealing with the ways of the world. People like Crane, Garp, Zephyr, and even Sora liked Conan very much.

After all,....Who doesn't like a sweet and cute little devil?

After the welcoming ceremony of Conan, the next step is Conan's training. Although Conan is young,....Daily exercise is definitely necessary.

Garp said,"Leave Conan to me, I will definitely train him to be the best man."

Zephyr said,"Who is more qualified than me in basic training?"

As for Sengoku, he wanted to teach Conan himself.

In the end, the three of them all set their sights on Conan, but Conan finally chose to train with Crane.

Just because Crane said,"My subordinates are all female soldiers, not suitable!"

Then....Conan relies on Crane!

Conan said, I didn't choose Crane because all her soldiers are female, but because...Cranes look kinder....

In this way, Conan started to live a shameless life in the Navy Headquarters, eating and sleeping with many older sisters........

A few days later,

Ike and his companions finally returned to Alabasta.

Along the way, Ike killed many pirates and gained a lot of justice points. In addition, of course, he also drew some rewards, but they were all drawn by Ike when he was free.

One of the rewards is very suitable for Conan.....That is the antidote for APTX4869, and it is a permanent antidote.

After taking it, Conan can turn back into Kudo Shinichi.

Ike plans to give it to Conan the next time they meet.

After all, this is the antidote he has been thinking about for a long time...........

After Ike, Luffy and Zoro returned to Alabasta, the flying squirrel returned to the Navy Headquarters.

Walking on the streets of the capital of Alabasta, it has changed a lot from before.

There are no more refugees begging for water, nor are there mobs holding up banners about the king's incompetence. Instead, it looks prosperous.

The reason for this is that the day after Ike left, the entire Alabasta ushered in heavy rain that lasted for three days.

The rain has brought vitality to this country that was about to dry up, and the people are no longer irritable because of lack of water.

The original revolutionary army was also disbanded. Some of them joined the Alabasta Guard under the leadership of Kosa, and the rest went back to their homes and various places.

However, Ike also admired Cobra. Although rain was indeed the key, it was also amazing that he could sort out the semi-paralyzed country in such a short time.

Little did they know that all this was thanks to Princess Vivi. If Cobra had done it all by himself, it would have taken at least one to two months, but Princess Vivi only took a little over a week......

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