"Don't....Don't...Don't...I feel like I can still save it.....How come it's a funeral?"

As he spoke, Chaney controlled his soul to drill into his body, but no matter what he did, the soul could only pass through his body.....

"Could it be....Did he really die after pretending to be dead?"

Just when Qiani was about to cry, he heard Vivi say to Ike,"Since this old man is from the Grand Line and lives on this small island, let's bury him!"

As soon as Vivi finished speaking, Usopp asked curiously,"Why can't he be buried at sea?"

Ace nodded and said,"I think burial at sea is a good idea. Didn't Ike say that? This old man used to be a big shot! Since he dared to lend money to pirates at high interest rates, it means he is very courageous. Letting him die at sea is a respect for him."

"Say....Does sea burial mean throwing the fish directly into the sea to feed them?"

Ike asked curiously at this time.

"That's about it, but it's a bit disrespectful to say that they are feeding the fish. It should be said that the sea creatures are burying them!"

The knowledgeable Robin thought for a moment and continued to explain.

"The customs of sea burial vary from place to place. In some places, the ashes are first cremated and then scattered into the sea.".....

Soon, the Straw Hat Pirates started arguing over whether to bury Channy at sea, bury him in the ground, or cremate him.

Some people thought burial was better, after all, the old man had lived in this land for many years.

Others thought burial at sea was better, after all, this was the Grand Line, and the sea was the final destination for everyone.

As for the one who agreed to cremation, only Ike......

Qianni, floating in the air, was also speechless for a while

"I said....Doesn't anyone consider the possibility that I can still be rescued?"

While speaking, Chaney set his sights on Chopper, because Chopper was still trying to save him at this time.

Zoro looked at Chaney floating in the air, and a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth."Let you pretend to be dead...."

"I said....I scared this old man to death, so let me give you some advice!"

Zoro stood up and said in a deep voice,"Since some people think that burial at sea is better and some people think that burial in the ground is better, then we can do both together!"

"Burn him to ashes first, then scatter half of it into the sea and bury the other half in the ground!"

As soon as Zoro finished speaking, he saw Qianni in the air pointing at him angrily,"You bastard, you bastard!"....Asshole.....You scared me to death, are you still proud?"

"besides....Are you guys trying to turn this old man into ashes?...."

Everyone agreed with Zoro's suggestion.

Then things were easy. They just had to build a fire and barbecue.....ah...wrong...It was a fire to burn people.

Just as everyone was preparing to dry wood, Ike looked at his watch and found that there were less than three minutes left before the fifteen-minute deadline.

Just as Ike was about to put Channie's body into the firewood pile, a team of marines came up from the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing the Straw Hat Pirates, the leader, Sergeant Min-sik, immediately saluted.

"Hello, fellow civilian navy, I am Sergeant Minqi from the nearby navy branch."

The Straw Hat Pirates had known about the navy landing on the island for a long time, but because they wanted to cremate Chani, they did not go to them. Unexpectedly, these navy actually came to them on their own.

However, seeing how polite these navy were, everyone knew that he was not here to cause trouble.

"I am Ike, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. I wonder if Sergeant Minqi wants to talk to us about something?"

Minqi looked around the scene and soon saw Qianni lying on the firewood pile. Minqi was also stunned to see Qianni lying peacefully on the firewood pile. Then he pointed at the firewood pile and asked Ike,"I wonder if you can help me?"...What are you doing?"

"Oh! This old man died suddenly, we can't just watch him lie exposed in the wilderness, so we plan to cremate him!"

Min Qi:.....

Min Qi recognized it at a glance. It was the Chani he was looking for.

But he never expected that Chani would...He is dead! What about his treasure? Where can I find it?

Thinking of this, Min Qi immediately stopped Zoro from setting fire and said,"Dear civilian navy....that...This old man is a wanted criminal that our navy has been looking for for many years.....Can you give me his body?"

Ike knew that Minqi's real purpose was actually for Qianni's treasure. He probably wanted to leave the body to see if there was any clue to the treasure.

Thinking that he was a greedy and lustful scum of the navy, Ike wanted to help the navy clean up the corruption problem.......


Ike agreed, and then said to Zoro behind him,"Zoro, don't light the fire yet!"

At the same time, Ike opened the three-magatama Sharingan and looked at Minqi.

At the moment when the two looked at each other, Ike used the Sharingan to cast an illusion on him.

Minqi didn't expect that the idiots of the private navy would be so easy to talk to. After nodding, he came to Qianni's body. It happened that Qianni's soul returned to his body at this time.

Although the soul returned, Qianni still didn't dare to get up.

At the same time, Minqi stepped forward and searched Qianni roughly, and soon found a treasure map.

Seeing the treasure map, Minqi was also very happy.

"Hahaha....Sure enough, I knew that Qian Ni would have clues to the treasure!"

Now that we have the treasure map, Qian Ni is naturally useless.

"well....This Qianni is actually dead. It’s useless to take him back, so let’s cremate him here!"

Qianni thought that the navy would take him away, but who would have thought that this idiot just touched him, and then looked at his hands with excitement, and finally said,"Continue the cremation!"

Zoro, holding a torch, had already seen Qianni’s soul return to his body. The reason why Zoro wanted to cremate him before was to scare him. He would definitely not really burn the old man to death!

But the action of the navy just now made Zoro confused.......

Minqi got the treasure map and naturally chose to leave directly.

On the way back, Minqi took out the Void Treasure Map and looked at it carefully. As a result, he found that the island in the treasure map was the island under his feet.

The location of the treasure was not far from him.

The sergeant standing next to Minqi was also a little confused when he saw his superior looking at his hands and laughing and excited.

"military.....Sergeant, what are you looking at?"

Hearing this, Min Qi shook the treasure map that only he could see and said,"Of course it's a treasure map!"

"Hahaha....Qianni's treasure is finally mine!"


The sergeant and several of Minqi's trusted soldiers looked at each other and shook their heads.

In their opinion, their sergeant might be stupid.....

As for why he became stupid, it was probably because he saw that Chaney was dead and he could not get Chaney's treasure.....

The sergeant and his men had never expected that their leader would be so fragile. He went crazy just because he couldn't get the treasure of Qianni.....

One of the marines asked the second in command, the sergeant,"Sergeant, the sergeant seems to be really crazy, what should we do?"

The sergeant thought for a while and said,"Let's see what the sergeant is going to do first! Maybe this is just temporary."

Several marines nodded when they heard this.

It was not until the sergeant led them to follow the void treasure map and found a large pile of so-called treasures that the sergeant decided to knock him out and take him back.

This idiot actually pointed to a large pile of stones and said they were treasures, and he wanted to move them back to the warship.

In the opinion of the sergeant, he and others had not made the same mistake as the sergeant, and now the sergeant could be confirmed to be a fool.....

It's better to take people back and be a law-abiding navy soldier!....Forget it.

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