Ike rode the giant dragon that Kaido transformed into and flew all the way to the first half of the Grand Line.

With the blessing of the rabbit charm, Kaido's speed was so fast, but at the same time, there were also shortcomings, that is....Kaido didn't know the way.

Baterila Island is located in the South China Sea, but Kaido accelerated to the West China Sea.

"Hey Hey hey....Kaido, you are flying in the wrong direction..."

Ike patted Kaido's huge dragon head and shouted.

Kaido was also stunned for a moment when he heard it, then floated in the air and said,"Boss, give me another direction!"

Ike took out a compass when he heard it. Because they were no longer in the Grand Line, the magnetic field here was not chaotic, so the compass could be used to determine the direction.

Just as Ike was pointing to the south, an island covered with smoke and dust below attracted Ike's attention.

Not far from the island, there was a raft. On the raft, there was a little girl who was crying and rowing. From time to time, she looked back at the island that had turned into scorched earth.

The first time Ike saw the little girl, he recognized her. She was Nico Robin when she was a child.

"so....Is this island O'Hara?"

Behind Robin's raft were several naval warships. The lookout on one of the warships had seen Robin rowing and reported it to the vice admiral of the ship. Upon hearing this, the vice admiral naturally chose to pursue. The order he received was to issue a demon-killing order to O'Hara, and the so-called demon-killing order absolutely could not let a person go.

Soon, several warships united to pursue Robin's raft. Aokiji, who had let Robin go before, wanted to stop it when he saw this scene, but before he could make any move, the sky suddenly darkened, and then a huge dragon head poked out from the clouds.

"This is....Kaido?"

Aokiji and many vice admirals recognized Kaido, a newcomer who was a little famous in the New World, at first sight.

"How did this monster come to the West Sea?"

"I do not know...."

"All warships, disperse immediately....."

"Officers above the rank of major are ready to fight...."......

Just as the vice admirals on the warships were giving orders, Kaido above finally began to gather his fiery dragon breath.

Without waiting for the navy to react, this breath of dragon directly destroyed several navy warships below.

Seeing this, the admirals on the warships that were not destroyed immediately used their own fruit abilities or powerful slashes to attack Kaido.

Kaido, on his side, spit out two more breaths of dragon breath, turned around and left......

Because of Kaido's move, Robin left the sea without any hindrance, disappeared into the sea, and began her life on the run.

It was also because of Kaido's move that the World Government put the blame for destroying the navy warship on Robin who escaped, and gave her the title of the Devil's Child.......

After rescuing Robin in vain, Ike and Kaido set out again, and soon they arrived above Baterila Island.

At this time, the battle on Baterila Island was still going on.

It's just that now there is one more Ace participating in the battle.

Ace, Captain America, Kakashi, one against one CP0.

And the Wrestler used wrestling to restrain three CP0s.

It's not that the Wrestler didn't want to restrain more, but it was mainly because restraining three was already the limit.

Each CP0 is very fast, and they can join the battle immediately after getting up.

Before, the Wrestler had always been fighting against Garp alone, and at most a Sengoku. Ike didn't see any weaknesses in the Wrestler, but today he saw that when fighting in a group, the Wrestler is not so useful..........

In the battle between Ace and CPO, although he can always suppress CP0,...This CP0 is an awakened user of the Animal Fruit, and has amazing recovery ability. It will take time to defeat it.

As for Captain America, it was very difficult for him to contain CP0, but he had the Bull Charm given by Ike, plus his own 50-50 strength, so he was able to force a 50-50 fight with a CP0.

The CP0 that Kakashi faced was also a Devil Fruit user. Kakashi used his endless ninjutsu and tactics to perfectly suppress his opponent, but...It is difficult to defeat or even kill them......

"Kaido, can you handle the CP below?"

Kaido heard this and smiled,"If they can hurt me, I will thank them!" As soon as he finished speaking, Kaido fell from the sky and sat on CP0 who was fighting with Captain America.

This butt directly pressed the CP to fly up on the spot.

Kaido's sudden appearance made everyone stop their actions except for the wrestlers who continued to wrestle diligently.

"this is...Kaido from the Beasts Pirates? How come he is here?"

The CP who was fighting with Ace had a puzzled look on his face.

But Kaido was not the kind of person who liked to talk nonsense. He dug his right hand in his ear and took out the mace that he had placed in his ear. It became bigger, and then he hit CP0 who was fighting with Kakashi with one stick.

Seeing this, CP0 immediately stepped on the moon step and shaved to leave the spot, and then turned his target to Kaido.

Kaido came here and attacked the people of their world government without saying a word. There was no doubt that he was an enemy.

Kakashi also saw that Kaido was the helper invited by Ike, so he directly asked his two clones to use the instant body technique to come to CP0 and hugged him.

"Don't worry about my clone!"

After briefly controlling CP0, Kakashi shouted to Kaido.

Kaido heard this and without saying a word, he used a [Thunder Bagua] to directly hit the head of CP0 who had just broken free from Kakashi's clone.

As an awakened animal-type fruit, this CP would naturally not die so easily.

But Kaido would not let him go so easily. After a Thunder Bagua, Kaido's palm was covered with armed color domineering, and a Bagua palm containing an inner force was directly imprinted on the body of this CP.

With this palm, the bones in the body of this CP0, Organs were broken one after another. Even if the animal-type fruit ability user had a strong recovery ability, he could not recover instantly. Under severe injuries, this CP was directly killed.

In a blink of an eye, two CPs were killed, which made the other CP0s panic.

They had collected information about Kaido.

Kaido can be said to be a real monster. When he was in the Rocks Pirates, he was already well-known.

After leaving the Rocks Pirates, without the suppression of a group of strong men, Kaido's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has the strength to dominate the world.

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