Baterila Island

"Ike....If my mother really gave birth to me now, would the parallel world you mentioned be created? We would not be able to return to the original world?"

Ace said worriedly.

Ike did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

If you want to avoid the creation of a parallel world, you must not make any major changes. Is Ace's early birth a major change? Not really, after all.....How old Ace is and when he was born is a matter of a word from Mr. Garp.

But if Lu Ju lives with Ace and does not have a bond with Luffy and Sabo in the future, then....It conflicts too much with the original timeline.....

Ike took a deep breath and said,"If Lu Jiu really gave birth naturally and lived with you as a child, then....The timeline will indeed be messed up, and a new parallel world will be created."

Ike said in a heavy tone.

"What should I do?"

Ace was also a little panicked. He wanted his mother, but he also wanted his brother....But if you have to choose between your brother and your mother....That would be too difficult for him.

"Now, it can only be....Take plan B..."

Ace was speechless when he heard Ike say there was a plan B.

"Hey Ike, how come I didn't know you had a plan B?"

"Oh! Plan B actually existed from the beginning, but I felt that this plan was unreliable, and.....A mother-loving pervert may be born..."

Ace was stunned for a moment, then pointed at his nose and asked,"Isn't that me, the mother-loving pervert you're talking about?"

Ike shrugged and said,"Don't forget how long you've been a stalker?"

In fact, Ike was just joking, and the so-called Plan B was also something he thought of temporarily.


"Hey! No matter how perverted I am, I won't be a mother lover! Oh, that's not right.....Asshole, I'm not a pervert!"

"Also, tell me what your plan B is?"

Ace asked excitedly.

"Oh! That means after Lu Jiu gives birth to you, we will travel through time with Lu Jiu."

"After Lu Jiu gives birth, I will let her fall into a state of suspended animation.....In Garp's eyes, Lu Jiu died of exhaustion because she gave birth too late....."

After listening to Ike's story, Ace was also delighted.

"Okay, this is a good idea."

"Well! The method is good, but....We also need Lu Jiu to cooperate! After all....Our actions are like breaking up a mother and son."

Hearing this, Ace fell into deep thought. After a moment's contemplation, he said,"Leave my mother to me.".....

A few days later.

Luju successfully gave birth to Ace. Although Luju was weak, her life was not in danger.

However, Ike had already made preparations. He secretly gave the candy beans that he had prepared to make people fall into suspended animation to the midwife, and then used the Sharingan illusion to control the midwife to feed Luju.

Just when Garp wanted to take a look at Roger's child and prepare to have a grandson, he also found that Luju's vital signs began to decline, and she gradually lost her voice.

Garp looked at Luju's gradually cold body and sighed deeply.

"I held on for five months with willpower....really....Still can't hold on?"

Looking at the pale face of Lu Jiu, Garp picked up Ace in her arms.

Garp had already prepared himself mentally. Lu Jiu, a weak woman, could not bear to delay the birth for five months. This was several times more dangerous than a caesarean section.

Just as Garp was looking at Ace in his arms, Ike knocked on the door.

"Vice Admiral Garp is in trouble.....CP's people are here again."

Hearing this, Garp knew that it was time for him to leave.

He came to Ike with Ace in his arms and said,"Luju's funeral is in your hands."

Hearing this, Ike nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry! Leave it to us."

Just like that, Garp left Baterila Island with Ace, who had just been born.

Just at this time, a ship with the World Government logo stopped at the port.

This time, the CP people did not come to deal with the pregnant woman. After the last incident, the woman with Roger's blood must have left.....

Their real purpose this time is to kill several people who disobeyed the World Government, Ike, Ace, Kakashi, and Rogers........

Just after Garp took Little Ace away, Lu Jiu also woke up from her suspended state.

"Ace, your mother's problem is now in your hands. Let her know the current situation as soon as possible!"

As soon as Lu Jiu woke up, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hmm? Is this voice from one of the perverts selling oysters?"

Ike hadn't left yet. When he heard Lu Jiu's words, he staggered and glared at Ace before leaving......

After Ike Rogers and Kakashi left, Ace came to the bed and slowly took off the Landry's torture mask on his face.

"Mother, I...It's Ace from 20 years later."

Hearing Ace's words, coupled with this face that looked a bit like hers, Lu Jiu subconsciously covered her mouth.

"Could it be that I...."Sleep for twenty years?"

Lu Jiu asked incredulously.


Ace didn't expect his mother to have such a big imagination

"No....I traveled here from 20 years later, and now I will take you back to the timeline 20 years later!"

Lu Jiu was stunned for a moment, then asked,"Then....What about Ace?".......

At the same time,

Ike, Rogers, and Kakashi stood on the dilapidated port, waiting for the World Government's ship to dock.

"Rogers, take it!"

Ike directly handed the rabbit charm and a bull charm he had drawn to Captain America.

Among the three, Captain America was the most resistant, but his attack ability was not enough. He could still fight against ordinary people, but facing CP who was proficient in Armament Haki and Iron Block, his attack power was really not enough.

As for Kakashi, he had many methods of his own. If he knew that he could not break the enemy's defense, he would think of other ways, or directly attack the enemy's weak points. For him, Ike was not worried about anything.

""Kakashi, use your clones!"

Seeing that the ship was not too far from the port, Ike told Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded and immediately formed a dozen physical clones.

Seeing this, Ike took out the RPG rocket launcher that he had drawn earlier but never used.

He handed the dozen RPGs to Captain America and Kakashi's clones, and then spent half a minute teaching Kakashi how to use them.

"I didn't expect you to have an RPG in your hand!"

Captain America looked at the RPG in his hand and received it with some emotion.

"Ha ha...I have everything here, maybe I'll get your underwear someday!"

Captain America:...

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