On the other side,

Ace, who was fighting with Shuzo, was distracted when he learned that he had died two years later.

Although he had guessed it before,....After confirming it, he still couldn't accept why he died and under what circumstances.

Ace didn't care about his own death. What he really cared about was the Whitebeard Pirates.

He believed that his father Whitebeard would never watch him die.

Although he was a little absent-minded during the battle, Ace's fighting instinct made him still able to deal with Shuzo's attack with ease, and there was also Luffy next to him..........

"Ace, be careful....."

Luffy, who was fighting with Shuzo again, found that an alpaca was spitting out a cannonball from its mouth, and the target was Ace.

This alpaca was a rocket launcher that had eaten the alpaca fruit. It was an intelligent weapon. When Shuzo was fighting Luffy and Ace, it had been looking for opportunities to launch a sneak attack.

The rocket launcher was very fast, and when Ace found it, the rocket had already exploded on him.

With a loud"bang", Ace's body was blown to pieces.

Luffy's eyes turned red when he saw this scene, and then he prayed in his heart, hoping that Ace would have time to enter the elementalization.

When the smoke dissipated, Ace's body became pieces scattered on the ground.

Ace's miserable condition made Luffy's eyes lose their luster, and the joy of reunion before suddenly turned into despair, and then anger.

In anger, Luffy bit his arm and wanted to go directly into the fourth gear.

But before he could make a move, a mini version of Ace appeared on his shoulder and called softly,"Luffy, I'm fine...."

Luffy was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then turned his head to look at his shoulder.

At this time, there was a few centimeters tall Ace standing on his shoulder.

"After dealing with one, the next one is you! Straw Hat Boy!"

At this moment, Shuzo rushed towards Luffy again.

After dealing with the troublesome Ace, Shuzo was more confident. In his opinion, dealing with the Straw Hat Boy who had just entered the new world was a piece of cake.

As he rushed towards Luffy, the body of Ace on the ground suddenly turned into a blue viscous liquid and surrounded him.

This sudden change also caught Shuzo off guard, and his whole body was directly covered by the blue liquid.

After his sneak attack was successful, the mini version of Ace also turned into a slime and merged into the huge pool of blue slime......

Ike, who was not far away, saw this scene and thought to himself,"Could it be that Ace has developed some new ability?"

Just as Ike finished his words, the huge blue slime directly vomited out Shuzo in its body.

At this time, everyone focused their attention on Shuzo, and found that Shuzo had no injuries at all.

At this time, someone noticed that the blue slime that Ace turned into began to wriggle, and soon, the slime turned into the appearance of Shuzo.

The fake Shuzo smiled and said,"Haha!"....It worked as expected.

That's right, this is the new ability Ace developed, [Copy].

This copy can copy the enemy's physical ability and physical skills.

However, this ability can only copy people whose physical skills are not much different from his own. If the difference is too big, even if the copy is made, it will not be able to exert the original owner's strength.

The strength of Shuzo and Ace is not much different, which is just right for testing this copy ability.

Of course, this copy ability also has disadvantages.

For example....After copying a person's body, Ace can no longer use his fruit ability, and because he copies the enemy, it is difficult for the two to determine the winner....Unless there are teammates next to you.......

"Humph!"Hmph!" When Xiuzuo saw the man who looked exactly like him, he snorted coldly,"All show and no substance, just trifling tricks."

As soon as he finished speaking, the armor color on both of Xiuzuo's arms hardened, and he threw his turtle fist at Ace who had transformed into Xiuzuo. He wanted to smash this fake into a meat pie.

But what Xiuzuo didn't expect was that the fake opposite him actually used the same turtle fist as himself.

After their fists collided, Xiuzuo discovered that the opponent not only imitated his boxing skills, but also his strength was exactly the same.....

A taijutsu expert like Shuzo knows very well that it is very difficult to determine the winner between two taijutsu experts with similar physical qualities and skills, not to mention the person in front of him who looks exactly like him.

Luffy, who was standing by, saw that Ace had turned into Shuzo's appearance, and his eyes immediately turned into little stars.


Ace, who was fighting with Shuzo, was speechless when he saw Luffy didn't make a move.

But since Luffy didn't make a move, he planned to deal with the opponent himself.

Ace planned to use the copy to consume the opponent's stamina and physical strength, and then change back to his original appearance and use a fancy big move to deal with the opponent.......

The battle between the real and fake Shuzo soon became intense.

After the real Shuzo felt the pressure, his strength began to burst out continuously, and his physical strength naturally began to decline faster.

When the fake Shuzo felt that the real Shuzo was a little impatient, he turned into a blue slime again, and then changed back to his original appearance.

Shuzo was also very happy when he found that the other party had changed back.

"Hahaha....It seems that your ability is also time-limited!"

After saying this, Shuzo used his signature turtle punch again.

Ace raised his arms to the air with blazing flames."I just feel that I have had enough fun and want to kill you in one move!"

After saying this, the flames on Ace's arms suddenly surged, and a huge fireball suddenly appeared.

"Fire Dragon's Royal Flame....."

The instantaneous Fire Dragon Emperor Flame directly hit Xiu Zuo, causing a violent explosion, directly blowing Xiu Zuo up into the sky.

"This is just the first strike!"

As he spoke, flames shot out from under Ace's feet.���He flew up with him, came in front of Xiu Zuo and did a hook

"Armament color entanglement, hegemony color entanglement....Fire Dragon's Claw...."

This overhead hook kicked Xiuzuo hard in the chest. After a sound of bone cracking, Xiuzuo fell to the sea below.......

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