Seeing Ike take out two books, Kaido glanced at the cover and took the Baguaquan True Meaning and started reading it.

Ike did not translate Baguaquan True Meaning because.....Most of the above are explained in the form of comic books, and you can understand them as long as you have a little understanding.

"Study hard! This book will be very helpful to you! Oh! By the way...There is another book. Whether your family will be harmonious in the future will depend on this book."

Ike wanted to pat Kaido on the shoulder, but....I noticed the height difference, so I could only pat his belly awkwardly....

Kaido scratched the back of his head and said gratefully,"Thank you, brothers.....If you need any help in the future, just let me know...."

Upon hearing this, Ace immediately wanted to say,"Don't go against the White Group in the future...."

But before Ace could finish his words, Ike covered his mouth

"idiot....You are destroying the timeline by saying this. Do you still want to go back to see Luffy?"

Ace heard this and realized the seriousness of the matter. Then he patted Ike's hand to show that he understood..........

In fact, Ike doesn't know whether it destroys the timeline or not.....If Kaido really listened to Ace and didn't go against the White Group....It is uncertain whether Kaido will attack Wano Country knowing that Oden was once a member of the White Pirates.....

"Dragon Slayer....Grow up quickly and destroy the stupid country of Wano!"

Just as Ike was sighing inwardly, footsteps came from the other side of the deck.

The three turned around and saw a naval sergeant looking at the surrounding environment in horror.

"Strange...The monster is out..."

With a roar, the sergeant turned and ran, but before he could run a few steps, he was caught by Kaido who was even faster.

After knocking the sergeant unconscious, the three of them walked towards Ike's luxury yacht........ at this time...Raditz was still drinking and bragging to his men on the yacht.

"Major General Raditz, is it not okay for us to just rob civilians like this?"

"Robbing? Am I robbing? Do you think civilians have such a luxurious ship? It's obvious that pirates robbed it from a wealthy businessman! We don't call it robbing, we call it confiscating."

After saying that, Raditz took a sip of wine and then complained,"Didn't the sergeant say he would go back to the warship to get more food? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"He may have drunk too much and is vomiting! After all, he can't drink much."

Hearing the teasing, all the naval officers laughed.

At this moment, a colonel who was studying the yacht's operating system pointed at the screen and shouted,"Major General, there is a red dot here? Is there a ship nearby?"

Raditz, who was holding a bottle of wine, wanted to go over to take a look, but before he could stand up, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Brother! Is it time to return the ship to me?"

Hearing this voice, Raditz shuddered all over, and then he looked back with a stiff neck. When he saw the two masked men, he did not react strongly, but when he saw Kaido's face, he sobered up immediately.

He was there during the capture of Kaido, and he knew very well how monstrous Kaido was.....

" did you get out?"

"hehe...."Then he asked a very strange question,"Brother, your name is Raditz, right?"

""Yes!" Raditz nodded vigorously."I...I'm in the Naval Science Corps, and I have someone above me....."

"Oh? Then let me ask you, do you have a brother named Kakarot?"

This question made Raditz stunned, and then he shook his head and said,"I am the only son in the family...."

Just when Raditz was wondering why Ike asked that, a huge force threw him off the yacht and onto the deck.

Then Ike stepped on his chest with such force that he almost died.

"You don't have a brother named Kakarot, so you dare to steal my things?"

At the same time, Kaido and Ace also threw other naval officers out of the yacht and beat them up.

After throwing these naval scum back to the navy warship, Ike and Ace attacked at the same time. Ike's Tianlong roared, Ace's fire dragon roared, and the fire used the wind to directly blow the warship to pieces.

After the battle, the three of them took the yacht to leave the sea area.

Not long after Ike and his men left, another navy warship arrived here.

Although the warship was destroyed, many navy officers survived, naturally....Those naval officers who were attacked directly by Ike and Ace did not survive.

"Damn....Who is it? How dare they challenge the navy like this? Could it be that bastard Rocks?"

Zhan Guo, with his afro hair, shouted while stepping on the moon step to save the navy who fell into the water.

"It shouldn't be Rocks, he's not in this sea area."Garp, who was also rescuing people, said in a deep voice.

In this era, because there was no Pirate King Roger to start the Great Pirate Era, there were not many pirates. The only pirate king was Rocks.

And the Rocks Pirates were the only ones who could confront the Navy head-on, so they didn't take the Navy seriously at all. As long as the Navy was attacked, it was absolutely okay to put the blame on Rocks.......

After rescuing the survivors, Garp and Sengoku learned what happened.

When they learned that two masked men destroyed their navy warship, Garp and Sengoku were stunned.

The two masked men reminded them of the two guys who escaped from them a few years ago.

"Humph! I thought they disappeared from the face of the earth!"

Karp said, waving his fist

"It is not certain that the two people who attacked the warship are the ones."

Zhan Guo was still relatively calm. They had been looking for someone for so many years, and it was a bit unusual for him to suddenly appear.

"Are they catching up?���I know!"

After saying that, Garp took the record pointer, the permanent pointer and the Den Den Mushi, and followed the direction Ike and the others left with the moon steps.

If they took the boat, they would definitely not be able to catch up, but...Garp should be able to catch up with him with his abnormal speed and physique.

Seeing this, Sengoku did not catch up. After all, he was a devil fruit user. Most importantly, the masked man had strange abilities and a little man that could keep wrestling. If he was thrown into the sea by it, it would be a tragedy. It is more reliable to take a boat........

On the other side.

After leaving that sea area, Ike and Ace planned to leave.

""Brothers, are you really not going to continue the adventure with me?"

Kaido said reluctantly.

Ike smiled and patted Kaido's belly."Don't worry! We will meet again in the future. Just don't forget me and you are a member of the private navy!""

"Don't worry! I won't forget you, and I won't forget my identity!"

After hearing Kaido's answer, Ike was relieved.

Ike spread his wings and flew thousands of miles, holding Ace's hand and preparing to leave.

""Kaido, this ship is for you!"

After saying that, Ike was about to leave.

But before he started to speed up, a sound of breaking air sounded beside Ike's ears, and then a fist as big as a casserole hit him in the face.

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