After learning that Ace had successfully persuaded Lu Jiu, Ike asked curiously,"Didn't you ask about Roger?"

Ike believed that if Ace knew the truth about Roger's surrender, he would definitely not be as calm as he is now.....

Hearing Ike's words, Ace lowered his eyebrows and said,"Mother said, wait until 20 years later and tell me..."

Hearing this, Ike glanced at Lu Jiu and thought to himself,"Maybe he's afraid that Ace will find out the truth and break into the Marine Headquarters to take back Roger's body!"

Although he hadn't been with Ace for a long time, Lu Jiu saw through Ace's character at a glance. Ace was definitely someone who could do such a thing........

After the incident on Batirila Island, Ike planned to travel through time again with Ace and the others.

This time, Ike even prepared some candy beans that could instantly replenish his energy, so that he wouldn't have to stop because of lack of energy.......

Ike looked at Captain

America, Kakashi, Ace, and Lu Jiu, then took out the mini light and shone it on them.���His figure became as small as an ant.

After shrinking several people, Ike held the rabbit talisman in his hand and began to accelerate.

With the familiar feeling of time and space confusion, Ike's extreme speed quickly broke through the limitations of time and space and entered the time and space tunnel.

Not long after entering the time and space tunnel, Ike felt exhausted, but fortunately, he prepared candy beans to restore his strength. Although there was only one, it was enough for Ike to reach the end.

Just when Ike felt a pulling feeling constantly acting on him, he knew that he should arrive at his destination.

He did not resist this pulling force, and just when he was about to leave the time and space tunnel, several figures flew past him.

""What the hell? Is there anyone else who can travel through time besides me?"

Muttering, Ike looked towards the figures. When he saw the appearance of these people, Ike's expression froze. The people in front were Momonosuke, Kankuro, Kin'emon, Raizo, Kokiku, and several time travelers in the original work.

Seeing this scene, Ike knew that it must be because Kaido took action that these guys traveled through time.

Now the pulling feeling is not too great, Ike is thinking, should I fly over and kill Momonosuke, the bastard?.... and....Looking at the current state of these five people, they are obviously different from me.

All five of them are grayish white, as if time has stopped for the whole person. They are not like Ike, who still has thoughts and can move freely.

"Humph! Now that you're in my hands, I'd be too sorry to all the fans if I didn't kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ike flapped his wings and flew towards Momonosuke's position.

But before his hand touched Momonosuke, something even more shocking happened.

The same five people suddenly appeared in the time tunnel. These five people were Momonosuke, Kin'emon, Raizo, Kanjuro, and Kokiku.

"What? There are two Momonosuke?"

But so what? There is no need to worry about this kind of thing. Killing one Momonosuke is twice as happy. If you kill two, wouldn't it be twice as happy?

He did it as he thought. Ike grabbed the necks of the two Momonosukes with both hands at the same time.

Just when Ike's hands fell on the necks of the two Momonosukes, the two Momonosukes moved at the same time.

"this...Where is this? Mother...Mother..."

"this...Where is this? Mother...Mother..."

After the two Momonosukes were able to move, they cried for their mothers at the same time. When they heard someone next to them shouting the same words, they were stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at the other self. Just as the two Momonosukes were stunned at each other, Ike exerted force with his right hand, and the neck of the right Momonosuke was directly crushed by him.

Momonosuke on the left cried even louder when he saw this scene.

" me...."

I just escaped from the past Wano Country, and now I have come to a strange place, and I saw another me being brutally killed.....This made Momonosuke pee his pants.

"As expected! He can't do anything except cry. Shouldn't he beg for mercy at this time?"

Just when Ike was about to kill Momonosuke on the left, a strong pulling force came from Momonosuke. He knew....This Momonosuke must have arrived at the station, and he was about to take himself over.

Due to the disorder of time and space, Ike's hands were completely unable to move, so he did not take the second Momonosuke away, and could only follow this Momonosuke and forcibly leave the time and space tunnel.

""What the hell? Am I going to travel back to two years later?"

Before he completely disappeared into the time tunnel, Ike shouted silently........

The pirate world two years later.

Ever since Whitebeard said before his death during the war at the top that"the great secret treasure really exists", the sea has become even more turbulent.

In addition, without the deterrence of the strongest man, Whitebeard, many pirates who dared not enter the New World have also stepped into the territory of the New World, aiming directly at the legendary great secret treasure.

In the war at the top, Ace's death made Luffy very painful, but because of the bond with his partners and Jinbe's guidance, he successfully walked out of the haze and decided to practice with Rayleigh for two years before entering the New World......

Two years later, the Straw Hat Pirates reunited and became a new topic on the sea. Many people wanted to see what kind of storm the Straw Hat Pirates could stir up on the sea.......

New World.

Ike fell out of a space crack. Maybe it was because the space turbulence was too sudden, Ike's stomach was churning.

The problem was that he was still wearing a mask on his face, and the consequences of vomiting were imaginable.

Just when he took off the mask to breathe, he noticed that he was actually falling towards the sea below with a free fall.

"WTF...How come we are 10,000 meters in the sky again!"

After complaining, Ike started to fly thousands of miles to stabilize his body, but at the same time, his mouth opened and the sticky substance came out of his mouth........

At the same time.

A naval battle is taking place on the sea below.

The two sides of the naval battle are the Straw Hat Pirates two years later and the navy led by Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. Vice Admiral

Flying Squirrel's mission this time is to escort the giant pirate chef Panzifrey.

The Straw Hat Pirates accepted the help of Panzifrey's daughter to rescue Panzifrey who can cook the legendary volcanic cuisine.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, this matter is very simple. Luffy just wanted to eat the legendary volcanic cuisine, so he agreed to the help of Lili, Panzifrey's daughter......

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