After Kaido had eaten and drunk his fill, he went out alone without waiting for Ike and Ace to make a move.

Ike followed Kaido and kept observing him.

Kaido didn't have much combat experience at the moment, and he was fighting entirely with his abnormal physical fitness and brute force.

Even if he was shot or chopped by a knife, he would continue to fight without any scruples, and continue to wave the anchor in his hand.

That's right....Kaido's weapon is the anchor of this ship. You can imagine how powerful he is.

"Hello...Aren't we going to help?"

Ace was also a little itchy when he saw Kaido's fight.

"Do you think we need to take action? They are just a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers."

After saying that, Ike looked at the luxury yacht behind him. At this time, Major General Raditz and his men were already drunk and partying in the bar. They could not hear any sound from the warship.

Turning his head to look at Kaido waving the anchor, Ike felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it. Then he suddenly remembered that he had drawn a mace before.

Thinking of this, Ike swung his hand and a mace flew towards Kaido.

"Kaido, next..."

Hearing Ike's voice, Kaido subconsciously reached out to take it, and then a mace the size of a baseball bat appeared in his hand.

This mace was indeed a little small for Kaido.

"If it could be bigger, it would be a good weapon!"Kaido thought.

Just as he had this thought, he saw the mace suddenly grow larger and instantly became almost as big as his body.....

"too big....A little smaller...."

After receiving the order, the mace began to shrink and soon became a handy mace.....

With the right weapon, Kaido became even more ferocious!

Soon no navy could stand up again...........

After dealing with all the navy on the warship, Kaido came to Ike with a mace and handed the bloody mace to Ike, saying,"Thank you for the mace."..."

Ike saw the blood on the mace and waved his hand, saying,"This is for you....."

Ace, who was standing by, was also surprised to see this scene.....

"I was wondering where Kaido got his magic mace from. It turns out you gave it to him....He destroyed many ships of our Whitebeard Pirates with that mace that can grow in size!"


""What the hell? Is this still possible?"

Thinking of this, Ike took out the appointment letter of the private navy and said to Kaido,"Kaido...You see, I am your savior anyway, how about joining my organization?"

Kaido accepted Ike's invitation without hesitation and signed the appointment letter.

Seeing Kaido signed, Ike actually originally planned to let Kaido not hesitate when attacking Wano Country, kill Momonosuke, and not give him the opportunity to travel through time.

But....Ace was standing next to him, and he was too embarrassed to say anything....Kozuki Oden was once a member of the White Pirates.

In fact, Ike can secretly do things like killing Momonosuke.

Not only Momonosuke, but Ike also finds the country of Wano disgusting. In the original work, Ike felt quite happy when Kaido enslaved Wano.

Are you moved by Kozuki Oden's stupidity and cowardice? I'm not moved at all.

In addition to Kozuki Oden, the other members of the Kozuki family are more outrageous and disgusting than each other.

Momonosuke's sister Kozuki, Kozuki Hiyori, has endured humiliation for more than ten years to avenge her father's death, and her spirit is commendable, but she has not actually accomplished anything. It is not an exaggeration to say that she actually enjoys life.

Every day, she does nothing but please men. In Ike's opinion, Hiyori really likes her job.

Kozuki Momonosuke is timid, lustful, and pretentious. He cries at every turn. No wonder the fans want to kill him.

Kozuki Oden? He is even more stupid. Although he is very powerful, he has no brains at all. When the situation in Wano Country deteriorated and Kurozumi Orochi brought in the wolf, he was still singing and dancing and did not stop it. When Kaido came to Wano Country, Oden was anxious and went up to give himself up.

There is also the previous head of the Kozuki family, Kozuki Sukiyaki.

After Kurozumi Orochi seized power, Kozuki Sukiyaki changed his name and became a swordsmith.

He did not intervene when Oden was killed, when the people of Wano Country suffered, when Kozuki was taken over by Kurozumi Orochi, and when Momonosuke was about to be executed.

But after Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi were defeated, he jumped out to reveal his identity.

Kozuki Sukiyaki has no country, no home, no relatives, and no friends in his eyes.

His contribution to the battle to liberate Wano Country is negligible, and he is still thinking about becoming a general again.

Rather than letting this old guy be the general, it is better to let that idiot Momonosuke take the position.......

Thinking of this, Ike was also very angry.

So if Kaido could directly destroy Wano Country, it would be the best result. This country should not exist.

The so-called class system has been played by this country.

If I were Kaido, I would definitely issue a sword ban to abolish all the spiritual pillars of Bushido, and then divide them and eliminate them one by one.

After the samurai class is eradicated from the spiritual level, the civilians of Wano Country will probably be grateful to Kaido.....

In this kind of class system, the people at the bottom of society are the most hurt.

As long as there is no class system, the people at the bottom of society will live a better life.

However, I think that the people in Wano Country are all servile......This approach may not be effective.....

After all, the prototype of Wano Country is a certain island country.......... nature...Ike cannot openly say that he wants to destroy Wano Country, as he still has to maintain his image of justice.....

Although it cannot be said openly, it can be done secretly.

Just as Kaido was wiping the blood off the mace, Ike took out a secret book from the space ring.

The secret book reads [The True Meaning of Bagua Fist. ]

Unlike the finger-snapping magic, Bagua Fist is actually a postmodern martial art. There is no so-called internal force training in it. It is completely martial arts moves and routines.

Kaido's body is abnormal and domineering....In fact, internal strength doesn't matter at all. What really matters is the moves. If he can comprehend some of the moves of Baguaquan and create his own moves, it will definitely improve Kaido's combat power.

As long as Kaido's combat power is improved, he can beat Oden to death with one stick. It can be regarded as a relief for him in advance, and he doesn't have to go into the oil pan......

When Ike was about to pass on the true meaning of Baguaquan to Kaido, he suddenly thought of another thing, that is, Kaido's mentally retarded daughter Yamato.

Ike has nothing to say about Yamato fans.....But I don't understand why Ike is a fan of Yutian.

It's like in a room, some people say they are fans of JJ Lin, some say they are fans of Jay Chou, and some say they are fans of Andy Lau, and suddenly someone stands up and shouts"I am a fan of Ji Ge..."

As for why Yamato is a fan of Oden, it is easy to understand. She has always been suppressed by her father, and suddenly a man who can hurt her father Kaido appears and is loved by everyone. With all these halos, her fan value naturally rises.

Thinking of this, Ike took out another book [Education of Children Should Start from Infancy].

This book should add a lot of points to Kaido's educational ability. Maybe Yamato will no longer be a fan of the idiot......

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