At the port, a dozen Kakashis, Ike, and Captain America all carried RPG rocket launchers and aimed directly at the World Government's ships in the distance.


Just after Ike gave the order, everyone pulled the trigger of the RPG at the same time, and then rockets were fired at the World Government's ships.

The RPG that Ike took out was definitely a high-tech product, much more powerful than the cannons in the pirate world.

Just one shot can blow up a wooden sailing ship, and now more than a dozen guns are firing at the same time, you can imagine how powerful it is.

After a while, bursts of explosions broke out on the sea, and the Navy Headquarters ship that was heading towards Batirila Island instantly turned into wooden wreckage floating on the sea.

Ike took out a telescope and began to check the situation on the sea, and soon saw several embarrassed figures constantly trampling in the air.

Looking at the clothes of those people, they were CP people, and each of them was CP0 wearing a mask and a white suit.

It's just that these white suits now look a little embarrassed. The white suits on their bodies are no longer pure white, and there are a lot of damage and dirt.


"What? Did the World Government send out six CP0s this time?"

Actually, the World Government did not send out six CP0s this time, but ten. However, in the bombing just now, four of them were caught off guard and were buried in the sea.

As for why Ike and his men were taken so seriously, the biggest reason was actually Ike and Ace.

Ike and Ace appeared three times in total, and each time they met Garp, and each time Garp was defeated.

Is Garp strong? Of course he is very strong.....

It is precisely because Garp is so strong that those who can defeat Garp again and again are more valued by them.....Since they are already the enemies of the World Government, they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

The times now are different from those 20 years ago.

20 years later, due to Roger's words before his death, the Great Pirate Era has begun, and there is also a revolutionary army that is determined to overthrow the World Government. It can be said that the World Government has no way to handle everything. It can only rely on the navy to maintain the calm of the sea, while the World Government will accumulate strength behind the scenes. If the navy fails one day, the World Government will reveal its true trump card.

But this era is different. Before the rampage, the World Government still has absolute power. When it encounters a threat to the World Government, it will find a way to eliminate it in the bud.......

The six CP0s that kept stomping in the air soon saw Ike standing on the port and a dozen figures behind him.

"Damn.....Did they do it?"

After cursing, several CP0s rushed towards Ike and the others at the same time.

"Six CPs are a bit troublesome..."

Ike frowned and said.

Captain America also frowned. Although he had never fought against the white-clad CP0 before, he had fought against the black-clad CP.

He knew that these agents were very powerful, and it might be difficult for the three of them to hold on here.

Ike looked at Kakashi and saw that Kakashi also lifted up his forehead guard with a serious expression, revealing the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan.

"Looks like....It's time to find some foreign aid."

As he spoke, Ike took out the Wrestler and said to Captain America,"Rogers, give me the rabbit charm, I'll go find some foreign aid!"

Hearing this, Rogers threw the rabbit charm directly to Ike.

After taking the rabbit charm, Ike took out 100 million Baileys and gave them to the Wrestler, pointing to the six CPs who were coming back here and said,"Wrestler, this is one hundred million. Do you see those six people? Use the remaining 100 million to hit them hard!"

The Wrestler looked at the six CPs and thought to himself,"Finally, it's not just that Garp that I'm going to hit!"

"Leave it to me! There are six of them, and each person gets 800,000 for one throw! A total of 125 times, each person can throw 21 times! The extra two times are considered a gift."

Ike thought about it and felt that 100 million was a bit unsafe, so he took out another 100 million.

"I'll top up another 100 million."

After the top-up was completed, Ike looked at Rogers and Kakashi and said,"I'm going to find some help. You just follow the wrestlers and attack from behind. You don't have to fight these CPs head-on. Wait for me to come back!"

Hearing this, the two nodded at the same time.......

After arranging everything, Ike spread his wings and flew in the direction of the Grand Line.

The foreign aid that Ike was talking about was none other than Kaido, the little brother he had recruited before.

Ike investigated some information and knew that although Kaido had met him before, he still joined Rocks' pirate group as in the original work.

After Rocks' death, he formed his own pirate group [The Beast Pirates] and is currently competing with various pirate groups in the New World.

At present, the New World is not under the full power of the Four Emperors.

Because of the fall of Rocks, the New World has become a meat grinder, and all the pirates are scrambling for territory to expand the power of their own pirate groups......

With the acceleration of the rabbit charm, Ike quickly flew to the Grand Line, and then to the New World.

After flying into the New World, the constantly changing celestial phenomena also made Ike suffer a bit, but fortunately he succeeded and still flew to the island of Wano Country where Kaido is currently stationed.

That's right, in fact, Kaido has now come to Wano Country, and cooperated with Kurozumi Orochi to become the ruler here.

In fact, if it weren't for the urgent situation on Baterila Island, Ike really wanted to take a look at the current Wano Country, and by the way, look for Momonosuke who hasn't traveled through time yet, to see if he can kill this kid in advance and make the majority of fans happy. Just when Ike had just arrived in Wano Country and had not yet entered Wano Country, a loud explosion sounded from an uninhabited island outside Wano Country.

Hearing this sound���Ike turned his head and took a look. He saw Kaido and his men fighting with several pirate groups.

The explosion was the sound of Kaido enlarging his mace and smashing it on the ground.

The huge mace killed and injured several pirate captains who came to challenge him with just one blow.

"As expected of Kaido! He's already so strong!"

Ike couldn't help but sighed when he saw this.

Kaido dealt with the main force of the other side, and then released a wave of Conqueror's Haki to clear the field. He then took back the mace and stopped attacking. Instead, he asked his men to clean up the remaining cadres of the various pirate groups who had not been shocked by his Conqueror's Haki.

After ordering his men to charge, Kaido silently took out a book titled"Educating Children Should Start from the Infancy".

Now Kaido would take out this book from time to time to read it, mainly because...He has a son (daughter) who is too rebellious and completely disobedient.

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