In the cave of Gunkanjima,

Ike put away the monkey charm.

Ike's previous plan was to turn Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp into Millennium Dragons, and then fight back as Millennium Dragons.

After all,....Nelson's goal is to kill the Millennium Dragon to obtain the dragon bone, so it is reasonable for the Millennium Dragon to fight back. This has nothing to do with the Straw Hat Pirates, a private naval group.......

At this time, only Ike, Nami, Abis and Psyduck who was walking back and forth with his head covered were left in the cave.

"that...."Can they beat the navy?"

Abis asked worriedly.

Hearing Abis' words, Nami smiled and said,"Don't worry! They are very strong."

Abis looked back at Lord Long. Only then did he realize that since he heard the roar of the Millennium Dragon transformed by Luffy and his companions, Lord Long's eyes have become brighter and brighter, as if he remembered something.

Ike knew that this should be Lord Long's last gasp.

After it calls its companions, it will be the end of its life. Similarly, the size of Gunkanjima will increase and become the home of the Millennium Dragon.

Just when Ike was about to fly out to check on the situation of the battle over Luffy and his companions, a slender figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The man wore small sunglasses, a neat suit, a purple crew cut, and one hand in his pocket, looking very cool.

The man was Eric, a mercenary hired by the navy.

Similarly, he is also a user of the sickle fruit, and his fingers can emit wind blades.

"I didn't expect that in addition to the thousand-year-old dragon outside, there is actually an old dragon here!"

Seeing Eric, Nami took out her nunchaku and blocked in front of Abis.

Eric glanced at Ike and Nami, and said coldly,"It's really an eyesore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Eric put his fingers together to form a knife and slashed at the two of them, and then two wind blades flew towards Ike and Nami.

Seeing this scene, Ike also put his fingers together to form a knife, and the same two wind blades blocked it.

"hehe....My name is Ike, your name is Eric, you use the wind, I use the wind too, don't you think you should disappear?"

Ike said coldly.

Seeing Ike's methods, Eric knew that the boy in front of him might be a strong enemy, and then he took out his hands from his pockets, intending to fight seriously.

Ike smiled, just in time to use him to try out his other golden item, the spirit bow.

Ike stretched out his right hand, revealing the cross bracelet on his wrist, and then he thought about it, and a blue and white spirit bow appeared in his hand.

Eric had a bad feeling when he saw this, and he planned to strike first, swinging his hands continuously, and then countless wind blades flew towards Ike.

"Let me chop it up!"

Seeing this, Ike calmly pulled the spirit bow.

At the same time, he said softly,"Wind Barrier...."The wind disperses!"

When the word"disperse" fell, all the wind blades released by Eric dissipated.

In the wind barrier, Ike can control any form of wind, and the wind blades that Eric slashed can be said to be countered by Ike.

Seeing this scene, Eric panicked even more.

Not only because the wind blades were ineffective, but also because the special effects on Ike's side were too dazzling.

The blue arrows that kept gathering made Eric's legs a little weak.

Just when Ike felt that nearly 10% of his physical strength had been drained away, his left hand released the bowstring, and then a blue arrow flew towards Eric.

Such a terrifying attack made Eric terrified. At this moment, he remembered running under the sunset that day, which was his lost youth.

If God gave him another chance, he would never look for the thousand-year-old dragon bones. Isn't it good to live in the present?....

After reminiscing about his youth, Eric fainted.

Ike's arrow didn't hit him, but shaved his hair.

It wasn't that Ike was soft-hearted, but....I really didn't shoot.

"I don't....Isn't he suitable to be an archer?"

Just as Ike was sighing, there was a sudden explosion in the distance.

Ike looked along the entrance of the cave and saw that the top of another mountain on Gunkanjima had been flattened. That was caused by the attack of the spirit bow.

"Damn, this spirit bow is powerful! Looks like I need to practice archery properly!"

Just when Ike was about to finish off Eric, he heard a burst of panting behind him.

Ike looked back and saw that Long Ye had actually stood up. Not only that, he was planning to walk out of the cave.

And Abis was constantly persuading him.

Abis is the user of the Whispering Fruit, she knew that Long Ye's health was very poor and he might really die if he walked out like this.

Long Ye looked at Abis deeply and said,"It's time!"...."

""It's time? What time?" Abis asked in confusion.

Long Ye did not answer, but spread his wings and flew into the air. Luffy and the other three who had successfully repelled the warship were curious to see Long Ye flying out.

At this moment, Long Ye looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.

"Time is up......"

"Time is up......."

Because they were transformed into Millennium Dragons, Luffy and his three companions could understand what Lord Long was shouting.

Usopp Millennium Dragon: What is Lord Long shouting? What time is it?

Luffy Millennium Dragon stared at the old dragon who was about to die in mid-air and said,"His time is almost up!"

Just as Luffy finished speaking, a group of Millennium Dragons flew over from a distance.

After these Millennium Dragons appeared, they began to circle in the air over the entire Battleship Island, and Lord Long was in the center of these circling Millennium Dragons.

Just when everyone didn't know what these Millennium Dragons were doing, the Battleship Island below suddenly began to shake.

Then....An island several times larger than Gunkanjima emerged from the sea. Gunkanjima only occupies a small part of this island.

All the warships surrounding the island were stranded because of the sudden rise of the island, and the navy on them were also panicked.

Not only the navy warships, but also the Golden Merry was stranded on the shoal.

When the island appeared, Lord Long fell from mid-air as if he had completed his mission.

Seeing this, Abis said with tears in her eyes,"So.......It turns out that Lord Long has always been in his hometown!"

Nami also suddenly said,"So that's it, the dragon cave is really here. The name of the millennium dragon does not come from their lifespan, but because they return to this island once every thousand years."

"Millennium dragons have the instinct to migrate, and their large-scale appearance now is not accidental, but inevitable, because this lost island only floats up once every thousand years!"

Abis didn't listen to Nami's words. At this time, his eyes were all on the Dragon Lord who was lying on the ground motionless.

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