After hearing what Raditz said, Ike and Ace were both stunned.

Before the two could refute, Ike and Ace were surrounded by several navy soldiers. Just when Ace wanted to resist, Ike grabbed him again.

As for why he grabbed Ace, it was mainly because he was a private navy. Even if he took action against him, he had to make sure that all the navy present could be killed before taking action.

Who knows if there are any devil fruit users on the navy warship who are very suitable for escaping.

Therefore, it is best to take action after being caught on the warship.

Just when Ike and Ace followed several navy men to the warship, the rear admiral who ordered the navy did not return to the warship, but stayed on Ike's luxury yacht with two of his men.

Seeing this, Ike also knew why he was designated as a wanted criminal. He was being robbed.....After learning about the other party's nature, Ike wanted to eradicate this cancer for the Navy.......

After arriving at the navy ship, Ike and Ace were taken to a temporary prison under the cabin.

Just as the soldier was about to put Ike in a private cell, he was stopped by another soldier.

"Hello...Are you an idiot? If we lock these two tender-skinned boys in here, what if they are eaten by this monster to recover their strength? Will we still be alive?" Hearing the words of the senior, the new soldier shuddered. He thought of what happened when he captured this monster before....A total of four warships were dispatched to capture this monster, but....Three of the warships were destroyed by this monster, and all the navy soldiers on board were killed....

The recruit swallowed his saliva and said,"I'm sorry, senior. I was careless....."

Then, several soldiers locked Ike and Ace into the cell opposite.

After entering the cell, Ike's eyes were always on the man holding his legs in the cell.

Judging from the man's height, he was estimated to be more than two meters tall.....The naked upper body is muscular and it looks like there are a pair of horns on the head.....Probably a special race.......

Just as several navy soldiers were about to leave, Ike stopped them.

"Brother, what year is it in the Haiyuan calendar now?"

Hearing Ike's question, the navy soldier was stunned for a moment, and then replied,"This year is the 1477th year of the Haiyuan calendar!"

Ike was not surprised to hear that the two of them did not return to the 1521st year of the Haiyuan calendar.

After the previous battle with Garp, most of Ike's physical strength was used to repair his physical injuries. It was great to be able to escape and travel through time for six years.....

Ace naturally heard what the navy said.

"Hello....Ike, this is not our era. Even if people knew that we destroyed the navy ship, it probably wouldn't matter!"


Ike nodded and said,"Then just destroy them all."

Just as Ike finished speaking, a somewhat childish and low voice came from the cell opposite.

"Are you going to escape? Can you take me with you?"

After saying that, the figure opposite finally stood up from the ground....

Just as Ike expected, the man opposite was about 2.5 meters tall. Although he was very strong, his face was very childish, with some baby fat on his face, and his eyes were a little red. There were many tear marks under his eyes, which showed that he had been crying.

Ace looked at the man opposite and felt that he had seen him before, so he asked casually,"Who are you?"

"I am Barbasaro Kaido."

Ike and Ace widened their eyes when they heard the other party's self-introduction.

Barbasaro may not be a well-known name, but....The name Kaido is resounding throughout the New World.

Kaido, the captain of the Beast Pirates, Kaido, the strongest creature, Kaido the Hand-waving, Kaido the Four Emperors....

Ike and Ace looked at each other, and then Ike asked again,"I said Kaido...How old are you this year?"

"Thirteen years old,"

Kaido answered again.

Perhaps he didn't like this question-and-answer format, so Kaido began to tell his own experience. Kaido was born in the Kingdom of Woka.

It is absolutely correct to say that he is a dragon-slaying boy, because Kaido has loved to fight for justice since he was a child and hated the class system. Why should human beings be divided into levels?

It is also because of this that Kaido's personality is not liked by the nobles, but many civilians regard him as a hero.

When Kaido was eight years old, no one in the Kingdom of Woka could control him, but because of his existence, no pirate dared to invade the territory of the Kingdom of Woka.

Until some time ago, the king of the Kingdom of Woka wanted to improve the status of his country, join the member state of the World Government, and obtain the right to participate in the World Conference. He sold Kaido, who was already known as the strongest soldier, to the World Government for research.

Naturally....It's not that easy for Kaido to be caught....Then the king thought of a good idea, which was to poison him.

But what King Woka didn't expect was that Kaido's physique was too abnormal, and the poison at most made him a little weak, but even if he was weak, Kaido still fought against thousands of navy alone and destroyed three warships...........

After listening to Kaido's story, Ike couldn't help but sigh.

If Kaido hadn't been betrayed, he probably wouldn't have become a member of Rocks' crew. In the future, this strongest creature might have become the patron saint of the Woka Kingdom....

In fact, there is another sentence that Ike wants to say, that is....The dragon-slaying boy eventually became a dragon.

The young Kaido was filled with injustice in the world, but when he grew up, he became a dragon and turned this injustice into his own right.....

Just then, Ace whispered in Ike's ear,"Should we save him?"

"Just get out!"

Ike replied.

In fact, even if Ike and the others didn't rescue Kaido, Kaido would probably be able to escape by himself. There is a brief description of this in the original book.........

Ace had no objection to hearing that Kaido was to be rescued.

Ace stretched out a hand and turned it into a soft slime, then put his finger into the keyhole of the prison, and finally hardened his Armament Haki. With a"click", the prison door was opened.

After the two left the cell, Ace released Kaido.

The thirteen-year-old Kaido stood in front of Ike and Ace like a little giant.

"Gurgle Gurgle......"

Hearing the sound coming from Kaido's stomach, Ike asked curiously,"How many days have they starved you?"

"Seven days...."

Kaido replied while holding his stomach.

"How miserable!"

While speaking, Ike waved his hand, and a bunch of food that was won in the lottery appeared in front of Kaido. When

Kaido saw the food, he didn't care where it came from, and sat on the ground and started eating.

Originally, Kaido planned to rush out and find the kitchen immediately, but now it seems that there is no need to find the kitchen. After eating here, he can have a big fight.

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