The huge Buddha and the dark red lightning blade collided with each other, causing a violent explosion. Half of the deserted island was hit by the aftermath of the explosion.

If you look from mid-air, you can see that half of the deserted island has begun to be submerged by the sea.

On the warship not far away, Labney used his arms to block in front of him, feeling the waves of heat coming towards him. Labney was very shocked.

He was shocked by the power of Ace and the Warring States.

"this...Is this the world of the strong?"

After saying this, Labney's hand subconsciously reached for the secret book of the finger-snapping magic in his pocket.

"I...I also want to become such a strong person"......

The sailors on the warships did not expect that someone could fight their lieutenant general to such an extent.

"These two masked boys are not simple....."

Crane looked at the island filled with smoke and dust and said to himself.....

On the island, Ike and Garp, who were also fighting, were blown away by the aftermath of the battle.

"Pah...."Garp spit out two mouthfuls of sand and said,"I feel that the Warring States is much more interesting than this!"

Hearing Garp's words, Ike was speechless.

At this time, Ike was really miserable. His right hand was twisted and it was obviously a serious fracture.

This was not caused by Garp's attack, but...

It was caused by the recoil when hitting Garp.....Garp's punches were always dodged by Ike's dodge cloak, and while dodging, he would counterattack with the water rock crushing fist and dragon slayer magic.

As for Garp, he was always like a piece of iron.....

But it may be because Ike really hurt Garp, the iron block's defense is so strong....When Ike attacked again, Garp used his Armament Haki.

The difference between Garp's Armament Haki and that of a piece of iron was like heaven and earth. Ike punched him with all his strength and broke his bones.....

Looking at Ike's broken bones, Cap took off his shirt, revealing a lot of scars on his naked upper body.

"Kid...I also noticed that the reason you were able to dodge my attacks was probably because of that cloak, right?"

"If I attack you where your cloak isn't protecting you, will you be unable to dodge?"

Ike was also shocked when he heard Karp's words....

At this moment, Garp's feet slammed on the ground and disappeared instantly.

This was the shaving technique in the Navy's Six Styles.

Ike could see some of Garp's movements with his Sharingan, but...Being able to see clearly does not mean being able to dodge.

In an instant, Garp came behind Ike and threw a punch. Feeling the strong wind behind him, Ike's sleeves loosened and the rabbit charm appeared in his hand.

With the blessing of the rabbit charm, Ike's speed increased dramatically, and he waved his cloak to block behind him in an instant.

Just when Ike was relieved that the cloak blocked his back, Garp disappeared again and appeared on the side of Ike in an instant.

Ike did not expect that Garp would do this. He was caught off guard and was punched in the chest by Garp.

With a"click" sound, Ike's sternum was broken and the whole person flew out.

After knocking Ike away with a punch, Garp pinched his waist and said,"I shouldn't be able to get up now!"

At the same time.

The smoke and dust caused by the previous battle between Ace and Sengoku finally dissipated.

Without the smoke and dust, everyone finally saw the scene in the field.

Ace collapsed to the ground covered in blood, but the weirdest thing was the mask he was wearing. The mask was not stained with blood at all.

Ace, who had no strength left, sighed helplessly,"Sure enough, the gap is still quite big, isn't it?....If it weren't for the power given by Ike, I think I would have died even faster!".....

On the other side,

Ike was lying on the ground, with green magic energy on his body constantly repairing his injuries.

When his injuries were almost healed, he did not get up immediately, but shouted to the wrestlers who had been watching the show,"Wrestlers, hit them, five times each!"...."

Ike had previously recharged the wrestler with 10 million Baileys, which was enough for him to throw people ten times.

The wrestler immediately stood up after receiving the order and walked towards Garp, who was puzzled. Just as Garp was about to pick up the wrestler, who was less than 30 centimeters tall and looked like a toy, from the ground, a huge force suddenly hit him. The wrestler grabbed Garp's hand and threw him over his shoulder.

This little force was naturally not enough to cause harm to Garp, but it was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting....

Seeing this, Sengoku, who was checking Ace's injuries, laughed out loud.

But soon, Sengoku, who was laughing at Garp, also met with tragedy, because the wrestler had come in front of him and threw him to the ground with a shoulder throw without saying a word.......

"As expected of the Wrestler, awesome!"

Ike gave the Wrestler a thumbs up, then came to the seriously injured and dying Ace and fed him a Senzu Bean.

After swallowing the Senzu Bean, Ace immediately felt a warm current flowing through his body, and then the shocking wounds on his body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Ace stood up again, there was no injury on his body. If it weren't for the blood stains on his body, no one would believe that he was still dying before.

While Ike was feeding Ace the Senzu Bean, the Wrestler had already thrown Garp and Sengoku to the ground four times.

Seeing this, Ike immediately held the rabbit charm in his hand, and was ready to run away at any time......


Garp cursed inwardly and stood up again.

Garp, who had just stood up, was thrown to the ground again by the wrestler.

Just as the wrestler was about to throw Sengoku as before, he found that Sengoku was lying on the ground motionless.

While the wrestler was stunned, Garp stood up again, and the wrestler threw him to the ground again.

"oops....Falling too much...."

The business is five times per person, but just now after Garp stood up, the wrestler subconsciously threw him down. If he threw Sengoku again, it would be one more time....

Zhan Guo saw everything and laughed to himself,"As expected, as long as he doesn't get up, this little thing won't throw himself!"

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo shouted to Garp,"As long as he doesn't get up, he won't be thrown!"

Just as Zhan Guo finished speaking, the wrestler grabbed his arm and threw him up, then spun him around and slammed him to the ground.

"Who said I don’t fall while lying down?"

As he spoke, the wrestler looked at Ike and said,"One more fall is a gift!"

"knew...Come back quickly!"

Ike waved and shouted.

After hearing the order, the wrestler flew back to Ike, and Ike directly put it into the space ring......

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