After the navy left, the funeral continued.

Zoro knew that Chaney had actually woken up and was still pretending to be dead.

Seeing this, Zoro smiled and then brought the torch closer to the pile of firewood where Chaney was lying.

"etc......I...I'm alive! I'm alive!"

Seeing the firewood smoking, Qianni jumped up immediately.

Zoro put down the torch in his hand and said,"What's the matter, old man, don't you want to pretend anymore?"

"No...I won't pretend anymore!"

Qianni believed that his soul leaving his body was definitely caused by these pirates, so he was scared and didn't dare to pretend to be dead anymore.....

At this time, Chopper also stepped forward to check on Chani's physical condition.

After a thorough inspection, Chopper's expression gradually became solemn.

""What's wrong, Chopper?"

Nami asked curiously.

Chopper said solemnly,"Grandpa Qiani is in poor health. After the examination just now, I found that he may only have three days left to live!"


"without....I'm fine!" Chaney jumped up immediately.

"How could I only have three days left to live?"

Cheni suspected that this raccoon who claimed to be a doctor said this because he wanted to continue the unfinished cremation...........

The Straw Hat Pirates still have great trust in Chopper's medical skills. Since Chopper said that Chani is terminally ill, then he is really terminally ill.

Chani also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Finally, he looked at Chopper and asked,"Really? Am I really dying?"...."

This time, Chopper didn't even bother with the question of whether it was a reindeer or a raccoon cat. He just nodded and replied,"That's right." have a good rest, I will help you with the treatment!"

Qianni smiled, then shook his head and said,"No need, I have lived long enough!"

After saying that, Qianni looked towards the top of the mountain and thought to himself,"What a pity!...The coffin is not ready yet, am I really going to be cremated?"

In fact, Chaney had been preparing a coffin for himself many years ago.

When Chaney was stranded on an isolated island and couldn't leave, he knew that he would probably die on the island, so...He prepared a coffin for himself.

The coffin was actually a small pirate ship. Chaney's dream was to become a pirate, but....Dreams are just dreams. Since they cannot be realized while you are alive, let the pirate ship send you on your final journey after you die!......

After returning to Qianni's home, Qianni was not too depressed when he knew he was going to die. Instead, the kind-hearted Straw Hat Pirates began to help him with housework, chopping wood and cooking.....

After spending some time together, Qiani also discovered the difference between the Straw Hat Pirates and other pirates.

The most important thing is that even the navy is very polite to this pirate group, which shows that this pirate group is the kind of existence that can do both black and white......

"Grandpa Sheep...."Where is your treasure hidden?"

Nami still asked Qianni about the treasure.

Qianni smiled and said,"Do you really want to know?"

""Hmm!" Nami's eyes turned into the shape of Bailey.

Qianni knew that the little girl in front of him was the same kind as himself, both of whom loved money.

"Hehehehe....If you want to know, I can tell you, but....You gotta do me a favor!"

"Help me build my coffin and I'll tell you where my treasure is."

"Coffin?"Nami looked puzzled."Don't you want to be cremated?"


"Who wants to be cremated?....Assholes! You guys acted on your own!"

Just then, Psyduck and Zoro, who had gone out to look for food, came back here.

Psyduck covered his head and lay down beside Nami with lifeless eyes.

Nami asked curiously,"Psyduck, what's wrong with you? Do you have a headache again?"

Psyduck covered his head and quacked a few times.

Chopper stood up and translated,"Psyduck said that he won't take Zoro out anymore. It's too tiring! He is obviously a super directionally challenged person, but he is still so confident....."


After hearing Chopper's translation, many people laughed.

The embarrassed Zoro immediately changed the subject.

"I saw a half-built pirate ship on the mountain." Zoro looked at Chaney.

Chaney was probably the only one who could build a ship on such an isolated island.

Chaney nodded and said,"I built the ship. To be precise, it's not a pirate ship, but my coffin!"

Then....Chaney began to tell his life story.

From lending money to pirates, to saving enough money to form his own pirate group, and finally....Because of an accidental landing on a desert island....

It can be said that apart from the twenty years of life on the isolated island, Chaney's life was also very exciting.

"so...As long as we help you build the ship, will you tell me where the treasure is?"

Nami said excitedly.


Qiani nodded and said with a smile,"But I want to make it clear in advance that my treasure is not money!"

Hearing that the treasure is not money, Nami hesitated.

Although Nami hesitated, Luffy agreed directly.

""Old man, your dream is to become a pirate, right?"

Luffy didn't know why he suddenly asked this, but Qiani nodded.

Then he smiled bitterly and said,"Being a pirate has been my dream since I was a child. It is because of this dream that I save money desperately, hoping that one day I can form my own pirate group."

"but...Dreams are just dreams....."

"In that case, we will help you build the boat, and you can go out to sea to fulfill your dream!"

After hearing Luffy's words, Qiani was stunned.

Vivi on the side immediately denied it,"Mr. Qiani is too old....."

Before Vivi could finish her words, Luffy interrupted her and said,"If you want to be a pirate, then go ahead! What does age have to do with it?"


Chaney suddenly burst into laughter."Yeah.....What does age have to do with being a pirate?"

Hearing Qiani's laughter, Usopp looked at Luffy speechlessly and said,"Look...The old man took your words seriously!"

"If old man Qianni goes out to sea now, it will be no different from being buried at sea!"

Robin said lightly after closing the book in his hand.

On the contrary, Ace thought that Luffy was right. If he wanted to be a pirate, he could do it! What's more, old man Qianni was not even as old as his father! Even if he only had three days left to live, he would still be a pirate for three days......

In this way, Luffy agreed to build a ship for the old man in order to help him fulfill his dream.

As for whether Luffy can build a ship? The answer is of course no, don't we have Usopp and Sabo?......

PS: Next is the chapter about the rainbow-colored fog. The rainbow-colored fog is related to time, so...I want Ace to travel back in time to meet his mother and understand the resentment he has towards his father. What do you readers think?

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