After knowing the situation of Lord Long, Luffy planned to take Lord Long away from here to find his hometown.

Ike knew that Gunkanjima was actually Lord Long's hometown. It was also the place where the Millennium Dragons returned to their nests, and it was also the place where the Millennium Dragons hatched new Millennium Dragons.

It was just that Lord Long was a lost Millennium Dragon, and he was too old and confused, so he couldn't remember this nesting place.

In fact, the death of a Millennium Dragon would also choose to be in its nesting place. The reason why Lord Long was entrenched here was because he knew that this was the place where he would return to his roots. This was an animal instinct.

Just when Ike wanted to say this, Usopp rushed into the cave in a hurry.

"Luffy....Ike....Nami...Oh no...."

Seeing Luffy and the other two, Usopp leaned on his knees and panted while saying,"Navy...The Navy has surrounded the Battleship Island."

After taking a breath, Usopp opened his eyes.

Seeing the huge Dragon Lord, Usopp's eyes widened......

"I go...this...What is this?"

No reason���Usopp was surprised. Ike frowned and said,"It seems....We are in trouble!"

Ike didn't expect that even after revealing his identity and saying that he was Garp's subordinate, he still couldn't scare the navy.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense, after all, it is the temptation of immortality.

Moreover, it is not only the navy who hopes to be immortal, but also the bastards of the Celestial Dragons!

As long as the elixir of immortality is presented to the Celestial Dragons, it is estimated that the fat Admiral Nelson will be promoted and make a fortune!......

"Ike, what should we do?"

Nami looked at Ike and asked.

Nami knew that although she and her friends were pirates, they were also civilian navy. If they really fought with the navy,.....The identity of the private navy will be in jeopardy.

Ike fell into deep thought when he heard this.

When he glanced at Long Ye, he immediately thought of a good idea.

"Luffy, go call Sanji and Zoro back, I have a solution!"

Luffy trusted Ike very much, and without asking what the solution was, he rushed out of the cave to find Zoro and Sanji.......

Ten minutes later, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates gathered at the cave.

Ike first told him about Lord Long's situation and said that he would not hand him over.

After learning of Ike's thoughts, Zoro pushed out the Wado Ichimonji with his thumb and said,"So we still have to fight?"

Ike nodded and said,"We do have to fight, but....Not in our capacity, but....Millennium Dragon!"......

On the other side, the navy fleet led by Admiral Nelson directly surrounded the entire Gunkanjima Island.

They also captured several villagers from Gunkanjima Island and forced them to reveal the whereabouts of Abis.

"hehe....That little girl actually returned to Gunkanjima, that's great!"

After hearing what Admiral Nelson said, a colonel under his command asked doubtfully,"Admiral Nelson, what about the Straw Hat Boys?"

"Hmm? What else can we do? If they try to stop us, we will kill them!"

At this point, Admiral Nelson looked at the sparse civilians on Gunkanjima with a fierce look in his eyes and said,"If.....These ordinary people are preventing us from obtaining the dragon bones, but I will kill them anyway!"

Nelson's men didn't expect him to be so crazy, and they were even more afraid of this mountain of meat.

"correct....Where is that Eric?"

Hearing Nelson's question, the Navy Captain replied,"It seems that he went to the Battleship Island first...."

Just as the naval captain finished speaking, a series of beast roars came from the depths of the Battleship Island.

Along with the roars, four huge creatures flew out from the depths of the Battleship Island.

They had dragon-like heads and bird-like feathers on their bodies. Although they looked more like birds,....Admiral Nelson recognized it at first sight. It was the Millennium Dragon he had been searching for.

"Those are Millennium Dragons.....quick...."Hurry up and shoot them down!"

Nelson shouted excitedly.

Upon hearing Nelson's order, many navy soldiers set up their guns and started firing at several thousand-year dragons.

"Bang Bang Bang....."

Bursts of gunfire rang out, but they were easily dodged by several Millennium Dragons.

One of the Millennium Dragons kicked a warship with its claw, and the Millennium Dragon's huge body immediately kicked the warship into pieces.

Since Admiral Nelson's naval fleet was connected by iron chains, the Millennium Dragon's kick just now not only destroyed a warship, but also sank the warships on both sides into the sea.

At the same time, the other three Millennium Dragons also moved.

The claws of one of the Millennium Dragons suddenly became longer, and then swept across, instantly destroying three warships.

There was also a Millennium Dragon holding a huge piece of wood in its mouth, and its spread wings plus the wood in its mouth formed a three-sword ghost slash, which took away three more warships in one wave.

The last one grabbed a huge stone with its claws and sank a warship with the boulder.

In less than ten minutes, Admiral Nelson's fleet lost most of its fleet, which made him feel like a myocardial infarction.

"Admiral! We have suffered heavy losses, let's retreat!"

"Yes! If we continue, we....We will be annihilated! We cannot afford to provoke these thousand-year-old dragons!".....

Nelson was very unwilling to hear his subordinates' advice. After all,...This is the elixir of immortality he has always dreamed of!

At the same time, several millennium dragons in the air also started to communicate.

Millennium Dragon Luffy: I became a millennium dragon, so interesting!

Zoro Millennium Dragon: I didn't expect Ike to have such a method!

Sanji Millennium Dragon: But this is indeed a good idea!

Usopp Millennium Dragon: Hahaha.....Let's try Captain Usopp's stone throwing attack again!

Sanji Millennium Dragon: They're already in this state, why don't they retreat?

Zoro Millennium Dragon: It looks like we have to destroy that main ship!

Luffy Millennium Dragon: I'll do it, I'll do it...........

The sailors below naturally couldn't understand the communication between the Millennium Dragons. They could only see that the Millennium Dragons kept roaring, which made them more and more nervous, fearing that they would become the next target of the Millennium Dragons.

At this time, many navy soldiers had already landed on the Battleship Island, because it was too unsafe to be on the warship!

While Admiral Nelson was still struggling to decide whether to retreat, Luffy's Millennium Dragon had already flown towards his main ship.

Seeing this, Nelson quickly ordered his men to"Hurry up!"....Main gun, fire!"

But just when the navy soldiers were not adjusting the muzzle, Luffy Millennium Dragon was already standing on the deck of the main ship.

It must be said that the main ship is more than twice the size of other warships, and the deck is completely wide enough for Luffy Millennium Dragon to stand.

Seeing that the Millennium Dragon in front of him did not attack immediately, Nelson broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead and said,"It's all a misunderstanding......It's all a misunderstanding. I will withdraw my troops immediately!"

Luffy didn't listen to Nelson's words. At this moment, he was thinking about what moves he could use to sink the warship.

After thinking for a while, Luffy stretched his neck directly.

With the body size of the Millennium Dragon, if the neck was stretched instantly, the length would go straight to the sky.

When the neck was stretched to the longest, Luffy's neck rebounded instantly, and his head hit the deck of the warship directly.

There was a loud"boom!"...."With a loud bang, the main ship shattered instantly.

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