Finally, Ace decided to stay in this world temporarily to search for the soul of Ace in this world.

According to Ike's speculation, the most likely place for Ace's soul is near Ace's grave and in the Flame-Flame Fruit.

After learning that Ace has hope of resurrection, Luffy is very excited, and the next step is the banquet.....

It just so happened that the Thousand Sunny arrived at an active volcanic island, and Panziflay's kitchenware happened to be on this island.

In this way, Panziflay began his unique cuisine, volcanic cuisine, to thank Luffy and others for saving him.

Using a volcano as a stove is indeed a unique cuisine.....

When the banquet started, Ike and others also introduced themselves.

"I’m Ike! You all know my name, but in fact, in our world, I’m the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Everyone was shocked to hear that Ike was the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Then Nami looked at Luffy and said,"Luffy, why didn’t you find a crew member as reliable as Ike?" Luffy was also scratching his head, and then he looked at Ike and began to ask him how he got on the ship. Ike told everyone the story of how he got on the ship as a side dish.

"oops...What a pity! If I met someone as interesting as you, I would definitely take you on board!"

Luffy said with a big laugh.

Then Luffy looked at Captain America, Kakashi and Lu Jiu.

The three of them didn't talk much from beginning to end. Only when they were eating, Lu Jiu would help Ace wipe his mouth.

And Ace didn't refuse this excitement, but enjoyed it.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Captain America stood up and saluted.

"My name is Steve Rogers, and I'm a soldier."

Seeing this, Luju smiled and introduced herself,"My name is Portgas D. Luju, and I'm Ace's mother!"

Hearing that this big sister was actually Ace's mother, Luffy was incredulous.

"Eh? Ace....Really? Is she really your mother?"

Ace nodded and said,"Yes, I traveled back to the time when I was born to rescue my mother and took her away!"

Although it still felt incredible, Luffy was very happy to see that Ace had a mother.

Just when Luffy wanted to listen to Ace and Ike's adventure story of traveling through time, he was attracted by Kakashi's self-introduction.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi....Ninja!"

Luffy, Chopper, Usopp, and Lili all looked at Kakashi when they heard him call himself a ninja.

"You are a ninja...Really? That's amazing!"

"Ninja! Do you know how to clone yourself?"

"Yeah...And fireballs...."

"And throwing shuriken...".....

Kakashi was speechless when he was surrounded by three people and a reindeer.

Kakashi suddenly felt that the ninja industry was like a kind of star in this world.

As a last resort, he had to show some basic ninjutsu, such as transformation, clone, substitute or fire escape....

After watching Kakashi's performance, Luffy's eyes suddenly lit up with stars.

"Amazing....I...Can I learn ninjutsu?"

In this way, Kakashi became the most popular person present..........

After the banquet, the Thousand Sunny started sailing again, and Lili and her father got off the ship midway.

"good...The next goal is to find Ace's grave and the Flame-Flame Fruit!"

Luffy shouted from the bow of the Thousand Sunny.

"But we don't know where Ace's grave is....It is also difficult to find a Flame-Flame Fruit in the ocean...."

Nami raised a very crucial question.

Ace subconsciously looked at Ike when he heard Nami's words. He had an illusion that Ike would know where the Flame-Flame Fruit was.

As for himself and his father's grave? In fact, Ace had his own guess.

Only the Flame-Flame Fruit is a trouble. After all, looking for a specific devil fruit in the sea is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

Just as Ace thought, Ike stood up and said,"The Flame-Flame Fruit should be in Dressrosa, and as for Ace's grave, it should be in Whitebeard's hometown!"

"Then I! Then we will go to that Desa first.....Then go to the hometown of the old man with white beard....".....

At the same time, in the Admiral's office at the Navy Headquarters

, Akainu slammed the table, stared at the flying squirrel below and asked:

"What did you say? Fire Fist Ace is still alive....Are you sure you read it right?"

"That's right...."The flying squirrel answered with certainty,"And I also saw Straw Hat Boy Luffy hugged him and called him brother. Even if I was wrong, Straw Hat Boy would not be wrong."

Upon hearing this, Akainu took a deep puff of his cigar and then said,"Let Fujitora go and hunt down Ace immediately. Try not to let the news that Ace is still alive spread!"

"If you see Ace, kill him without mercy!"

Just when the signalman was about to pass on the order, he was stopped by Akainu."Wait a minute!"...Let's call the Green Bull! Just to see how strong he is...."

After the signalman and the flying squirrel left, Akainu took out the Den Den Mushi and started to contact the top leaders of the World Government to report the incident.......

On the other side.

After several days of sailing, the Thousand Sunny arrived at an island of ice and fire, Punk Hazard.

The reason for coming here is that Luffy received a call for help.

Originally, Ike and Ace planned to fly directly to Whitebeard's hometown, Sphinx Island, but after hearing the call, they immediately thought of Momonosuke.

After thinking of Momonosuke, Ike suddenly didn't want to leave.

In this way, Ike and Ace also landed on Punk Hazard Island with the Straw Hat Pirates.......

After landing in Punk Hazard, Ike left alone. He wanted to find Momonosuke alone and do things quietly.

"Momonosuke...It should be in the underground garbage dump now!"

Thinking of this, Ike took out the sheep charm that he had just won in the lottery. He planned to use his soul to search for a wave to accurately locate it.

Although Punk Hazard is not big, it is still a bit difficult to find a person accurately.

But with the sheep charm, it is different. Ike had tested the sheep charm before when he was on the Thousand Sunny.

The sheep charm is a little different from the one in the animation. When the soul is out of the body, Ike can not only ignore obstacles, but also ignore the so-called concept of space.

This is a feeling like when Doctor Strange used the soul-out magic for the first time.

Naturally...Ike has also tested the ability of the Sheep Charm to enter other people's dreams, which is very interesting.....It's just fun. So far, Ike hasn't found any way to use the Sheep Spell except for fun and intelligence gathering.

It's not that he hasn't found it, but he hasn't started trying it yet.

After leaving Punk Hazard, Ike plans to use the Sheep Spell to take Ace and Luffy into Kaido's dream, and then ask Kaido to give him and his friends some lessons.

Ike really wants to learn Haki now, but...

The annoying thing is that, just like learning Nen ability, Ike's comprehension is really not good. He has been learning from Ace for more than a month and still hasn't gotten started.....This is not because I don't have enough understanding, but because Ace doesn't know how to teach........

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