Rogers' death was somewhat unexpected for Ike

"Damn..."Who killed Rogers?"

Ike yelled at Den Den Mushi.

Everyone looked at Ike. Den Den Mushi only said to save Rogers, but didn't say Rogers was dead.....

But seeing Ike's look, everyone knew that Rogers might really be dead.

After hearing about his companion's death, Luffy lost the mood to hold a party. Ace punched Caesar in the face and planned to rush over to avenge Rogers.

Rogers was sincere and had a strong personality. Although they didn't get along for a long time, both Ace and the Straw Hat Pirates regarded him as a friend.

"yes...The Seven Warlords of the Sea...It's Doflamingo."

Ike's face darkened when he heard that. Just as he spread his wings behind him and planned to fly over to avenge Rogers, he suddenly thought of something.

He had drawn a gold-level item before. Originally, he planned to use it as a weapon for himself, but because of the special nature of the weapon, he never took it out.

That weapon was Mjolnir, Thor's hammer from the Marvel world.

"I wonder if Mjolnir can save his life!"

As he spoke, Ike took out the Thor's Hammer he had drawn before.

When Ike got the Thor's Hammer, he felt a force of thunder and lightning entering his body.

Since it was a product of the system, this Thor's Hammer directly regarded himself as Thor.

Holding Thor's hammer, Ike said to himself,"Let's take a gamble! See if you can save Rogers' life!"

After he finished speaking, Ike threw Thor's hammer towards Rogers' position.

Just after Ike threw Thor's hammer, he flew out of the laboratory and flew towards the shore of Winter Island.

Seeing this, the others also left the laboratory and ran towards the place where the boat was parked.

Luo handcuffed Monet and Caesar with seastone handcuffs, and then started the countdown for the laboratory to self-destruct before leaving.

Caesar's men found that the laboratory was about to self-destruct, and they also fled here. They wanted to resist. After all, Caesar was a benefactor to them, but....It is really impossible to resist, the enemy is too strong!......

At the same time, on the shore of Winter Island, after controlling the G5 soldiers to deal with Rogers, Doflamingo walked towards the fleeing G5 Marines with a heartless pace.

But before he could do anything, a series of violent heartbeats sounded.

Doflamingo looked back in surprise and saw that Rogers, who was lying on the ground and had no breath of life, had his chest heaving violently, and there were strands of lightning entwined around him.

""Not dead yet?"

Doflamingo murmured, and slashed at Rogers' neck with his fingers, intending to chop off his head and send him away completely. Just as the thread was about to hit Rogers' neck, a lightning suddenly fell from the sky. At the same time, Rogers also raised one hand to catch the lightning.

Rogers stood up from the ground after catching the lightning.

The G5 rogue navy standing behind him were all moved to tears when they saw this scene.

"Very good....Mister Rogers is not dead"

"At least he's not dead. Big Smoker will be here soon and will definitely defeat that Shichibukai!"......

Rogers looked at the Thor's hammer in his hand with a confused look on his face, thinking to himself,"Isn't this Thor's hammer? How did it get here?"

Just as Rogers was wondering, a long whip came towards him.

Rogers knew that now was not the time to think about this. He held up a shield with his right hand to block the whip, and then used Thor's hammer in his left hand to smash towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo sneered at this. It was just a broken hammer. He stretched out his hand to take it directly.

There was a"bang"....""Click..."After two sounds, Doflamingo's left hand was directly deformed!

After Rogers summoned back Thor's hammer, he laughed and said,"Thor's hammer is not so easy to catch!"

Doflamingo was very angry, and used the Thread-Thread Fruit to repair the fracture of his left hand, and then attacked Rogers again.

Not only that, several parasitic threads were inserted into the bodies of several rogue marines in the distance.

The rogue marines were immediately out of control after being parasitized by the parasitic threads, and everyone raised their guns and pointed them at Rogers.

Rogers had already suffered from this move, so he was naturally prepared. He just swung Thor's hammer lightly, and several thumb-thick lightning bolts struck several marines, knocking them unconscious.

""Boy, what's your name?"

As he asked Rogers' name, a domineering aura rose to the sky.

Doflamingo wanted to crush Rogers in terms of momentum.

But was Rogers so easy to crush? The belief in his heart would never allow him to bow his head.

"Steve Rogers."

After introducing himself, Rogers rushed towards Doflamingo again with his shield raised.

Doflamingo knew that Rogers' troubles depended entirely on the shield and hammer in his hands, so he didn't plan to fight head-on.

He simply closed his eyes, used his observation Haki to the extreme, and began to dodge while looking for flaws in Rogers' attacks.

But at this moment, a flash of lightning burst out from Thor's hammer, and lightning bolts as thick as his arms struck Doflamingo.

His observation Haki sensed the danger, and Doflamingo had to dodge with all his strength.

After dodging the first wave of lightning, the second and third waves came......

Rogers realized how big the physical gap was between him and the man in front of him, so he had to change his job from a warrior to a mage.....

Doflamingo was very depressed. He could feel the threat to his life from the lightning, so he didn't dare to take it head-on.

But it wasn't his character to just hide like a clown.

���Fortunately, he used his trump card [Fruit Awakening!]

He began to touch the ground with his hands while dodging, and soon the snow on the ground turned into silk threads.

A large number of silk threads gathered together to form waves.

""Shield white line!"

Doflamingo immediately manipulated countless silk threads to form a shield to block the attack of lightning, while Doflamingo himself began to speed up and planned to approach Rogers.

As long as he could get close to Rogers and fight him hand-to-hand, Doflamingo believed that with his level of observation Haki, he would definitely be able to find his flaws and then kill him with one blow.

The white line continued to block the attack of lightning, but no matter how tough the line was, it was still a line, and lightning could easily defeat the white line.

Doflamingo could only choose to approach Rogers while creating more silk threads to block the attack of lightning.....

Finally, Doflamingo came to Rogers.

"Foot shaving line...."

After reaching Rogers, Doflamingo kicked him with a razor -sharp kick, but it was easily blocked by the Vibranium Shield.

Just as Rogers was swinging Thor's hammer to counterattack, another Doflamingo suddenly appeared behind him and kicked Rogers in the side with the same razor-sharp kick, sending him flying, leaving several deep bloody marks on his waist.

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