"Oh! You are all here!"

Ace returned to the laboratory, put Caesar and Monet on the ground, and greeted everyone.

Luffy, who had just looted Caesar's kitchen, saw Ace and immediately shared the large amount of food he had looted.

Caesar was angry but could not say anything when he saw his home was raided.

"There is so much food here, let's have a party!"

Luffy shouted, holding up a huge piece of meat.

When Law heard that they were going to have a party, he immediately refused.

"no...I think Doflamingo should be here soon!"

Hearing what Law said, Ace shrugged and said,"If Doflamingo dares to come, we will kill him directly! What are you afraid of?"

"No....Doflamingo is not the problem, the real problem is Kaido who is working with him! If we kill Doflamingo, then....Kaido will vent his anger on us!"

"Therefore, we should leave here first, and then sneak into Dressrosa to destroy Doflamingo's factory, so that Kaido can focus on him. This is the best option."

In fact, Law really doesn't understand the Straw Hat Pirates.

As long as the so-called plan is related to the Straw Hat Pirates, it will all become a bubble.

The best option for cooperating with the Straw Hat Pirates is to have no plan and follow your heart. In simple terms, just lie down and don't bother thinking about it.

This is also the experience that Law summed up later.......

Luffy pouted when he was not allowed to hold the party.

But Rock didn't care about that. He opened the largest ROOM space and included the entire laboratory. He then began to search for all the survivors in the laboratory and transferred them all to the central laboratory.

In an instant, there were hundreds of people in the hall of the central laboratory.

Among them were the G5 navy who were still searching in the laboratory, Chopper and Nami who were looking for the giant child, the staff of the experimental base, and Caesar's men.

Of course, there was also Momonosuke with dazed eyes in the garbage dump, and Kin'emon's hind legs and head who were abandoned halfway here by Luffy.

Momonosuke was also stunned to see so many people around him.

But when he saw Nami, Tashigi, Robin, and Ruku,....When he saw a few pretty girls, he peed his pants and his body was shaking.

Ike also saw Momonosuke. Seeing Momonosuke's current condition, he thought to himself,"The treatment is good. I'll consolidate it when I have time. It will probably be completely healed in a while.""

"Is that you? Momonosuke...."

At this moment, Kin'emon's voice sounded. At this time, Kin'emon's head was chopped into many pieces by Law, like building blocks.

Hearing Kin'emon's voice, Momonosuke finally came back to his senses from the horror.

But before Momonosuke could say anything, Luffy came to Kin'emon's head with a surprised look on his face and started to fiddle with it.

Soon Kin'emon's head was put together in a mess.

In the end, Law couldn't bear it anymore and directly used his ability to restore his head....Luffy and his friends might be able to play here for an entire afternoon. Kin'emon

's head had no choice but to be connected to his legs. After all, his upper body was still in the ice and snow, and Law's fruit ability could not be used that far........

After finishing everything, Luo came to the control room of the experimental base to start the timed self-destruction, and then took everyone away.

But before he pressed the button, the Den Den Mushi of the G5 Navy rang.

Dashiki picked up the Den Den Mushi in confusion.

As soon as the Den Den Mushi was picked up, she burst into tears.

"Sister Dashiqi....Smoking Boss, hurry up...Come to the rescue...Save Mister Rogers...."

At the same time, the system in Ike's mind sent the news that Captain America Steve Rogers had died.

Hearing this news, Ike was not feeling well.............

Ten minutes ago.

On the coast of Punk Hazard, the G5 navy warships and the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunny stopped here.

Rogers and several G5 navy officers were grilling fish together on the shore.

Because the Fire Island was too hot, it was more acceptable to be cool than hot, so they drove the boat here.

Several rogue navy officers only talked to Rogers for a short time and were conquered by his personality charm.

And Rogers also felt that these navy officers who looked like rogues were not bad people, but just a little more vicious.

Just as Captain America was eating and chatting with the rogue navy officers, a figure suddenly appeared. The man was very tall, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a pink feather coat, like a flamingo.

This person was none other than Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was angered by Law.

The reason why he could arrive here so quickly was because he did not come here by himself, but rode the Rotating Fruit Buffalo.

In the original novel, Buffalo and Baby were the first to arrive, but they were caught by the Straw Hat Pirates. After a phone call, they arrived the next day. Unfortunately, they failed to catch Law and the Straw Hat Pirates, but the G5 branch and Smoker suffered.

This time, Buffalo arrived first on a helicopter, just to be able to block Law.

After seeing Doflamingo, G5 recognized his identity immediately.

"you....You are the Seven Warriors...."

Before the rogue navy could finish his words, a bullet pierced his head.

Just as he was about to attack the second person, a shield blocked him, and the bullet hit the star shield and bounced out.

"He has no grudge against you, why do you want to kill him?"

Captain America put down his shield and asked coldly

"Ants have nothing against your shoes!"

After saying that, Doflamingo swung out a five-colored thread, intending to cut Captain America and his shield into several pieces.

But what Doflamingo didn't expect was that his indestructible five-colored thread couldn't even cut Captain America's shield.....

Captain America raised his shield and shouted to the G5 Marines behind him,"You go get help, I'll stop him!"

Just as Captain America finished speaking, another super whip came towards his side.

Doflamingo was sure to win this attack, but I don't know why.���Well, Captain America's shield seemed to have a tracking function and blocked his attack again.

The few G5 marines standing behind Captain America did not choose to stay and help, because they knew that if they stayed, they would only make things worse. Except for one marine who was still standing there stupidly, all the other marines started to get into the car. One of the marines who escaped even took out a Den Den Mushi.

As soon as the Den Den Mushi was connected, a gunshot suddenly rang out, and then everyone saw that the soldier who had been standing there stupidly actually fired a shot at Captain America's back.

This was of course not because the marine was crazy, but because...He was controlled by Doflamingo.

The shot was too close and went straight through Captain America's chest.

Seeing this, the Marine holding the Den Den Mushi cried out:

"Sister Dashiqi....Smoking Boss, hurry up...Come to the rescue...Save Mister Rogers...."

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