Seeing that the tax collector had fainted, the Straw Hat Pirates ignored him and chose to go to the island.

As soon as they landed on the island, they were blocked by a strange short old man.

The short old man was carrying a backpack that looked like a detector and wearing pilot goggles on his face. He looked a little funny.

At first glance, I thought he was an unknown comedian.

The old man stared at the Straw Hat Pirates in front of him and said,

"Hey, have you ever seen rainbow-colored fog?"

The old man's words startled everyone.

"Rainbow mist? What is that?"

Usopp asked curiously.

"Oh? It seems I haven't seen it before...."

As he spoke, the old man took off his goggles and turned to leave.

But before he had taken a few steps, he was stopped by Robin.

"Old man, can you explain yourself clearly?"

The old man turned around and looked at Robin and said,"I am a scientist who studies the rainbow mist. If you want to talk to me, you need at least a meal!"

At this moment, Weiwei, who was frowning and thinking, suddenly exclaimed,"Rainbow mist, isn't this the���"Is it the book that I have read before?"

After saying that, Vivi looked at Robin and said,"Robin seems to have been reading that book these days!"

Robin nodded and said,"Yes! This book was borrowed from the Alabasta Library!"

After hearing the conversation between Vivi and Robin, the short old man suddenly became excited.

"The book you mentioned....Where is it? Bring it to me!"

Robin heard this and looked at Usopp beside him and said,"Usopp, can you please bring the book on my desk over here?"


Although he was speechless, Usopp still returned to the ship and took the book down......

Soon, everyone caught up with Luffy and Ike and came to a nearby restaurant.

Although Ike resisted, Luffy still ordered a lot of food.

Seeing this, the restaurant owner couldn't help but remind him,"Ordering so much is not good enough."....Can you afford it?"

Luffy smiled and said,"Don't worry! I will never waste it!"

The restaurant owner shook his head and said,"That's not what I meant. I'm talking about the meal tax. Can you afford it?..."

At this moment, Robin, Usopp, Vivi, and the doctor named Henzo walked in.

"Do I have to pay taxes for a meal?"

Vivi asked in surprise.

Originally, the restaurant owner wanted to complain about the tax issue, but when he saw Henzo, his face suddenly became ugly and he said,"Huh! It's because there is a liar who is asking Wilton to collect taxes everywhere in the name of research."

Henzo heard that the restaurant owner was still looking at the book in his hand expressionlessly. This was the rainbow mist that Vivi and Robin mentioned before.

In fact, the reason why Henzo agreed to let Wilton, his archenemy, help him study the secret of the rainbow mist was because he wanted to rescue his friend who was swallowed by the rainbow mist.

For his friend, even if he was scolded like a dog by the residents of the entire island, he had no regrets.

Henzo looked down at the rainbow mist handed over by Robin. After reading it, he shook his head and said,"The content is just a legend!"

In fact, what he didn't know was that the author of this book of rainbow mist was actually a person who lived in the rainbow mist and was also Henzo's companion.....

While they were eating and chatting, the sound of gongs and drums was heard.

Hearing this sound, the people who were eating leisurely suddenly sped up their eating pace.

Luffy, who was chewing his food, looked at all this in confusion. No one ate faster than him, but...There was too much food in front of him.

Just when several people were wondering what was going on, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and then the middle-aged man walked in with his men.

After entering, this man began to collect taxes under various pretexts.

For example, if there was still wine in the cup, he would be charged a drinking tax.

If there was still food on the plate, he would be charged a food tax.

Moreover, these taxes were imposed by force. If the man did not want to pay, the soldiers standing behind him would forcibly search him. If they could not find any money, they would take valuables from his home to pay the tax......

Weiwei frowned. This was the first time she had seen someone collecting taxes this way. This was not collecting taxes at all, but robbery....

Usopp asked curiously,"Who is this guy?"

Hearing Usopp's question, the restaurant owner who had not yet left explained,"This guy is Philip, the son of Mayor Witton. This annoying bastard always comes to us to collect various taxes."

As if hearing someone say something bad about him, Philip turned around and saw the restaurant owner who had been whispering before suddenly shut up.

After turning around, he saw Henry. Philip, who was about to make a few jokes, was attracted by Luffy who was eating heartily.

"Yo...."This guy looks unfamiliar! You have to pay a lot of tax for eating so much!"

Luffy didn't reply, but continued to eat the food in front of him.

Seeing that he was ignored, Philip narrowed his eyes and then waved his hand.

Seeing this, several soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward to capture Luffy and make him pay taxes.

But before they could do anything, Ike stood in front of them and said,"Hey!....I haven't asked you to collect taxes yet! How dare you ask me for taxes?"

Philip was stunned by Ike's words, and then asked,"You ask me to collect taxes? Are you kidding, do you know who I am?"

Ike did not reply, but asked,"Then do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?"

Ike smiled, then took out the private navy license and said,"I am the private navy admiral Ike!"

Then Ike Itachi pointed at Luffy and said,"He is the private navy marshal!"

"We have always been maintaining justice and peace on the sea. Isn't it normal for us to collect taxes from you?"

"And also....Your family has to pay a lot of taxes!"

"Let me calculate.....A pirate....If you become a good man and become the mayor, of course you have to pay the good man tax! The tax is not much, just hand over all the money in your family.

Philips took two steps back in shock at Ike's words.

Few people on the island knew that Mayor Witton was actually a pirate who had invaded Lulujia Island. Most people who knew about it did not dare to mention it, and those who dared to mention it were killed by Witton....

But Philips didn't expect that such a thing would be mentioned by a strange young man.....He was a little panicked.

Especially since the other party was a civilian navy admiral.

What is a civilian navy?

Although he didn't know what a civilian navy was, Philip, who had pirate genes, was still frightened by the words"navy admiral".

"that....My father is responsible for paying taxes and so on!"

After saying this, Philip left here in a hurry.

He planned to go home and tell his father, Witton, about the situation here.....

Ike did not stop Philips from leaving, after all, he would come to collect taxes in person!

Ike planned to give Philips a taste of his own medicine, not only to collect taxes from Wilton, but also to send him to Impel Down to pick up soap!

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