Two years later, Zoro easily cut off the chains wrapped around Panzflay, and then took over the battle between Luffy and the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

At this time, Flying Squirrel's forehead was sweating. He didn't get the upper hand in the fight with Luffy just now. He didn't expect that the Straw Hat Boy, who he could beat two years ago, is now so powerful.....

"Hello...It's not good to look around! Your Excellency, Vice Admiral!"

At this moment, Zoro slashed at the flying squirrel. The flying squirrel knew that this mission might fail, but as a righteous navy, he could not leave in such a shame.

After using his sword to deflect Zoro's slash, the flying squirrel got ready.

Just when the flying squirrel was about to fight with all his strength, suddenly a sticky thing was sprinkled on his Mohawk.

Touching the sticky liquid on his face, the flying squirrel felt nauseous.

On the sea, large birds would poop from time to time, and the flying squirrel thought it was also some kind of bird feces.

Seeing this, Zoro on the opposite side put the Wado Ichimonji in his mouth back into the scabbard and said,"You'd better go wash it! It looks dirty!"

Flying Squirrel:............



Waves of retching sounds were heard in the air. Hearing this sound, everyone subconsciously looked up in the air, and then saw a young man flying in the air retching continuously.

Ike smiled embarrassedly when he found that his vomit fell on the head of an acquaintance.

"that....Sorry, I just can't seem to get enough of my appetite...."

Ike had a pretty good impression of Vice Admiral Mole. He was really embarrassed....If you want to blame someone, blame Momonosuke!

"Don't worry! Vice Admiral Mole, I will find Momonosuke to avenge you!" Ike thought silently in his heart.....

The flying squirrel didn't say anything. He knew that what was on his head just now was not bird droppings, but the vomit of the young man.

The flying squirrel was not a devil fruit user, so he jumped into the sea and took a bath to wash off all the dirt on his body.

If it weren't for the battle, the mysophobia flying squirrel really wanted to take a good bath.........

Ike in mid-air also noticed the Straw Hat Pirates. When he saw the Thousand Sunny and the images of the Straw Hat Pirates, Ike knew that he had really arrived two years later.

"Could it be that....Did Ace and I disappear for two years?"

Thinking of this, Ike flew directly to the Thousand Sunny.

Ike suddenly landed on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, causing several members of the Straw Hat Pirates to look at him warily.

"Don't you know me?...What on earth is going on?"

Just as Ike was wondering, there was a faint thumping sound from his pocket. It was then that Ike remembered that he hadn't released Ace and the others yet!

Ace and the others were temporarily placed in a wooden box. The wooden box was very breathable and they didn't feel suffocated, but being locked up in a claustrophobic environment all the time was not a good thing.

After Ike took out the wooden box, he released Ace and the others.

Ace was not being tortured by Landry now. When Ace appeared, everyone who knew Ace was shocked.

"you....."Usopp pointed at Ace and said,"You...Are you Ace?"

Ace looked at Usopp carefully and said in surprise,"Huh? Usopp, your training is quite effective! You even have abdominal muscles!"


Then Ace looked at the others and soon found something wrong.

This ship was not the Golden Merry, and the Straw Hat Pirates were much larger than he knew.

Most importantly, there were a few people missing.

Sabo, Vivi, and Little Fengfeng were not there....In addition, there are two ducks missing....

While there are a few fewer people, there are also a few more, such as a skeleton, a robot...

After finding something wrong, Ace immediately looked at Ike, wanting to ask what was going on.

Ike shrugged helplessly, what else could it be, because he was too naughty!

In fact, Ike could go back to the original timeline, but because he saw Momonosuke, he wanted to kill him.

But now that I think about it, the two Momonosuke that appeared at that time should be Momonosuke from two parallel worlds.

The one that Ike strangled to death was Momonosuke from Ike's original world timeline. In that world, there was a private navy. Ike was a partner of the Straw Hat Pirates and was also the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The world that Momonosuke, who was not strangled to death, was going to should be the world timeline of the original work, that is, the world without the changes made by Ike.

In Ike's view, it is very likely that Ike's act of strangling Momonosuke would destroy the plot, and the existence that is like the will of the world saved Momonosuke.....

As for the world where Ike originally existed? When Ike, the time traveler, appeared, the original novel had no place in it......

After thinking everything through, Ike was not panicked. The worst that could happen was that he would just travel through time again!

Just as Ike was about to explain something, a sound of breaking air came from a distance, and then a shadow hit Ace directly.

The person who came was Luffy, who was extremely excited to see Ace.

" are still alive...Very good...Very good...."

Luffy held Ace's head and began to cry in pain.

Seeing this, Ike finally knew what it meant to cry with one's head in one's arms.....This is really crying.

"Hello....Luffy! Calm down!"

Sanji, who was calmer, wanted to pull Luffy away. He didn't believe that a dead person could be resurrected....

Brooke: Meow?

"Hello....Luffy, if you keep hugging me like this , I'm going to suffocate to death!"

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ace was sure that the Luffy in front of him was indeed his younger brother....One size bigger.

Luffy jumped off Ace immediately after hearing his words.���

"Boom boom boom....."

Just as the brothers were reuniting, a third force suddenly appeared on the navy ship, namely the NEO Navy created by Zephyr.

After the NEO Navy appeared, they directly attacked Panziflay, who had regained his freedom and was about to hug and cry with his daughter.

After a few shells, even though Panziflay was a giant, he was still seriously injured.......

"Ace, I'm going to save Volcano Cuisine first, we'll talk later!"

Although he was very excited to meet Ace again, Luffy had not forgotten that he had promised Lili to save his father, Volcano Cuisine.....

In this way, Luffy rushed forward to fight with the leader of the NEO Navy, Shuzo, while Zoro continued to fight with the flying squirrel.......

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