"Well! If a child doesn't obey, he should be beaten.....Uh-huh...I agree with this statement!"

"A thousand reasons to beat your child! Before beating your child, you must make the reasons clear so that you can show your father's authority."

"Huh? There are so many reasons to spank a child!".......

As soon as Ike came behind Kaido, he heard him mumbling while holding a book.

After hearing these words, Ike was completely dumbfounded.

If I remember correctly,....I gave him a book called"Educate your children from childhood"! But looking at Kaido now, this is not"Educate your children from childhood" at all, it's simply"Beating your children from childhood."

Just as Ike was stunned, a whistling sound came from his side. It was Kaido's mace.

Although Kaido is a physical person, his observation Haki is not weak. He sensed it when Ike appeared behind him.

"Are you here to launch a sneak attack?"

Kaidou put away [Education of children should start from childhood] and stared at Ike coldly.

When he saw the mask on Ike's face, he was stunned.

"you....Are you the boss?"

"Kaido! Do you still remember me?"

"Of course I remember, if you hadn't saved me, I would have become an experimental subject of the World Government long ago!" After saying this, Kaido put away his mace.

After putting away his mace, Kaido asked curiously,"Boss, I have been looking for you all these years, but I couldn't find you. Where did you go?"

"besides...."As he spoke, Kaido once again took out [Education of Children Should Start from Infancy] and said,"I educated my son according to what was written in the book, but he is becoming more and more disobedient. What should I do?"


Ike just perfunctorily answered Kaido's first question and then took the book"Educating Children from an Early Age".

After flipping through a few pages, he slapped his forehead.

Ike had not read this book, but...From the title, Ike thought it was a serious book, but....I never expected that it was a guide to beating children.

No wonder Yamato was so rebellious.

Thinking of this, Ike asked curiously,"Is Yamato starting to admire Oden now?"

"Worship Oden? How is that possible? If he wants to worship someone, he should worship me as his father!"

Kaido said confidently. At this point, he suddenly realized something was wrong."Hey? Boss, how do you know my son's name is Yamato?"

"I also know that he is your daughter, not your son...."

Ike said speechlessly.

At this moment, Kaido's men finally captured all the members of those pirate groups.

Seeing this, Kaido asked his men to take the captives to the weapons manufacturing factory in Wano Country, and he took Ike back to his own territory.

After arriving at Kaido's territory, Ike saw Yamato when he was a child.

At this time, Yamato was a little loli with white hair and two horns on her head. She was as cute as she could be.

There were many bruises on Yamato's face, and handcuffs on his wrists. He looked a little pitiful.

"Kaido....How can you treat a little Loli like this!"

While speaking, Ike walked up and touched the head of Loli Yamato.

Yamato looked up at Ike. In her opinion, after talking to her father like this, the masked big brother in front of her should be smashed into a meat paste!

But what Yamato didn't expect was that her father not only didn't get angry, but took out the key to unlock his handcuffs and shackles.

After Yamato, who was confused, was pulled up from the ground by Ike, he took out another book and handed it to Kaido, saying,"Yamato is seven or eight years old now. The book used to train her is no longer useful. Now you should read this one!"

The name of this book is [Father's Dignity and Kindness].

Ike has just read it. This book is still very serious. It describes how to get along with your children and how to make your children admire you.

There will definitely be no more misunderstandings this time.

Just after Ike handed the book to Kaido, Yamato, who had just stood up, made a"gurgling" sound in his stomach.

"I am starving...."Yamato said weakly

"I go...Why don't you feed her enough?"Ike turned to look at Kaido.

Kaido scratched the back of his head and said,"The book says that if you want to educate your child well, you can't feed him enough...."


At this time, Ike really wanted to ask the system where this book came from.....

Speechless Ike took out some food from the system space. Seeing this, Yamato pounced on it and started to eat it.

"Kaido, if you want your own children to admire you, then you should study the book I just gave you carefully!"

Kaido heard this and nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Seeing this, Yamato, who was eating, looked at Ike curiously,"This uncle....Who are you to have convinced my dad?"

"Because I am your father's boss!"

As he spoke, Ike took out another book. This book was much thicker than the one he gave to Kaido.

On the cover was written"Battle Through the Heavens" in the language of the pirate world.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Yamato took the book and asked,"What is this?"

"This is the life story of a good friend of mine. You can read it when you are bored!"

Yamato's eyes lit up when she heard this. She usually liked to read storybooks or storytelling.....And this book looks so thick, it must contain many exciting stories...........

The reason why Ike showed Yamato Battle Through the Heavens was to prevent him from worshipping the idiot Oden.

Yamato worshipped Oden not only because Oden was powerful and had the ability to defeat his father, but also because he saw Oden's diary. Oden's diary is basically his heroic autobiography.

However, in Ike's opinion, no matter how heroic the diary is, it can't compare to the exciting and passionate fantasy novels of our great China.

As for whether Xiaoyan is a scumbag, this is not a problem at all. Compared with Xiaoyan, Oden is even more licentious..........

After solving the problem of Yamato, Ike took Kaido away and flew to Baterila Island.

Kaido agreed to help Ike without hesitation. As for going against the World Government,....hehe...He is already against the World Government.

Kaido turned into a blue dragon and flew in the air, and then Ike pressed the rabbit charm on Kaido's back, giving him a wave of nitrogen acceleration.

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