On an unknown deserted island in the Grand Line,

Ike set up two tents and took out some water, food, pots and pans.

"Wow....Brother Ike...You are so amazing! How can you change into anything?"

Big Loli Aesop watched Ike's every move with great curiosity.

"Then I must be powerful!"At this point, Ike suddenly looked at Labney who was helping to set up the tent and said,"Labney, do you want to become stronger?"

Labney was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became firm,"Of course I do! I want to protect my friends and never let them get hurt again!"

Ike nodded and took out a few books from the space ring.

These books are all martial arts secrets from the martial arts world that he had drawn some time ago.

These secrets are [Dog Beating Stick Technique] [Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms] [Sad and Ecstatic Palm] [Finger Magic] [Six Meridians Divine Sword]】......

These martial arts secrets are all translated by Ike.....People in this world don't understand Chinese characters.

Looking at the book that Ike took out, Labney looked puzzled.

Seeing this, Ike smiled and said,"Pick one! These are all magical secrets. As long as you can successfully comprehend them, you can become super powerful!"

In fact, Ike was not sure whether people in the pirate world could cultivate internal strength.

After all,....The physiques of the people in the pirate world are all like monsters.

Although Labney is not very old now, his strength of the head-bang is very strong.

He can even rely on the head-bang to send the yellow monster fish flying.

You can imagine how great his potential is.

It is precisely because of this that Ike is not sure whether the people in the pirate world can cultivate internal strength.

How long does it take to cultivate it? How powerful will it be if it is cultivated?....

Rabony was here fifty years ago.

When I go back fifty years, I will be able to see the results of Rabony's practice.

If he succeeds in his practice, he can also tell me his experience. It is really killing two birds with one stone..........

Rabni looked through several books and finally picked up the book on the finger-snapping technique.

Seeing this, Ike put away the other secret books.

"This secret book may be a little obscure and difficult to understand. If you really have no idea, you can learn some medical knowledge on your own, which may help you in your practice!"

"Thank you, Brother Ike."

"hehe...."Ike smiled and said,"I guess when we meet again, I'll call you uncle!"


Hearing Ike's words, Aesop and the others all laughed.

At this moment, Ace, who had gone out hunting, came back carrying two huge wild boars.

After Ike used a knife to clean the wild boars, Aesop took the initiative to take on the task of cooking.

Ike didn't expect that Aesop, a big girl, could actually cook.

"Brother Ike! When we were locked up in the rainbow mist, it was Aesop who cooked for us! He is awesome, isn't he?"

Smelling the aroma of barbecue, Bukao said proudly, as if he was the one cooking.......

Soon, the table was filled with food, and the main ingredient was naturally the two wild boars.

While everyone was eating, a navy warship with a seagull flag gradually approached the deserted island.

On the warship, two sturdy men and an elegant and noble woman were standing on the bow.

"Hey? Why is there smoke coming out of the deserted island where we fought?" the afro man asked curiously.

"It's not our exclusive island, so it's normal for someone to be here!"

The short-haired man with a scar around his left eye said as he ate.

"Hey! Garp, do you want to get beaten again? Why do you argue with me?"

"Hahaha....Who's going to beat whom? You forgot, last time I beat you up and left you with a black eye."

""Have you had enough of quarreling?"

A cold shout sounded.

Hearing this cold shout, the two immediately stopped quarreling and fighting.

The navy who had been afraid to speak behind them trembled in their hearts when they heard the female officer's scolding.

Then many people began to discuss it.

"It seems that the only one who can control Major General Garp and Vice Admiral Sengoku is Staff Officer Tsuru!"

"No...There is also Marshal Kong!"

"besides...Mr. Karp is no longer a major general. He has been promoted to lieutenant general...."

"A vice admiral who is less than 30 years old, he is indeed Mr. Garp....."......

That's right...The two people who looked to be in their twenties were none other than the future naval hero Garp and the naval marshal Sengoku, and the beautiful woman who looked very aloof was the future naval chief of staff Tsuru.

Just after Garp and Sengoku stopped arguing, a naval soldier holding a telescope shouted,"There are people recruiting us on the deserted island ahead, and they seem to be a few children!"

Sengoku heard that there were a few children on the deserted island and immediately ordered to advance at full speed.

He knew that Garp had placed a lot of wild beasts on that deserted island, and if they mistakenly entered the forest, those children would definitely be dead.

Garp also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he didn't want to cause the tragic death of several children on the deserted island because of his usual appetite.

Garp and Sengoku often trained on that deserted island, and they said they were training, but in fact they were fighting.

After the fight, they naturally had to have a big meal. There was nothing on the deserted island, so Garp got some wild boars, crocodiles, tigers, lions and other ferocious beasts.....When you are tired of fighting, you can catch one and roast it.

Thinking of this, Karp rushed towards the deserted island without saying a word......

On the deserted island.

Led by Labney, several kids were desperately shouting and waving, hoping to draw the attention of the navy ship.

"Rabni, that navy ship is coming our way..."

Aesop said happily


Labney nodded, and then looked at the jungle behind him. Ike and Ace were hiding in the jungle.

After Labney and the others successfully boarded the warship, Ike planned to start testing the ability of the rabbit spell to travel through time with Ace.


Sudden...There was a burst of air explosions, followed by waves and sand.

When everything was stable, a sturdy admiral in a navy uniform and a cloak of justice stood in front of Labney and his men.

"Little Ghost....How did you come to this island?"

"You didn't run into any danger, did you?"

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