When the NEO navy saw Shuzo being kicked into the sea, they all gave up besieging the pirates and the navy, and got into small submarines to fish for Shuzo. Flying

Squirrel, who was still fighting with Zoro and had many knife wounds on his body, was also a little shocked to see Shuzo lose.

Flying Squirrel knew that Shuzo was definitely stronger than him, but he didn't expect that he would be defeated so quickly by Ace the Fire Fist.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel....I have notified the headquarters! A navy admiral will come to support you soon....."Hold on."

At this moment, a communications soldier lying on the wreckage of a navy warship shouted to Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

Flying Squirrel was speechless when he heard the soldier's words.

It was such a pity that all the pirates present heard it....Since they knew the admiral was coming, it would be strange if they didn't run away.....

The fact is just as the flying squirrel thought. After learning that the admiral was coming, Zoro did not intend to continue fighting with him. He sent out a wind of trouble to force him back and then returned to the Thousand Sunny.

In addition, Ace and Luffy also returned to the Thousand Sunny.���As for the giant still on the raft, Ike used the shrinking lamp to shrink it and brought it to the Thousand Sunny.....

"Dad....you...You can actually shrink too!"

Lili, who had eaten the shrinking fruit, looked at her father in shock.

At this time, Panzifroy's figure was no different from that of an ordinary person.

"hehe..."Panziflay smiled innocently, pointed at Ike and said,"I don't know what happened, but that guy shone the light on me and I became smaller!"

"Bang Bang Bang...."

The sound of footsteps was heard, and then the flying squirrel rushed towards the Qianyang, which had already raised the anchor.

"I won't let you go!"

Since he knew the general was coming, Flying Squirrel couldn't let Fire Fist Ace go, even if it cost him his life.

The news that Fire Fist Ace was still alive must be suppressed, or....Where should their navy's face be placed?....

Just as the flying squirrel was about to approach the Thousand Sunny, Franky, who was at the helm, shouted to the people behind him,"Everyone hold on tight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Franky activated the wind and the Thousand Sunny flew into the air at an extremely fast speed.

The flying squirrel could only sigh when he saw the Thousand Sunny had disappeared, and he had no choice but to go to rescue his men.......

After the Thousand Sunny landed on the sea again, Ike came to Ace and asked curiously,"Ace,....When did you learn how to use Conqueror's Haki?"

Ace shrugged and said,"My father taught me, but I never learned it. Last time I saw Kaido use it and I got some insights, so I learned it....."


"Nima...Could it be that Kaido's true attribute is really that of a god-level teacher?"

Ike doesn't believe it. Ace has been on Whitebeard's ship and has not received any teaching from Whitebeard. Whitebeard has taught Ace for so long but he hasn't learned the Conqueror's Haki Entanglement, but Ace understood it after only seeing Kaido use it once?

Thinking of this, Ike looked at Luffy and thought to himself,"One stick for Ryuo, two sticks for Conqueror's Haki, and three sticks for Awakening. It makes sense, right?...."

"It seems that the title of the best teacher in the pirate world will be given to Kaido...".....

As the two chatted, Luffy hugged Ace again.

"Ace....you...How did you come back to life?"

Luffy asked the question that concerned him most.

In fact, what he really cared about was....Is the Ace in front of me Ace?...

Ace's fighting style before was different from the Ace he knew, so Luffy was afraid that Ace would say"I am not Ace"...."

Hearing Luffy's question, Ace sighed and said,"Luffy, you still....Tell me how I died!"

Seeing Luffy talking to Ace, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates focused their attention on the two of them. They also wanted to know what happened to Ace.

"How did you die?"

Luffy looked confused.

At this moment, Ike stood up and said,"Actually, we are not from this timeline, but from the timeline two years ago!"

Luffy naturally didn't know what a timeline was, and most of the Straw Hat Pirates didn't understand it either.

Then Ike began to explain the concepts of timeline and parallel world.......

Even after Ike finished explaining, Luffy still couldn't understand.....

Seeing that Luffy still didn't understand, Robin came behind Luffy and said,"What I mean is that the Mr. Ace in front of us is not the dead Mr. Ace, but the Mr. Ace who traveled through time from before Ace died.""

"Although he is indeed your brother Ace, he does not belong to this world!"

After listening to Robin's explanation, Luffy looked at Ace and said,"So....Ace still can't be resurrected, right?"

"Not really!"

Ike touched his chin and said,"If Ace's soul still exists, then there is still a chance to revive!"

Ike's words made everyone look at him with burning eyes at the same time.

After all....Who doesn't want to revive someone?

Nami wants to revive her mother Bell-mère, Zoro wants to revive his childhood friend Kuina, Chopper wants to revive Hiruluk, who is like his father, Usopp wants to revive his mother, Robin wants to revive his mother, and even the scholars on Ohara Island who treated him well......

Franky wants to revive his master Tom, Brook wants to revive his former companions in the Rumba Pirates, and Sanji wants to revive his mother...........

Everyone wants to be resurrected to some extent, and now that they know there is a way to resurrect, they are naturally very concerned.

Seeing that everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was looking at him so eagerly, Ike shrugged helplessly and said,"If you want to revive someone, you must have a soul!"

After saying that, Ike pointed at Brock and said,"Just like this user of the Yomiuri Fruit, he also needs a soul to be resurrected. If the soul disappears, he cannot be resurrected!"

"That...I have been dead for two years in this world. Is my soul still there?..."

Ace frowned and asked.

If possible, Ace wanted to revive himself in this world, because...He didn't want to make his brother sad. Even if it was not Luffy from the same world, he was still Luffy and his brother.

"I'm not sure about this either, I'll have to go to your grave and take a look in person!"

"In addition to the grave, anything closely related to Ace may contain part of Ace's soul! As long as there is a little soul, then it can be resurrected!"

Ike thought of the resurrection charm he had drawn before. After the resurrection charm is opened, the soul of the deceased can be seen, whether it is a soul fragment or a complete soul. And as long as there is a little soul fragment, the dead can be resurrected.

When hearing Ike mention an item that is closely related to Ace, many people thought of one thing, that is, the Flame-Flame Fruit.

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