"Yoho....There is actually a pretty boy here. Tie him up and send him to the captain. The captain will definitely reward him!"

While talking, two of the four pirates came to Ike with knives in hand.

"Boy, just surrender! Don't worry, our captain likes you very much......"

Without waiting for the supporting pirate to finish his words, Ike punched him in the chest.

But before Ike's fist touched the pirate, the pirate was blown away by the airflow from his fist, and fell into the sea for a long time without any signs of floating up.

Seeing this, the three pirates behind him gave up on other fat sheep and rushed towards Ike with knives.

Seeing this, Ike smiled, and then a visible airflow vortex appeared on his entire right arm.

Just as several pirates rushed over, he waved his arm, and the three pirates were knocked away.

"This is...."Tianlong's Wing Attack!"

Seeing the four vicious pirates being beaten away, several wealthy businessmen immediately bowed to Ike with their wives and daughters to express their gratitude.

"Don't be so polite, this is what our civilian navy should do!"

"Private Navy?"Several wealthy businessmen looked at each other in confusion. Is there a naval branch in the East China Sea called the Private Navy?

"alright...Hurry up and find a place to hide. Come out after I clear these pirates!" As soon as

Ike finished speaking, the system prompt appeared.

【Defeat four pirates. Ordinary pirate justice value +4】

Seeing this scene, Ike knew that his idea was right. The letter of appointment to the private navy that Garp casually gave him was useful! The system did recognize his identity as a navy.

Ike was very happy. In this case, he didn't need to join the navy.

It's not that Ike didn't want to join, but....As a member of the Navy, he is destined to work in the name of the Navy.

But if he becomes a Navy, he will face the dark and disgusting side of the World Government after he is promoted to a certain level.

With Ike's character who grew up under the red flag, maybe one day he will beat up the Celestial Dragons because he can't stand their cruelty and finally be expelled from the Navy. If he is expelled from the Navy,....Then my own system would be useless! So

, the current situation where I am a navy is the most perfect....Not only himself, but also Luffy, after all, his name is also on the appointment book!

Just as Ike had this thought, the system prompt popped up again in front of him, and the points were +6 again.

At the same time, there was a vibration at the cruise ship warehouse.

"What the hell? Could it be that Luffy will also gain points for defeating enemies?"

Thinking of this, Ike immediately ran towards the warehouse......

When Ike arrived at the warehouse, he saw a fat, heavily made-up middle-aged woman glaring at Luffy and a short pink-haired boy.

Luffy, who couldn't see the situation clearly, pointed at Alrita holding a mace and asked the pink-haired boy Kobi,"Who is this rude old lady?"

Kobi and the people around Alrita's pirate group opened their mouths wide when they heard Luffy address Alrita.

Then they all became terrified.

Just as the people around were preparing to kill Luffy, Ike came over.

"Luffy, you are so rude!

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw the handsome Ike walking towards them.

"Can't you see it? This is not an old lady! This is an old woman!"

Luffy was also suddenly enlightened when he heard what Ike said, and then he bowed deeply to Alrita's angry expression that could no longer be restrained.

"I'm sorry, old lady, I shouldn't have called you old lady."

Alrita finally couldn't hold it anymore, she yelled at the pirates around her,"Kill them!"...."

As she spoke, she raised her mace and smashed it down on Luffy's head.

The surrounding pirates saw this and knew that Luffy would definitely be crushed by their captain's mace, so they set their sights directly on Ike.

More than 20 pirates rushed towards Ike, while Ike took a deep breath without panicking.


After the pirates rushed to him, Ike used a dragon breath to take everyone away at once.

On the other side,

Luffy also called out the name of his move"Rubber Bazooka" and blasted the fat woman Alrita away.

At the same time, Ike also received the news that his points had increased.

Alrita was not an ordinary pirate, but an elite pirate, so his points were increased by 10.

Although Alrita had a bounty of 5 million and was also a captain,...Her own strength is really not good, so the points added are not much.

In the Grand Line, even if you defeat a pirate captain without a bounty, it is estimated that the points will be higher than that of Alrita.......

After the Alrita Pirates were defeated, the navy ships also rushed over.

Luffy saw this and pulled Coby and Ike to run away.

"Hello....Why are we running? We are the righteous private navy!"

Ike said as he shook off Luffy's hand.

Hearing what Ike said, I was a little confused. Luffy himself was going to be the man of the Pirate King, but Luffy's crew said they were the private navy. What kind of combination was this? And....What the hell is a civilian navy?

"We are pirates, so when we see the navy we have to run away!"

"I told you, we have credentials, there's no need to run!"

As he spoke, Ike took out the letter of appointment given by Garp.

Just at this moment, the navy ship also approached, and many navy jumped on the passenger ship.

Soon, the tourists who had been hiding came out one after another, and after seeing the navy, they slumped on the deck as if relieved.

At the same time, next to the Alrita pirate ship, an orange-haired girl was transporting the stolen vegetable buns to the small boat, and soon she quietly drove the boat away from this place of trouble.......

At this time, a captain of the Navy Division also noticed Ike, Luffy and Coby.

"Are you three tourists too?"

"No...We are pirates. My name is Luffy, and I am the man who will become the Pirate King!"

Luffy said to the navy captain in a firm tone.

The navy captain drew his sword decisively after hearing Luffy's words.

At this time, Ike came to the navy captain at a very fast speed and showed him the letter of appointment.

"brother...We are the same people. We are the civilian navy. I am the civilian navy admiral Ike, and that is the civilian navy marshal!"

Navy Captain:.....

"Do you think I'm an idiot?...."

Just when the captain of the navy was complaining in his heart, he found that the seal on the appointment letter in Ike's hand was actually the seal of the navy headquarters.

Ike not only took out the appointment letter, but also took out the dog-headed Den Den Mushi, which is unique to Garp.

When the captain saw this Den Den Mushi, he immediately believed that the other party was indeed the so-called private navy....

The positions of the private navy were too outrageous, a marshal and an admiral.

But if you think about it carefully, it is normal. Even the navy back to the headquarters and the distributed navy have a big gap in the same position, not to mention the private navy under the headquarters navy.

To call him an admiral, it is probably at most a major general, but the position of a major general is better than his small captain of the East China Sea branch.

Thinking of this, the navy captain suddenly became respectful.

Then he asked cautiously,

"Why did he say he wanted to become the sea?...."

"brother....Think carefully about what he said and you will understand,"

Ike said carefully.

The navy captain still didn't understand what Ike said.

Seeing this, Ike had to remind him,"What he just said was that he wanted to become.....The man of the Pirate King!"

After being reminded like this, the navy captain suddenly understood, and then looked at Luffy with an incredible look!

"And who do you think this Luffy is? He is Vice Admiral Garp's grandson! Vice Admiral Garp and the Pirate King had a love-hate relationship back then, and his grandson is no exception, and even awakened an incredible attribute!"

Marine Captain:....

The navy captain is now very nervous.

He is thinking,"Will I be silenced after hearing such a big secret?".......

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