After saying that, Labney and the others behind him saluted the Straw Hat Pirates.

"The navy and the private navy are one family, there is no need to thank each other!"

Sabo stepped forward and said with a smile.

Now that Ike is not here, Sabo has become a promoter for the private navy.

The reason is simple, Sabo also wants to build up the private navy, so that he can create a new pure strength.

In fact, whether it is the navy or the revolutionary army, the power of both sides to change the world can only be regarded as maintaining a balance.

The navy is held back by the world government, and the revolutionary army wants to develop but is constrained by various forces such as pirates, the navy, the world government, and countries close to the world government.

It is too difficult for the revolutionary army to go further.

At this time, the emergence of the private navy is too important, because the private navy is backed by the navy and is not under the jurisdiction of the world government.

In this way....

As long as the revolutionary army can also enter the private navy, it is equivalent to the navy and the revolutionary army becoming the backstage of the private navy.

Originally, the two forces may not understand each other, but...If they are mixed together, it is not certain.

Maybe after a few years or decades, the two forces can work together to overthrow the current existing system, that is, the world government.

Unite all the forces that can be united, this is the revolutionary army.........

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to make a name for the private navy, Saab will step forward.

Rabni put down his hand and smiled,"I wonder if we are qualified to join the private navy?"

"Of course! But now the appointment letter of the private navy is still in Ike's hands. When he comes back, you can also write your name on the appointment letter!"

Just as Sabo finished speaking, the sea surface suddenly rolled up, and then a huge yellow monster fish sea king jumped out from the bottom of the sea.

This monster fish is none other than the one in the rainbow mist!

No one expected that this monster fish would also leave the rainbow mist.....

Just as Sabo was about to take action, Labney stopped him and said,"You don't have to do anything, just leave it to me! I still have a lot of grievances with it!"

After saying that, Labney took off his navy coat, revealing his strong arms.

Then an invisible airflow flowed through his meridians, and after passing through the eight extraordinary meridians, it gathered on his fingers.

"Let me show you the results of my fifty years of practice!"

"Finger of Magic...."

As soon as he finished speaking, Labney made a gesture of snapping his head. When his finger popped out, a violent airflow shot out directly from his finger, blowing up the head of the yellow fish..........

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates widened their eyes when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that Labney was so strong now.....

Seeing the surprised looks on the Straw Hat Pirates' faces, Aesop stepped forward and explained,"The reason Labney is so powerful now is thanks to Ike!"

"When we first met Ike, Ike said that Labney had the qualifications to practice the Finger of Magic, and then he gave him a secret book!"

"This secret book was difficult to understand at first, but after Labney slowly explored it, he finally achieved some results and developed a kind of power called inner force in his body...."

After listening to Aesop's story, everyone suddenly realized it.

Thinking that it was the things that Ike brought out that made Labney stronger, the Straw Hat Pirates were not surprised!

After all....Ike is such a magical existence, a magical person.

After solving the yellow fish, the fish naturally became the food for the next banquet.

Although Ace and Ike have not returned yet,...The banquet is a must.

And this banquet is not only for the Straw Hat Pirates, but also for several members of the former Pumpkin Pirates, and all the islanders of Luluga Island who were arrested because of Witton!

Without Witton, the islanders of Luluga Island can finally live a normal life........

Fifty years ago, on an unknown island, the young boy Rabni slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the sun, the blue sky and white clouds, he was stunned.

"Hmm? Am I not dead? And you said that this is the world after death?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"That's right, welcome to the kingdom of the dead."

Rabni jumped up when he heard this sudden voice.

Then he saw Ike and Ace looking at him quietly. Besides him, there were several unconscious companions lying beside him!

"You are...."

Maybe because he was just conscious, Labney suddenly remembered the names of Ike and Ace.

"I'm Ike"

"I'm Ace..."

The two introduced themselves again!

"It's you...Did you save us?"

Rabni asked curiously.

"no..."Ike shook his head and said,"Actually, I really don't want to see you! After all...Seeing you is like...We traveled through time too!"

"Traveling through time?" Ace and Labney were both confused.

"yes....If I'm not mistaken, this should be the world fifty years ago, which means that if you go back to Lulujia Island now, you can see Henzo when he was a child."

After hearing what Ike said, both Ace and Labney widened their eyes.

At this moment, Aesop and the others lying on the ground also woke up with their heads covered.

When the little ghosts knew that this was fifty years ago, they were all very excited.

"In this way, we can spend fifty years with Henzo again!"

The more emotional Aesop shed tears of excitement.

When she saw the elderly Henzo, she felt very upset. She kept thinking, if she stayed alone on Lulujia Island and her companions all disappeared, how desperate she would be!....

"no...We can't go back now! If we go back now, we won't be able to deal with Witton at all!"

Labney denied the ideas of other companions.

After hearing Labney's words, the other ghosts looked at Ike and Ace. The meaning was very clear. They hoped that Ike and Ace could help solve the problem!

Seeing this, Ike shook his head and said,"No! We still have to go back to the original timeline."

Ike didn't know the consequences of destroying the original timeline at will, so it was better not to cause the butterfly effect....

Rabni said firmly,"No.....We have to rely on ourselves! Become stronger on our own and answer Lulujia Island on our own!"

"and...After we go back now, this time loop will be broken, and Henzo will not continue to study the rainbow fog. We who are still in the rainbow fog will not be able to get out......"

Ike could see that after experiencing life and death, Labney had become mature and steady.

As for how Ike could return to the original timeline? Of course, he relied on the rabbit charm!

As long as the rabbit charm was fast enough, he could take Ace through time again.....

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