Philip thought about his family business and....My father's methods, even if the other party knows that my family used to be pirates, what does it matter?

Collecting taxes? Come if you dare, I'm afraid you don't dare to come.

After thinking everything through, Philips suddenly became tough again.

"Kid....You want us to pay taxes? Fine! But...You have to pay the taxes you owe now."

As he spoke, Philip began to count how much food Ike and his friends had eaten.

At this moment, Henzo stood up and said,"Philip, don't go too far!"

"Dr. Henzo? So you are here too!" Philips laughed as if he had just seen Henzo,"Why are you not studying your rainbow mist here?"

"Researching the rainbow mist also requires eating!"

Henzo snorted.

"hehe...So, these people who are threatening to make our family pay taxes are your friends? But....You know, rules are rules. Since they ate, they have to pay taxes!....."

At this point, Philip looked at Ike and the���Luffy smiled mockingly and said,"They are going to come to our house to collect taxes....Isn't it?"

Ike nodded and said,"No problem!"

After that, Ike took out a pile of gold from the space ring and said,"Is this enough to pay the tax?"

Philip was stunned to see so much gold. He thought it would be good to extort tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Baileys, but he didn't expect that the kid in front of him was so rich!

"Enough is enough...."Philips accepted the gold and said with a smile,"This private navy should not forget to come to our house to collect taxes!"

"Don't worry! I'll be there in a minute!"

Ike also smiled.

After collecting taxes successfully, Philip left the restaurant and returned to the villa on the top of the mountain to find his father......

After Philips left, Usopp said speechlessly,"If Nami knew you paid so much tax, she would definitely go crazy."

Ike shrugged and said indifferently,"As long as the tax is collected with interest, it will be fine."

Hearing that Ike actually wanted to find Philips to collect taxes, Henzo, who was sitting next to him, stood up and said excitedly,"You also know that Witton was a pirate who did all kinds of evil. If you go to him to collect taxes, you are not asking for money, but you are going to die."

Ike ignored Henzo's words, but waved his hand, and several uniforms appeared in his hand.

The name tag on the chest of the uniform read"Tax Bureau"

"Let's go! We will wear this uniform to collect taxes from the Witton family in a while!"

Usopp took the uniform and said,"Does this uniform have any magical functions?"

Ike pointed at the tax bureau uniform and said,"As long as you wear it, you can collect money anywhere!"


After praising him, Usopp put on the uniform.

When Usopp put on the uniform, the badge on his chest changed. Three more words appeared under the"Tax Bureau":"Usopp".

Luffy found it very interesting to see Usopp put on the uniform, so he also put on the uniform of the Tax Bureau.

But his clothes and the straw hat didn't match at all!

Ike handed the clothes to Vivi and Robin.

The two girls looked at each other, and finally compromised and chose to wear the uniform.....

Seeing the actions of several people, Henzo knew...These young men really wanted to collect taxes from Witton. Thinking of Witton's methods, he could only shake his head helplessly.

At this time, a riot suddenly broke out in the town.

"Did you hear? There's a ship over at the harbor!"

"Oh? What kind of ship is it?"

"have no idea...But I heard that the boat floated out of a colorful mist."

"Colored fog? Could it be that bastard Henzo?....."

"Stop talking so much, just go and take a look first!".......

Listening to everyone's discussion, Henzo ran towards the port without saying a word.

Ike did not stop Henzo's action. The rainbow mist must go in, but...That will have to be after dealing with the Witton family.

""Let's go! Let's go to the mountaintop villa!"

As he spoke, Ike took the lead and walked towards the top of the mountain.

After a few steps, he met Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Ace and Sabo.

At this time, Ace, who had turned into a slime, was confronting a discharging robot. The lightning released by the robot was of no use to Ace, who had turned into a slime. Instead, Ace swung out his arm, and a ball of red mucus like paying taxes stuck to the surface of the robot, which immediately made the person operating the robot scream.

After the blessing of the tiger spell, Ace can fully exert the power of the Flame-Flame Fruit plus the Slime Fruit.

Although the slime that Ace threw out looks inconspicuous, it has a very high temperature, which is equivalent to liquid flame.

With just a glance, Ace easily solved the steel robot.

When the person operating the robot jumped out, Luffy, who came over, pointed at him with a look of surprise and said,"Hey? Aren't you the uncle who collects taxes?"

Rick, who was having his men pour cold water on him, looked at Luffy when he heard this, and then said,"The one you are talking about is my father Philip, my name is Rick!"

After introducing himself, Rick stared at Ace and said,"Not only did you not pay taxes for parking your ship on Luluga Island, but the navy also knocked out my people!"

Then he pointed to the smoking robot on the ground and continued,"You have also broken my things. Tell me, how are you going to compensate?"

Hearing that she had to pay compensation, Nami was immediately unhappy! But before she could say anything, Ike took the lead and said,"Wait a minute!"....You mean money? I'm going to your house now."

"Oh? Are you planning to come and apologize in person?"Rick didn't expect these pirates to be so particular!

"That's right, it's an apology! I'm going to your house to collect some taxes!"

Rick heard the word"collect taxes" as"pay taxes" and smiled when he heard that the money was going to his house.

"good...So, I'll lead the way for you!" Just like that, under the leadership of Young Master Rick, Ike and his party easily passed through many obstacles and arrived at the mountaintop villa on Lulujia Island.

Similarly, this is also the home of Mayor Norton.......

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