
King's Castle.

Doflamingo's forehead was covered with blue veins. He was extremely angry.

""Luo, you are such a disobedient child!"

Doflamingo stood up while speaking. He was going to Punk Hazard to take back Caesar and capture Luo.

As for the Straw Hat Boys? Doflamingo didn't even take them seriously.......

The view returned to Punk Hazard.

Monet grabbed Caesar and flew towards the secret passage deep in the laboratory, followed by Ace.

The captured Caesar kept hitting the clappers in his hand, and there were bursts of explosions around Ace, but as a natural fruit ability user, these explosions were useless.

"Faster, faster...."

Seeing Ace getting closer and closer, Caesar began to urge Monet to speed up. He didn't want to be hit in the face by the domineering fist again!

Monet was also helpless! His body was transformed by Law using the surgery fruit. Although he can fly, he is not a light bird after all. He can only fly so fast by holding a person!

If Caesar was not too important to the young master, Doflamingo, Monet would have left this pervert and ran away by himself.....

Just when Monet was considering sacrificing himself to save Caesar's life, Ace's arm suddenly stretched out, and then a rubber gun shot Monet on the back.

Monet felt pain and fell to the ground. The unlucky Caesar fell on his face first, and his nosebleed, which had stopped, began to bleed again.

""Okay! You can't escape, follow me!"

Ace walked forward and said to Monet who stood up and Caesar who was covering his nose.

"Caesar....You go first!"

As he spoke, Monet threw a Den Den Mushi to Caesar and said,"This is a Den Den Mushi that can be used to contact the young master. Go quickly! Contact the young master immediately after leaving here."

Upon hearing this, Caesar immediately took the Den Den Mushi, and without even saying thank you, he turned around and ran away.

Ace's main target was Caesar, so it was impossible for him to escape.

"I respect those who are aware of their inner thoughts!"

Ace looked at Monet. He knew that he would not be able to pass through this not-so-wide passage without defeating Monet.

Then, flames burned around Ace.

Ace had already seen the ability of Monet's fruit, the Snow-Snow Fruit, which could restrain the Flame-Flame Fruit 100%.

Monet also knew that his fruit was restrained, so he did not intend to fight head-on, he just wanted to delay time.

Monet began to use his ability, and the heavy snow blocked this not-so-wide passage in an instant, and then the soft snow began to squeeze, and soon turned into a hard wall made of snow.

But this was not enough, Monet began to retreat, and then continued to thicken the snow wall, with the purpose of delaying more time.

Ace pushed the brim of his hat, then raised his hand and blasted out with a fire fist, which instantly turned red and melted the snow wall of more than ten meters.

Monet on the other side felt the movement and said to himself,"It looks like I can stop him!"

But just as Monet had this thought, the snow wall in front of her began to wriggle, and then Ace, who turned white, walked out of the snow wall.

This was the ability of the Slime Fruit developed by Ace, element assimilation.

When Ace's body turned from white back to normal, Monet also fell into despair.

Then, without waiting for Monet to make a move, Ace's fist covered with domineering power hit her stomach without mercy.......

After dealing with Monet, Ace chased after Caesar again.

Without Monet, Caesar's speed would be much slower. After all, Monet was flying, while Caesar was just floating.

"asshole....Bastard Law, Bastard Ace, Bastard Smoker....."

"When I meet you again, I will definitely let you taste my...."

""What do you want me to taste?"

Suddenly, Ace's voice sounded behind him, which made Caesar turn his head stiffly. When he saw Ace's smiling face, Caesar felt sick.

"Monet, that loser, was defeated so quickly...."

After cursing inwardly, Caesar grabbed the air and the oxygen around him disappeared instantly.

Ace felt very uncomfortable because he couldn't breathe.

Seeing this, Caesar laughed triumphantly and said,"Hahaha! It must be very uncomfortable not to be able to breathe!"

"Want to know where the oxygen has gone?"

While speaking, Caesar waved his hand and a lightsaber made of oxygen appeared in his hand.

"It's all here!"

After a smug smile, Caesar swung his sword towards Ace's head, bringing up a burst of flames.

Seeing that the lightsaber was about to chop down, Ace stopped pretending and dodged the attack. Then he accelerated his feet and punched Caesar's nose with another punch covered with armed color domineering. The third injury made Caesar feel like his face was not his own!

But even so, he was still very confused. How did Ace bear the pain caused by the lack of oxygen?

He had used this trick to trick many people, but today he completely failed.

Just as Caesar was struggling to get up, he saw that behind Ace there were thumb-sized Aces constantly moving. The small

Ace absorbed oxygen in the vacuum area and brought it to Ace's body, and then Ace's body split into small Aces to receive oxygen. This cycle continued, and Ace would not be short of oxygen at all.

In fact, this was what Ike had told Ace before.

Logically speaking, Caesar's ability was to steadily restrain Ace. After all,...Without oxygen, the flame cannot burn.

Fortunately, Ace is now a dual-fruit ability user, so this kind of restraint is not a big deal.

The only problem is the lack of oxygen.

However, Ace did say that he already had a solution, and then Ike put the oxygen tank back......

"Caesar, I don't want to eat���If you want to be my leader, follow me!"

As he spoke, Ace punched Caesar in the nose again.

"asshole....I didn't say I didn't want to go with you, why did you hit me again!"

"Oh! Ike told me that it’s better to communicate with scum like you while doing it!"


Although he didn't know who Ike was, the name had been deeply engraved in Caesar's mind.......

In this way, Ace carried Caesar, who had basically no ability to resist, and Monet, who was unconscious, back to the main laboratory.

At this time, the laboratory was very lively.

Because the Punk Hazard's nest had been raided, except for Captain America who was responsible for helping to guard the ship and some of the G5 rogue navy, everyone else came to the laboratory.

They also found a lot of things here.

There were Caesar's experimental records, records of cooperation with Doflamingo, records of cooperation with Big Mom, and those giant children......

After understanding everything, Chopper was the most angry person present.

The second most angry person was the rogue navy of the G5 branch.

No one expected that their most respected base commander, Vergo, was actually a pirate, and.......The children who disappeared some time ago were actually captured by him and brought here for Caesar to experiment on.....

Seeing that their men were more frustrated, Smog took a deep cigar, and then said nothing about them, and then the cute Daski psychological guidance of them made them come out of the depressed emotions.

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