Coby, who was not far away, was relieved to see that the navy and Ike were having a good chat.

"Luffy, what is Ike talking about with the Navy Commander?"

Luffy picked his nose and said,"I don't know." Luffy, who was picking his nose, suddenly opened his mouth and sneezed, but he didn't care and continued to pick his nose with another one.......

At the same time,

Garp, who was still in the doldrums, sneezed suddenly, thinking,"It's Sengoku banging the table again!"

Just as Garp finished speaking, Sengoku called.

"Karp....You've been hanging around outside long enough! Come back to headquarters!"

"knew...They're already on the way!" Karp said, picking his nose.

"besides.....Did you steal the senbei behind my bookcase?"

"well...A sea king appeared in front of me, I hung up first!".......

On the other side.

After arguing with the navy captain, Ike took Luffy and Coby and left here in a boat.

The navy even prepared fresh water and enough food for them.

"These navy uncles are really nice!"

Luffy said with a smile

"Isn't it because my identity as a private navy is useful enough!"Ike shrugged and said proudly.

Luffy knew that Ike must have mentioned his grandfather, but when he thought that Ike wanted to be a navy on his own pirate ship, then let him be!

It's good. In the future, there will be musicians, chefs, and navigators on his own ship......Add a navy, it's more interesting......

For the rest of the journey, Coby was in charge of sailing, Luffy was in charge of eating, and Ike was sitting by the boat in a daze.

To be more precise, he was looking at his system panel.

After the battle with the Alrita Pirates, Ike's account had more than 200 points added, which was enough for two silver draws.

The reason why he got so many points was not because he eliminated enough pirate groups, but because he saved a lot of people.

The Alrita Pirates were not large, and all the pirates together only had seventy or eighty people. There was even only one elite pirate, Alrita. Most of the more than 200 points came from the rescued passenger ship.

Since it is a justice navy system, there will be points whether you eliminate evil or support good.

The more civilians you save, the more points you will get......

After struggling for a long time, Ike finally decided to save the points and wait until he had enough points to do the Silver Ten-Draw. The

Silver Ten-Draw has a guarantee, which is that a silver-level item will definitely be drawn.

If you draw alone, you may get bronze rewards for many consecutive draws.

Ike doesn't think he is an absolute European emperor, so the miracle of a single draw is not a big deal.....He didn't hold out much hope.......

The three people's boat soon arrived at Shields Town. Ike knew that here, Luffy would meet Roronoa Zoro.....Luffy came to Shields Town because he knew about Zoro's existence......

"Mr. Luffy, it's really outrageous for you to have that kind of person as your partner!"

Coby wanted to persuade Luffy not to think about recruiting a monster-like existence like Zoro as a partner.

But Luffy smiled indifferently and said,"I haven't decided yet. If he is a good person,"

"He was arrested by the navy because he was a bad guy....."

After hearing what Coby said, Ike, who had been silent, spoke up,"Those who are captured by the navy are not necessarily bad people, and those who are in the navy are not necessarily good people!"

After hearing what Ike said, Coby stopped talking.

The short time he spent with Luffy made Coby realize that those who aspire to be pirates are not all bad people. Luffy is a good person. Naturally,...And Ike.

Ike, who didn't know he was being treated as a good guy, came to Luffy and said,"It's not that difficult to find the Three Swordsman Liu Zoro. He should be at the Navy's training ground.""

"Oh, is it so....Then let’s go to the training ground immediately!".....

Outside the naval base.

Luffy leaned against the wall and looked inside. In the center of the training ground, there was a man tied to a cross.

The man was wearing a green turban, a white T-shirt, a belly band around his waist, and three earrings on his left ear. This was Roronoa Zoro, the future swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Look, this is the guy! The Beast...."

Luffy laughed when he saw Zoro.

Ike, who was also lying on the wall, naturally saw Zoro.

Zoro was in a mess at this time. He was dirty all over and had traces of whipping. It was obvious that he had been tortured.

Luffy pointed at Zoro and said,"Let's let him go now!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Coby immediately roared,"Don't joke, he is that Zoro....."

Just as Coby finished speaking, a little girl climbed into the training ground from the other side of the wall. After entering the training ground, she trotted to Zoro and took out two rice balls. The tsundere Zoro naturally refused to eat the little girl's food, mainly because he was afraid that eating the little girl's food would bring danger to the little girl and her family.

In the end, Zoro could only roar to scare the little girl away, but the little girl was not afraid of Zoro's terrifying expression at all, because she knew that the big brother in front of her was a good man.

In fact....The reason why Zoro was tied here was because of this little girl.......

The little girl's family runs a restaurant. One day, Berumelber, the son of Colonel Monka, the highest commander of the naval base, was wandering the street with his dog.

If the dog is not on a leash, something will definitely happen. However, because of Berumelber's identity, no one would say anything even if his dog really bit someone, and they would only dare to curse in their hearts.

The dog broke into the restaurant run by the little girl's family and almost hurt her. At that time, Zoro beat up the dog and Berumelber.

Berumelber knew that he was no match for Zoro, so he threatened the lives of the little girl and his mother.

As long as Zoro could be tied up and survive for a month, the matter would be settled.

Having just gone to sea, he didn't know much about the so-called evil of human nature, so he agreed directly.

That's why Zoro was tied up......

Just when the little girl still wanted to persuade the Sauron dinner, the iron door of the school farm was opened, and then Belumeber walked in with a few navy.

Berumeber, wearing a sustainable suit, combing the oil, always had a lack of stunned expression.

"Zoro, it's wrong to bully a little girl like this....."

After saying that, Berumeber wanted to grab the rice ball and eat it himself.

But before he could reach out, a strong wind blew him away.

Then Ike and Luffy appeared behind the little girl.

And it was Ike who made the move.

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