When the navy soldiers saw Ike falling from the sky, they all raised their guns and pointed them at him.

Seeing this, Ike took out the commission letter of the civilian navy and handed it over, saying,"I am a member of the civilian navy. I am Admiral Ike of the civilian navy."

The major took the commission letter and saw the seal of the navy headquarters on it. He knew it should be real, and....The fact that the Navy has withdrawn the bounty order shows that this ship has a strong background, so it is better not to provoke it.

The major first made a gesture to his men around him to put down their guns, and then returned the appointment letter to Ike Dao.

""Sir, this private navy, have you ever seen a little girl?"

Ike shook his head decisively when he heard that."No! We still have a mission assigned by Vice Admiral Garp, so I won't say much."

The major saluted and watched Ike fly back to the Golden Merry when he heard that.

Seeing that the major had let the person go, Eric said in a somewhat unhappy tone,"Hey! Sir, major, don't you even do a search? How are you going to explain to Admiral Nelson?"

Although Eric is a mercenary, he actually hopes to get the thousand-year dragon's keel the most in this mission. After all, who doesn't want to live forever!

Abis is the key to getting the clue of the thousand-year dragon's keel. Eric doesn't want to miss this clue. His intuition tells him that Abis is definitely on that pirate ship.

The major shook his head and said nothing. In fact, even if Abis was really on that ship, he didn't dare to search. Can the background of withdrawing a bounty of 30 million be simple?

"Go back and report this to Admiral Nelson first! I will take the initiative to accept the punishment!"

After saying this, the major ordered his men to set sail and go back.........

After Ike returned to the Golden Merry, he used the shrinking flashlight to shrink everyone back to their original size.

Luffy's stomach became bloated because he ate a lot of meat, but when he returned to his original size, his stomach also returned to normal.

This made Luffy suddenly feel an indescribable sense of emptiness.

Seeing Luffy's drooping face, Ike smiled and said,"You feel it! After becoming smaller, you can only experience the pleasure of eating, but you can't eat enough!"

Luffy was a little disappointed when he heard this, but....It's also nice to experience the feeling of eating meat.

"Just now a warship chased us, it seems to be here to search for Abis!"

Ike repeated what happened just now.

After hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Abis.

Seeing this, Abis hurriedly explained,"That.....I don’t know what the navy is going to do with me!"

"I did escape from the navy before....."

Seeing Abis like this, everyone knew that she must be hiding something.

But since they had already agreed to send her home, everyone didn't say anything else. They couldn't just throw her off the boat just because she concealed something! This is not the style of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The style of the Straw Hat Pirates is that thieves can cause trouble, they are never afraid of trouble, they just like to cause trouble.

Just when Abis was a little embarrassed, Nami pointed to an island in the distance that looked like a warship and said,"We're here, Gunkanjima."

After hearing Nami's words, everyone came to the deck and saw the appearance of Gunkanjima. It was indeed like a huge warship......

As the Golden Merry approached the shore, they saw a group of villagers holding weapons and waiting nervously.

Luffy laughed and said,"So many people are waiting to welcome us!"

"Idiot!" Nami rolled her eyes at Luffy and said,"It's obvious that they are here to deal with us!"

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Ike first let Abis get off the boat and explain to the villagers.

Knowing that the Straw Hat Pirates were good pirates, many villagers also laid down their weapons.

In this way, everyone came to her grandfather's house under the leadership of Abis.

The old man said that he would use exclusive buns to thank the Straw Hat Pirates for sending Abis home.

Naturally....Luffy was also very interested in the old man's exclusive buns, so he waited with everyone and listened to the old man's stories.......

At the same time, the major and Eric returned to the main ship and reported what had happened to Admiral Nelson. Admiral

Nelson was as big as a mountain of flesh, holding a small folding fan in his hand. After listening to the report from his major, he narrowed his eyes.

"If you can't even do this, what else can you do?"

"Knowing that the other party has a background, you won't pretend not to know, and arrest the little girl on the boat first?" Upon hearing this, the major immediately lowered his head and dared not speak again. Seeing this, Admiral Nelson waved his hand and said,"All troops, listen up, set off for Battleship Island!"

Nelson's idea was very simple. Since the little girl was from Battleship Island, other people on Battleship Island should also have clues about the Millennium Dragon. As for what to do if they encounter the Straw Hat Pirates?

What else can they do? If they block them, of course they will kill them directly. Is there any need to explain for killing a pirate worth 30 million? As for the cancellation of the wanted order? Just say you don't know!

Just like that, under the order of Admiral Nelson, dozens of warships sailed towards the direction of Battleship Island.......

On the other side.

Except for Ike who was practicing boxing outside, everyone else in the Straw Hat Pirates was basically drowsy because of the old man's story.

Just when Ike was concentrating on practicing boxing, he saw Abis sneaking into the kitchen, putting the steamed buns into a bag, and carrying the bag to run towards the mountain of Gunkanjima.

Before Ike could catch up, Luffy followed him with his nostrils open, following the smell of the buns. It was obvious that he was sleepwalking.

In this way, Luffy smelled the smell of the buns, and Ike followed Luffy, and behind Ike was Nami.

Several people came to a cave on the mountain of Gunkanjima together.

A thousand-year-old dragon that was about to die of old age was lying in this cave.

Abis saw Luffy, Ike and Nami chasing after him, and subconsciously wanted to protect the thousand-year-old dragon.

Luffy walked up and didn't look at the thousand-year-old dragon, but directly opened the bag of buns and started eating crazily.

At this time, Luffy still didn't wake up.

Seeing Luffy eating the buns she prepared for Lord Long, Abis's face turned red with anger.

"Luffy...That...That's what I gave to Lord Long!"

Abis' voice immediately woke up Luffy who was still sleepwalking.

After Luffy ate the bun in his mouth and hand, he asked in confusion,"Where am I?"

At this time, Luffy noticed that there was a huge monster in front of him.

"Wow....what is this..."It's amazing!" As he spoke, Luffy pounced on it and stroked it while saying excitedly,"It's actually alive, so amazing!"..."

Abis kept pulling Luffy, but Luffy didn't move.

Luffy looked into the eyes of the Dragon Lord and asked,"You're so amazing! Where are you from?"

Hearing Luffy's words, the Millennium Dragon raised his eyelids and looked at him with his lifeless eyes.

With this one look, Luffy felt the sadness in the Millennium Dragon's heart.

"So that's it....You want to go back to your hometown!"

Abis didn't expect Luffy to be able to hear the voice of Lord Long.

Luffy said that he just felt it, but he couldn't hear the voice of Lord Long.

Ike knew that this was Luffy's talent, the talent of listening to everything.

"I said....Is this really a dragon? I think it looks more like a bird!"

Ike walked up to him and looked at him carefully before saying

"Lord Long is a dragon! He is a thousand-year-old dragon!"

Abis said with certainty, and then repeated the real reason why the navy arrested her.

"Thousand-year-old dragon bones? Elixir of life?"

Nami was also a little surprised, thinking to herself,"This old dragon can be used to make elixir of life? Wouldn't it be very valuable?"

Just then, the Poké Ball in Nami's pocket flashed white light, and Psyduck appeared inexplicably and began to steal the spotlight and presence.

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