After hearing the conversation between Ike and the wrestler, Garp and Sengoku also knew that the magical little thing was made by Ike.

"Kid....He's going to beat us up before he gets caught! Are you ready?"

While speaking, Garp waved his fists and walked towards Ike.

Zhan Guo did not intend to attack, but quietly watched Garp show off.

Will Ike be caught? Of course not, if it weren't for the need to retrieve the wrestler, he would have escaped with Ace long ago!

Now that the wrestler has been retrieved, Ike naturally plans to escape.

"Mr. Garp and Mr. Sengoku, thank you for your guidance....."

After saying that, Ike clenched the rabbit charm in his hand, turned around and ran towards the sea level at his fastest speed.

Seeing Ike was about to run, Karp stepped on his shaving and chased after him, but he didn't expect that Ike was too fast and he couldn't even catch a hair....

"Damn....I was actually run away by this snack gift bag..."

Garp looked unhappy as he watched Ike and Ace disappear into the sea.

"As long as they are still on this sea, we will see them sooner or later....."

At this moment, Zhan Guo came over.

"After I go back, I will investigate. I really don't know when two such terrifying young men appeared on the sea."

Through the battle and the conversation, Zhan Guo has analyzed that Ace is a young man in his twenties. In this world, young people with strength are destined to become famous on the sea!

Zhan Guo believes that it is easy for the navy to find two strong men..........

On the other side,

Ike burst out at full speed and ran with Ace. Soon, electric currents began to appear around them.

After the electric currents appeared, colorful space turbulence appeared around the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Ike knew that he was going to travel through time....

Ike thought about going back to a point in time fifty years later.....Then...The two of them passed through this space turbulence.

When the space turbulence disappeared, Ike fell from the air as if he was exhausted.

At this time, Ike and Ace were at an altitude of 1,000 meters. If they fell from this distance, they would definitely be smashed to pieces.....

Seeing Ike's limbs being blown away by the wind like grass, Ace turned into a slime without saying a word and wrapped Ike's entire body up. Then he hardened the surface of his armed color, so that his body would not break when he fell to the ground, and he could better protect Ike inside........

"With a loud bang, Ace and Ike crashed into an unknown island.

"Cough cough cough......"After a cough, Ace walked out of the smoke carrying the limp Ike.

"Ike.....Are we back?"

Ace asked Ike behind him.

"I don't know. I ran out of energy halfway through the journey, and I don't know if I've returned to the original time."

After saying that, Ike used his remaining strength to take out the candy box and told Ace how to use it.

Ace just poured out a candy bean, and poured out the candy bean that restored the physical strength buff.

"This guy is the king of luck! He drew all the candies he needed in one go...."

After eating the restorative jelly beans, Ike finally recovered all his strength.

Ike was not sure whether he and Ace had returned to fifty years ago, mainly because they had to fall out of the time and space turbulence due to exhaustion.....

"Let's find someone to ask what time it is first!"

Hearing Ike's words, Ace pointed speechlessly at the barren island and said,"Where can we find someone?"

"This little problem is not a problem at all!"

While speaking, Ike came to the edge of the island, and with a wave of his hand, a small yacht with an external wheel appeared on the sea.

The boat is very luxurious and comfortable.

There are sofas for several people to lie on, a large wine cabinet filled with various wines, a kitchen in the back, and sea fishing tools on the deck. The most important thing is that this luxury boat does not need human control at all, it can be operated by computer, and the passengers only need to enjoy life.

Ace was also surprised after getting on the yacht, mainly because this yacht has a higher configuration than the Golden Merry. Although it is not as big as the Golden Merry, the comfort is absolutely beyond words.

In this way, Ike and Ace enjoyed themselves while looking for islands with people.......

At the same time , a naval ship was heading towards Ike and Ace on the sea surface several dozen miles away.

"Your Excellency, we have a mission to accomplish......"

Before the lieutenant commander could finish his words, the major general interrupted him and said,"We're just going to see what just fell from the sky! Take a look and then we'll go!" The major general's name is Raditz. Although his name sounds impressive, he is actually a weakling.

The reason why a weakling can become a major general is because he is from the Navy's scientific research department.

This time, the mission is to deliver a research material to the Navy headquarters.

""You bastards, let me go!"

At this moment, there were bursts of childish roars from below the deck.

Hearing this, Raditz frowned and asked,"Did you feed him?"

The colonel shook his head,"No....We've been starving him for a week....."

"After being hungry for a week, he still has the energy to yell. He really deserves to be called the strongest soldier!"

Just as Raditz was sighing, the navy soldier in the watchtower pointed to the distance and shouted,"Report to Major General Raditz, there is a small boat three miles ahead!"

Hearing this, Raditz looked over with interest.

"Come closer and see if there are any victims. If there are any beauties on the boat who need help, help them!"

After hearing the order, the navy soldiers immediately controlled the warship to move closer to the boat.......

The boat in the distance was naturally Ike and Ace!

The two also saw the navy ship. When they saw someone, they approached without hesitation.

Soon, the two ships approached, and Ike and Ace put on masks and came to the deck. Before they could say anything, several navy soldiers jumped onto their ship.

The person standing in the front had a very arrogant attitude.

"Just two people?"

As he spoke, Raditz walked into the cabin.

Ace wanted to stop him, but Ike grabbed him and whispered,"It doesn't matter. The most important thing now is to find out what time it is...."

"knew...."Ace responded and stopped talking.

At this moment, Raditz came out of the cabin and pointed at Ike and Ace."These two are wanted criminals. Arrest them!"...."



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